Laplace Transform to Find Solution

In summary: I suggest you put appropriate parentheses in that last line so we don't have to guess what that right hand side is supposed to really be.Sorry - Edited!In summary, Inverse Laplace can be used to find the solution to a problem involving the Unit Step Function, but the process is not easy. Additionally, the Right Hand Side of the equation is just a summation of terms that can be simplified using the Laplace transform.
  • #1
Use Laplace transfer to find the solution of the following initial value problem:

where f(t) = cos(ωt) if 0<t<π and f(t)=0 if t>π ?

Also, y(0) = 0, y'(0) = 1

Currently, I have gotten to here, but not sure how to perform inverse Laplace:

(s+2)² * F(s) − 1 = [s/(s²+w²)] + e^(−πs) * [s/ (s²+ω²)]
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  • #2
jakejakejake said:
Use Laplace transfer to find the solution of the following initial value problem:

where f(t) = cos(ωt) if 0<t<π and f(t)=0 if t>π ?

Also, y(0) = 0, y'(0) = 1

Currently, I have gotten to here, but not sure how to perform inverse Laplace:

(s+2)² * F(s) − 1 = s/s²+w² + e−πs *s/ s²+ω²

I suggest you put appropriate parentheses in that last line so we don't have to guess what that right hand side is supposed to really be.
  • #3
Sorry - Edited!
  • #4
jakejakejake said:
Use Laplace transfer to find the solution of the following initial value problem:

where f(t) = cos(ωt) if 0<t<π and f(t)=0 if t>π ?

Also, y(0) = 0, y'(0) = 1

Currently, I have gotten to here, but not sure how to perform inverse Laplace:

(s+2)² * F(s) − 1 = [s/(s²+w²)] + e^(−πs) * [s/ (s²+ω²)]

After this point, you do some algebra to isolate F(s) by itself as the LHS of the equation.
Then you examine the resulting RHS and refer to a table of Laplace transforms to see if the resulting expressions in 's' can be algebraically manipulated into one or more of the forms in the table.
  • #5
SteamKing said:
After this point, you do some algebra to isolate F(s) by itself as the LHS of the equation.
Then you examine the resulting RHS and refer to a table of Laplace transforms to see if the resulting expressions in 's' can be algebraically manipulated into one or more of the forms in the table.

I isolated F(s):
F(s) = [[s/(s²+w²)] + e^(−πs) * [s/ (s²+ω²)]] + 1 / ((s+2)²)

But I have no idea how to manipulate it to look like the ones in the table...
  • #6
jakejakejake said:
I isolated F(s):
F(s) = [[s/(s²+w²)] + e^(−πs) * [s/ (s²+ω²)]] + 1 / ((s+2)²)

But I have no idea how to manipulate it to look like the ones in the table...

I think you have left out a factor of (1/s) when you formed the Laplace transform of the Unit Step Function, so check the F(s) equation.

Also, be careful when writing complicated rational terms: you want to make sure you use parentheses to correctly group the terms in the numerator and the denominator.

In order to analyze the F(s) expressions, split up a complicated sum into its component parts and analyze each term. After all, the Laplace transform of a sum = sum of the Laplace transforms. You will need to do even more algebra here.
  • #7
@ted s:

For the Right Hand Side, I got
L[coswt]+L[cos(ωt+π)], or s/(s^2+w^2) + L[cos(ωt+π)],
where cos(ωt+π), using the identity for cos(x+y), =cos(−ωt)
Therefore, the LHS is:
Is that not correct?
  • #8
jakejakejake said:
@ted s:

For the Right Hand Side, I got
L[coswt]+L[cos(ωt+π)], or s/(s^2+w^2) + L[cos(ωt+π)],
where cos(ωt+π), using the identity for cos(x+y), =cos(−ωt)
Therefore, the LHS is:
Is that not correct?

I'm a little rusty on this, but bear with me:

The original RHS for the ODE was:

f(t) = cos(ωt) if 0<t<π and
f(t) = 0 if t>π

which can be re-written as:

f(t) = cos(ωt) * [U(t) - U(t-π)],

where U(t-c) is the delayed Unit Step Function at t = π

I believe you have used the delayed unit impulse function δ(t-π) instead of the Unit Step Function in your re-writing of the RHS.

The delayed unit impulse function δ(t-π) = 1 at t = π and zero everywhere else.

The Unit Step Function U(t) = 1, when t > 0 and U(t) = 0 when t < 0, which also implies
that the Delayed Unit Step Function U(t-π) = 1 for t > π and zero everywhere else.
  • #9
jakejakejake said:
@ted s:

For the Right Hand Side, I got
L[coswt]+L[cos(ωt+π)], or s/(s^2+w^2) + L[cos(ωt+π)],
where cos(ωt+π), using the identity for cos(x+y), =cos(−ωt)
Therefore, the LHS is:
Is that not correct?

Using Maple, I get
[tex] {\cal L}(f)(s) = \int_0^{\pi} e^{-st} \cos(\omega t) \, dt
= \frac{s}{s^2+\omega^2} -\frac{\cos(\pi \omega) \, s\, e^{-\pi s}}{s^2+\omega^2}
+\frac{\omega \sin(\pi \omega) \, e^{-\pi s}}{s^2 + \omega^2} [/tex]
Wolfram Alpha gives the same result.
  • #10
I too plugged it into Wolfram Alpha and got that result. I guess I can agree to that, though I still do not see the direct process used to derive the second and third terms.
If somebody can assist, that would be great.

Secondly, this is only half the problem - once we have this, we have to inverse Laplace to find y(t), which I am still having trouble with. There are no easy ways to group it, once dividing everything by (s + 2)^2...
  • #11
jakejakejake said:
I too plugged it into Wolfram Alpha and got that result. I guess I can agree to that, though I still do not see the direct process used to derive the second and third terms.
If somebody can assist, that would be great.

Do you have the formula ##\mathcal L(f(t)u(t-a)) = e^{-as}\mathcal L(f(t+a))##? Your function is
$$\cos(\omega t)(1-u(t-\pi)) = \cos(\omega t) - \cos(\omega t)u(t-\pi)$$Use the above formula on that second term.
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  • #12
Right, but that just means the second term is e^(−πs)*L[cos(ωt+π)],
where cos(ωt+π), using the identity for cos(x+y), = cos(−ωt), no?
  • #13
jakejakejake said:
Right, but that just means the second term is e^(−πs)*L[cos(ωt+π)],
where cos(ωt+π), using the identity for cos(x+y), = cos(−ωt), no?

Not quite. If ##f(t) = \cos(\omega t)## then ##f(t+\pi) = \cos(\omega(t+\pi))=\cos(\omega t + \omega \pi)##. Not quite what you wrote and this will get you to the correct answer.
  • #14
OK I almost got it. One last thing: Why is it cos(ω(t+π)) and not cos(ω(t-π))?
  • #15
LCKurtz said:
Do you have the formula ##\mathcal L(f(t)u(t-a)) = e^{-as}\mathcal L(f(t+a))##?

jakejakejake said:
OK I almost got it. One last thing: Why is it cos(ω(t+π)) and not cos(ω(t-π))?

Because of the above formula. If what you are really asking is where that formula comes from, try working out$$
\mathcal L(f(t)u(t-a))=\int_0^\infty e^{-st}f(t)u(t-a)~dt$$
  • #16
Right, I understand the formula, but I thought that at the end, when I have completed the inverse Laplace and put the UnitStep function back into the formula for y(s), wherever there's a "t," I should put a "t-pi"? Which appears contradictory to placing "t+pi" here.
  • #17
jakejakejake said:
Right, I understand the formula, but I thought that at the end, when I have completed the inverse Laplace and put the UnitStep function back into the formula for y(s), wherever there's a "t," I should put a "t-pi"? Which appears contradictory to placing "t+pi" here.

That is a different question. For doing inverses you need the formula for ##\mathcal L^{-1}

FAQ: Laplace Transform to Find Solution

What is the Laplace Transform and how is it used to find solutions?

The Laplace Transform is a mathematical tool used to convert a function from the time domain to the s-domain. It allows us to solve differential equations by transforming them into algebraic equations that are easier to manipulate and solve.

Why is the Laplace Transform useful in finding solutions to differential equations?

The Laplace Transform simplifies the process of solving differential equations by converting them into simpler algebraic equations. It also allows us to solve initial value problems and systems of differential equations.

What is the difference between the Laplace Transform and the Inverse Laplace Transform?

The Laplace Transform converts a function from the time domain to the s-domain, while the Inverse Laplace Transform does the opposite - it converts a function from the s-domain back to the time domain. These two transforms are inverse operations of each other.

How do I know when to use the Laplace Transform to solve a problem?

The Laplace Transform is typically used to solve initial value problems and systems of differential equations. It can also be used to solve problems involving convolution, unit step functions, and impulse functions. It is important to identify the type of problem you have and determine if the Laplace Transform is the appropriate tool to use.

What are the limitations of using the Laplace Transform to find solutions?

The Laplace Transform can only be applied to linear differential equations with constant coefficients. It also assumes that the initial conditions are known. Additionally, it may not always be easy to find the inverse Laplace Transform, especially for complex functions.
