Laplace's Demon: Quantum Mechanics & Determinism

In summary, Laplace's demon is incompatible with interpretations of quantum mechanics that stipulate indeterminacy due to its assumption of determinism. However, this conclusion may depend on the interpretation of quantum mechanics being used, as some interpretations are completely deterministic. The uncertainty principle, which states a limit on the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties can be known simultaneously, is not an assumption of quantum mechanics in general but rather in some interpretations. It is difficult to fully understand the implications of quantum mechanics without knowledge of the math or the guidance of an expert.
  • #1
Laplace’s demon knows all forces and “positions of all items of which nature is composed” and enjoyed the knowledge of the future just like the past to be “present before its eyes”.

Acording to Wikipedia, also the source of the first quote, “Due to its canonical assumption of determinism, Laplace's demon is incompatible with interpretations of quantum mechanicsthat stipulate indeterminacy”.

But is that really so?

Isn’t it the case that, on the contrary, quantum physics assumes classical physics in every respect?

Uncertainty of a particle’s position and energy assumes that such quantities exist (although they can’t be ascertained by non-demon entities).

Is not then the conclusion that Laplace’s demon still has the same privileges, although the demon idea is of less practical value to us?
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  • #2
Mickey1 said:
Isn’t it the case that, on the contrary, quantum physics assumes classical physics in every respect?

No. Why do you expect this? QM is supposed to be fundamental, and we are supposed to be able to derive classical physics from QM, so it would be a bit backwards for QM to be based on classical physics.

Mickey1 said:
Uncertainty of a particle’s position and energy assumes that such quantities exist (although they can’t be ascertained by non-demon entities).

On the contrary, in the standard interpretations of QM particles *don't have* definite positions or energies. It's not merely that we lack sufficiently precise knowledge of these properties. It's not merely that we couldn't, even in principle, measure these quantities beyond a certain precision. Rather, these quantities simply don't have definite values. If you want to know more, you can read about Bell's theorem and the impossibility of "local hidden variable theories."
  • #3
Mickey1 said:
Acording to Wikipedia, also the source of the first quote, “Due to its canonical assumption of determinism, Laplace's demon is incompatible with interpretations of quantum mechanicsthat stipulate indeterminacy”.

But is that really so?
The answer depends on the interpretation of quantum mechanics you use. Some interpretations (e.g. Bohmian and many-world) are completely deterministic.
  • #4
Demystifier said:
The answer depends on the interpretation of quantum mechanics you use. Some interpretations (e.g. Bohmian and many-world) are completely deterministic.

There are plenty of "deterministic" interpretations of QM, but AFAIK none exist where the world is experimentally deterministic. i.e. we could never obtain enough knowledge to predict the future with certainty, because some things are inaccessible to us.

For example, in MWI you could easily calculate all of the future worlds resulting from some initial system. However, there is no way of knowing which world you will end up in (of course you end up in all of them, but each version of you is only aware of that world and could not have predicted that specific outcome)
  • #5
Mickey1 said:
Uncertainty of a particle’s position and energy assumes that such quantities exist (although they can’t be ascertained by non-demon entities).

It is certainly not an assumption of the HUP or of QM in general. It is an assumption in some interpretations of QM, as Demystifier points out.

I would say that few believe that non-commuting observables - such as position and momentum - have simultaneously well defined values independent of the act of observation.
  • #6
Thank you for your interest.

I was thinking along the following lines:

i) first I considered how things, as I speculate, may have looked to Heisenberg initially, i.e. particles indeed have locations, energy etc. but it seems that for some combinations we may not be able to find a set of these variables beyond a limit. Uncertainty of a parameter’s value, implies there is a value to be uncertain of. I realize that later models may do away with simultaneous position and momentum etc.

ii) I then moved on to a philosophical issue, namely whether the relations of quantum mechanics empower us to refute a demon-type Newtonian mechanics, or whether they just allow us to declare it un-operative.

iii) Let me - now - take the opportunity to add a third step, pointing put that both forms of mechanics are just theories, none are reality. Therefore, the demon’s privilege is to see “the future and the past /model of reality/ before its eyes”.
  • #7
Mickey1 said:
...Therefore, the demon’s privilege is to see “the future and the past /model of reality/ before its eyes”.

Certainly a possibility. And if she does, she will also have non-local vision with which to behold that future.
  • #8
Mickey1 said:
first I considered how things, as I speculate, may have looked to Heisenberg initially, i.e. particles indeed have locations, energy etc. but it seems that for some combinations we may not be able to find a set of these variables beyond a limit
Historical sidenote: you have it backwards. It was Heisenberg's starting point to get rid of unobservable quantities like the position of the electron in the Bohr model. From this, he derived matrix mechanics and it took him about a year to realize that it implies an uncertainty relation.
  • #9
That sounds reasonable enough.
Actually, I am mainly paraphrasing general explanations such a Wikipedia's (and many others):

"In quantum mechanics, the uncertainty principle is any of a variety of mathematical inequalities asserting a fundamental limit to the precision with which certain pairs of physical properties of a particle known as complementary variables, such as position x and momentum p, can be known simultaneously".

You have to admit that in this formulation it appears as if the particle indeed has a simultaneous x and momentum p (which cannot be ascertained).
  • #10
I don't disagree, but it is quite difficult to phrase such statements in a way that they are understandable to laymen and are reasonable short. Even more so, if you want them to be interpretation-neutral.

I think it is very hard to understand the implications of QM without learning the math or the help of someone who knows it. The best you can do is stick to experiments and check what assumptions are made in the explanations your sources give.
  • #11
Thank to all of you.

I believe we may have come to the end of the road with this.

Related to Laplace's Demon: Quantum Mechanics & Determinism

1. What is Laplace's Demon?

Laplace's Demon is a thought experiment proposed by French mathematician and astronomer Pierre-Simon Laplace in the early 19th century. It is a hypothetical all-knowing being that could, in theory, accurately predict the future state of the universe if it knew the exact position and momentum of every particle and the laws of physics governing their behavior.

2. What does Laplace's Demon have to do with quantum mechanics?

Laplace's Demon is often used in discussions about the determinism of quantum mechanics. The theory of quantum mechanics states that at the subatomic level, particles do not have definite positions or momenta until they are observed. This contradicts the idea of determinism, where the future state of the universe can be predicted with complete certainty.

3. Is Laplace's Demon a real entity?

No, Laplace's Demon is a theoretical concept and does not exist in reality. It is used to illustrate the philosophical implications of determinism and the limitations of predicting the future state of the universe.

4. Can Laplace's Demon accurately predict the future state of the universe?

In theory, yes. If Laplace's Demon had complete knowledge of all particles and their interactions, it could accurately predict the future state of the universe. However, due to the uncertainty principle in quantum mechanics, it is impossible to have this level of knowledge and therefore Laplace's Demon is not a feasible concept.

5. What implications does Laplace's Demon have on free will?

The concept of Laplace's Demon raises questions about the existence of free will in a deterministic universe. If the future can be predicted with complete certainty, then it can be argued that free will does not exist. However, there is still much debate and discussion surrounding this topic among philosophers and scientists.

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