Laplace's Equation,Boundary Conditions Etc.

  • Thread starter Anamitra
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In summary, Laplace's equation in the spherical coordinates with azimuthal symmetry has a solution given by a summation over n from zero to infinity of An r^n + Bn r^{-(n+1)} multiplied by Pn[Cos(theta)]. An and Bn are arbitrary constants and Pn stands for the Legendre Polynomials. However, this solution does not cover all types of boundary conditions on the surface of a sphere. To address this, a Fourier-Legendre transformation/expansion can be performed on a function f(theta), using the complete and orthogonal set of Legendre polynomials. For a spherical boundary, a function f(theta) such as 1000 theta^5+200 theta+50sin^(2/5
  • #1
Let us consider Laplace's equation in the spherical coordinates [with azimuthal symmetry]. It's solution is given by:

psi[r,theta]=summation over n [from zero to infinity] [An r^n+ Bn r^{-
(n+1)}]Pn[Cos(theta)] ----------- (1)
An and Bn are arbitrary constants and Pn stands for the Legendre Polynomials.
It does not seem to cover all types of boundary conditions even on the
surface of a sphere.
Let us think of a function f(theta). One can perform a Fourier -Legendre transformation/expansion on f(theta)[ ] keeping in mind that the Legendre polynomials form a complete ,orthogonal set.

We may think of a function for a spherical boundary: f(theta)=1000 theta^5+200 theta
Expansion in terms of Legendre's polynomials might be difficult[rather
impossible] in terms of Pn[Cos(theta)] though we may carry out an expansion in terms of Pn(theta)

[If expansion is possible [in terms of Pn[Cos(theta)]we may try out a proper fit with equation (1) for the boundary condition. Otherwise we may go in for numerical methods for intractable functions on the boundary]

We may use numerical methods for boundary conditions that do not match
against the "known solutions".
Interestingly the numerical methods will consider the PDE directly and the boundary conditions without any regard for known solutions! One may try out this exercise for any type of PDE that has"known solutions"

An Analytical Consideration:
We may consider a trial soln of the form:
psi=[An f(psi) r^n +Bn r^{-(n+1}}]Pn [Cos[theta]]----(2)
An ,Bn are constants. Pn stands for the Legendre Polynomials.Substituting the above "psi" into the original equation[Laplace's Equation with azimuthal symmetry] we get a differential equation connecting f',f,psi,theta and r.During the formation of the equation
we consider psi as a function of theta and r.Accordingly we perform the partial differentiation
But,while solving the resulting equation to get f, we may take psi,theta and r independent of each other.[ie, theta and r are taken as constants]. Thus, we will solve an ordinary [second order]differential equation wrt the variable psi[to get f]
The function f ,obtained, will of course be a function of psi ,theta and r. If it is used in (2) and differentiated, considering psi dependent on r and theta,we will get the same differential
equation[ODE] we solved taking theta and r as constants!Thus we may extend the solution set.
[Summation has to be applied on the new trial solutions]
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  • #2
Lets try to expand the function [tex]{f}{(}{x}{)}{=}{x^4-3x^2+x}[/tex] in terms of Pn[Cos x] and see if it is possible:
We write:
[tex]{x^4-3x^2+x}{=}{C}_{0}{P}_{0}{(}{Cos}{x}{)}{+}{C}_{1}{P}_{1}{(}{Cos} {x}{)}{+}{ C}_{2}{P}_{2}{(}{Cos}{(}{x}{)}{)}{+} {C}_{3}{P}_{3}{(}{Cos x}{)}[/tex]
[tex]{+}{ C}_{4}{P}_{4}{(}{Cos x}{)}{+}{ C}_{5}{P}_{5}{(}{Cos x}{)}{+}{…………………..}[/tex] ----------------------- (1)
Multiplying both sides of (1) by Pm(Cos(x)) Sin(x) and integrating from 0 to piwe have,
[tex]\int{(}{x^4-3x^2+x}{)}{P}_{m}{(}{Cos x}{)}{Sin}{(}{x}{)}{dx}{=}\Sigma{C}_{i}\int{P}_{m}{(}{Cos}{x}{)}{P}_{i}{(}{Cos}{x}{)}{Sin}{(}{x}{)}{dx}[/tex] --------------------- (2)
[Integration extends from 0 to pi=3.142. Summation includes values of i from 0 to infinity]
We substitute on the RHS of (2):
t=Cos x
Integration runs from -1 to+1
[tex]C_{m}{=}{(}{m+.5}{)}\int{(}x^4-3x^2+x{)}{P_{m}}{(}{Cos x}{)}{Sin}{(}{x}{)}{dx}[/tex]
Integration is from 0 to pi
We may substitute the values of the constants in the RHS of equation (1)
Using x=0.5 we get -0.1875 on the LHS of (1)--- while on the RHS we get 307.401595 [using the first 6 terms of the expansion.
[Using Pn(x) instead of Pn(Cos x) we get :
For x=0.5 we have -0.1875 on both sides.]
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Related to Laplace's Equation,Boundary Conditions Etc.

1. What is Laplace's Equation?

Laplace's Equation is a partial differential equation that describes the relationship between the second-order spatial derivatives of a function.

2. What are boundary conditions in relation to Laplace's Equation?

Boundary conditions are constraints that are imposed on the values of the function at the boundaries of the domain in which the equation is being solved. These conditions help to determine a unique solution for the equation.

3. How is Laplace's Equation used in physics?

Laplace's Equation is used in physics to describe the distribution of electric potential or temperature in a region with no charges or heat sources, respectively. It is also used in fluid dynamics to describe the velocity potential of an incompressible, irrotational flow.

4. Can Laplace's Equation be solved analytically?

Yes, Laplace's Equation can be solved analytically for simple, symmetric boundary conditions. However, for more complex boundary conditions, numerical methods must be used to approximate a solution.

5. What is the difference between Laplace's Equation and Poisson's Equation?

Laplace's Equation is a special case of Poisson's Equation, where the right-hand side of the equation is equal to zero. In other words, Poisson's Equation includes a source term, while Laplace's Equation does not.

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