Laplaces equation in polar coordinates

In summary: This means that they cannot cancel each other out unless their coefficients are all zero. By setting the coefficients C_n and D_0 to zero, we are ensuring that the solution satisfies the boundary condition U(1,\theta)=2cos\theta. If we did not set these coefficients to zero, the solution would not satisfy the boundary condition and thus would not be a valid solution to the problem. In summary, by setting the coefficients C_n and D_0 to zero, we are ensuring that the solution satisfies the given boundary condition.
  • #1
The function [tex] u(r,\theta) [/tex]

satisfies Laplace's equation in the wedge [tex] 0 \leq r \leq a, 0 \leq \theta \leq \beta [/tex]

with boundary conditions [tex] u(r,0) = u(r,\beta) =0, u_r(a,\theta)=h(\theta) [/tex]. Show that

[tex] u(r,\theta) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty A_nr^{n\pi/\beta}sin(\frac{n\pi\theta}{\beta}) [/tex]

[tex]A_n=a^{1-\frac{n\pi}{\beta}\frac{2}{n\pi}\int_{0}^{\beta}h(\theta)sin\frac{n\pi\theta}{\beta}d\theta [/tex]
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Physics news on
  • #2
You have posted here before so surely you know the basic rules!

No one is going to do your homework for you and it wouldn't help you if they did! Show us what you have tried so we can see where you went wrong or got stuck.
  • #3
I saw the question, realized I was incapable and thought I'd put it up for some hints... I do have a similar problem viz laplace in the unit circle...

[tex] \nabla^2U=0 [/tex]

Boundary conditions are 1) U=0 at r=0

2) [tex] U(1,\theta)=2cos\theta [/tex]

now I have quoted from the notes that the general solution is

[tex] U(r,\theta) =C_0lnr + D_0 + \sum_{0}^\infty(C_0r+\frac{D_0}{r^n}).(A_ncosn\theta + B_nsinn\theta) [/tex]

now I am told that B.C 1 implies [tex] D_0 = 0=C_n [/tex] for n=0,1,2,3,4...

I am immediately confused why it is necessary to have these two coeffiecient set to zero, surely we could have some situation whereby the three terms could cancel to zero without insisting their coefficients are zero??
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  • #4
The sines, cosines and the constant function are linearly independent on the unit circle.

FAQ: Laplaces equation in polar coordinates

1. What is Laplace's equation in polar coordinates?

Laplace's equation in polar coordinates is a partial differential equation that describes the distribution of potential or the flow of heat in a two-dimensional polar coordinate system. It is a special case of Laplace's equation in Cartesian coordinates and is often used in physics and engineering.

2. How is Laplace's equation derived in polar coordinates?

Laplace's equation in polar coordinates can be derived by transforming the Laplacian in Cartesian coordinates using the chain rule. This results in a second-order partial differential equation with two independent variables, r (the radial coordinate) and θ (the angular coordinate).

3. What are the boundary conditions for Laplace's equation in polar coordinates?

The boundary conditions for Laplace's equation in polar coordinates depend on the specific problem being solved. Generally, the boundary conditions are specified at the boundaries of the polar coordinate system (such as at r=0 or at the outer boundary) and can include values of the potential, its derivatives, or the flux at these boundaries.

4. What are some applications of Laplace's equation in polar coordinates?

Laplace's equation in polar coordinates has many applications in physics and engineering, including electrostatics, fluid mechanics, and heat transfer. It is used to model problems such as the flow of current in a circular wire, the temperature distribution in a circular plate, and the motion of a fluid around a cylinder.

5. Are there any limitations to Laplace's equation in polar coordinates?

Laplace's equation in polar coordinates is limited to two-dimensional problems and cannot be applied to three-dimensional problems. Additionally, it assumes certain simplifications, such as steady-state conditions and linear material properties. In some cases, these assumptions may not accurately represent the real-world problem being studied.

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