Laptop Issues: Audio Skipping & Slow Loading - XP & Wireless

  • Thread starter Dooga Blackrazor
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In summary, the person is experiencing issues with their new laptop, including audio skipping and slow loading times. They have tried restarting the system but the problem persists. They have ruled out a hardware issue and are looking for someone with knowledge of Hijack this to help solve the problem.
  • #1
Dooga Blackrazor
My laptop is having serious issues. Audio is skipping (more depending on what I am running) and it is taking longer to load things and to start up (an excessive time to start up).

I had this problem before and did I system restart, and that fixed it. A day or so later the problem returned, and I did a system restart. The problem still exists. My friend who knows more about computers had no idea how to fix it, but he assured me that it is unlikely to be a hardware problem (especially since it was fixed and came back)

I run Xp and a wireless connection. It is a new computer (a month old or less) from and I cannot think of anything I did to cause the problem. 2.2 Mhz processor and 2 gigs ram.

Seriously annoyed.
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  • #2

That is my email and msn address. 114842763 is my ICQ. Looking for someone with knowledge of Hijack this if possible.

  • #3

I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing these issues with your laptop. It sounds like you have already tried some troubleshooting steps, such as a system restart, but the problem persists. It's good to hear that your friend doesn't think it is a hardware issue, but it's still frustrating to have these problems on a new computer.

One thing you could try is updating your audio drivers. Sometimes outdated or faulty drivers can cause audio skipping. You can usually find the latest drivers on the manufacturer's website or by using a driver update software.

For the slow loading and startup time, it could be due to a lot of programs running in the background or a lack of storage space. I would suggest checking your task manager to see which programs are using the most resources and closing any unnecessary ones. You could also try freeing up some space on your hard drive by deleting unused files or programs.

Since you mentioned using a wireless connection, it's also possible that your internet connection is causing the slow loading times. You could try connecting to a wired connection to see if that improves the speed.

If none of these solutions work, it might be worth contacting the manufacturer or bringing your laptop to a professional for further assistance. They may be able to diagnose and fix the issue more accurately.

I understand how frustrating it can be to have these problems on a new computer, but hopefully, one of these solutions will help resolve the issue. Good luck!

FAQ: Laptop Issues: Audio Skipping & Slow Loading - XP & Wireless

1. Why is my laptop experiencing audio skipping?

There could be several reasons for audio skipping on your laptop. One common cause is outdated or corrupted audio drivers, which can be resolved by updating them. Another potential cause could be insufficient RAM or a slow processor, in which case closing unnecessary programs or upgrading hardware may help.

2. How can I fix slow loading on my laptop?

Slow loading on a laptop can be caused by a variety of issues. It could be due to a full hard drive, in which case deleting unnecessary files or upgrading to a larger hard drive can help. It could also be caused by too many programs running at once, so closing unnecessary programs or upgrading hardware may improve loading speeds.

3. Why is my laptop running slowly when connected to a wireless network?

A slow wireless network connection can be caused by interference from other devices, low signal strength, or outdated wireless drivers. Moving closer to the router, reducing the number of devices connected to the network, or updating drivers can help improve the speed.

4. How can I improve my laptop's wireless performance?

To improve your laptop's wireless performance, you can try moving closer to the router, updating your wireless drivers, or upgrading to a better wireless network adapter. You can also try using a wired connection for faster and more reliable internet speeds.

5. What should I do if my laptop's audio and loading issues persist?

If the audio skipping and slow loading issues continue, it may be a sign of a larger problem. You can try running a virus scan to check for any malware or viruses that may be affecting your laptop's performance. You can also consult a professional technician for further assistance and troubleshooting.
