Large optical image rotation for project

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of optical image rotation in a small interior decoration project. The option of purchasing a Half-Penta Prism is mentioned, but the high cost prompts the question of whether it is possible to construct one oneself. The available materials and methods for constructing such a prism are also discussed, including the use of a trapezoidal prism. The conversation also includes a note clarifying that the project is not for constructing a weapon.
  • #1
Hi, fellow physics friends!

I'm doing a small interior decoration project in which I need optical image rotation as a component. I know that this can be done (see e.g. for a review paper). I've also seen Half-Penta Prisms sold online that do this.
However, a 25mm HPP costs $135. I want one which is about 1 meter in size, but on the other hand I have very low requirements on quality (a bit of optical disturbance is just positive) and the image need not be rotated 45 degrees (less or more is fine).

Question: is it realistic to attempt to construct one myself? How would I go about to do this? I do have access to a small engineering lab at my local university. What material would you recommend?

Note: The project is not to construct a death star with a death ray with which I can destroy planets insolent enough to defy my imperial will.
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  • #2
thsi is some codes about image rotate, not sure if it is what you are asking for.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Drawing.Printing
Imports RasterEdge.Imaging
Imports RasterEdge.Imaging.Processing

Dim Image As New RasterEdgeImaging()

Public Sub RotateImage()
If True Then
Dim LoadImage As New Bitmap("C:\\1.bmp")
Dim rotate As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(LoadImage)
rotate.TranslateTransform(CType(bmp.Width, Single) / 2, CType(bmp.Height, Single) / 2)
rotate.TranslateTransform(-CType(bmp.Width, Single) / 2, -CType(bmp.Height, Single) / 2)
rotate.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic
rotate.DrawImage(img, New Point(0, 0))
Return LoadImage()
End If
End Sub
  • #3
pex said:
Note: The project is not to construct a death star with a death ray with which I can destroy planets insolent enough to defy my imperial will.

Well, nuts! I was all-in and even would have sponsored you until you dropped that little nugget of bad news... :-p

By the bye, your link goes to "Page Not Found".
  • #4
the link dint work for me,

im not sure if this is what you mean but...

if your trying to displace and/or re-orient a projected image then
i think you could make an acryllic prisim with a seconday trapizoidal prizim inside
trial and error would tell you how to set it up right but it should redirect, reorient and even distort the image if wanted

im not sure what actual material and/or shape a prizim might have to be though

for some reason i want to believe it would work in a similar maner as the mirrors of a parascope
whereas the edge/sides would be potential mirrors
  • #5

I would recommend caution when attempting to construct a large optical image rotation device yourself. While it is possible to construct a simple optical image rotator using inexpensive materials, achieving a high level of precision and stability may be difficult without proper equipment and expertise. The optical disturbance you mention may also be more significant than you anticipate, potentially affecting the quality of your project.

If you do decide to proceed with constructing your own optical image rotator, I would recommend using materials with low thermal expansion and high mechanical stability, such as fused silica or low-expansion glass. You may also want to consult with an expert in optics or engineering to ensure that your design is feasible and to receive guidance on the construction process.

In addition, I would suggest considering alternative solutions such as purchasing a pre-made optical rotator or exploring other methods of achieving the desired effect for your project. This may save you time and effort in the long run and ensure a higher level of precision and reliability.

In conclusion, while it may be possible to construct a large optical image rotator yourself, it is important to carefully consider the potential challenges and limitations before proceeding. Consulting with experts and exploring alternative solutions may ultimately lead to a more successful and cost-effective outcome for your project.

FAQ: Large optical image rotation for project

1. What is large optical image rotation for project?

Large optical image rotation for project refers to the process of rotating a large image captured by an optical device, such as a camera or telescope, for the purpose of a specific project or study. This can involve manipulating the image digitally or physically moving the device itself to capture different angles and perspectives.

2. Why is large optical image rotation important in scientific research?

Large optical image rotation is important in scientific research because it allows for a more comprehensive and accurate analysis of the subject being studied. By capturing images from different angles and perspectives, researchers can gain a better understanding of the object's structure, composition, and behavior.

3. What are some methods for achieving large optical image rotation?

There are several methods for achieving large optical image rotation, including using specialized equipment such as robotic arms or gimbals to physically move the device, using software to digitally rotate the image, or utilizing a combination of both methods.

4. What are the potential challenges of large optical image rotation?

One potential challenge of large optical image rotation is the need for precise and coordinated movements to avoid blurring or distorting the image. Additionally, rotating a large image may require specialized equipment and software, which can be costly and time-consuming to set up.

5. In what fields of science is large optical image rotation commonly used?

Large optical image rotation is commonly used in fields such as astronomy, biology, geology, and archaeology, where detailed and accurate imaging is crucial for research and analysis. It is also utilized in industries such as robotics and engineering for design and testing purposes.
