Largest remainder method

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of the largest remainder method in allocating resources or seats among different options or groups. The maximum remainder quantity is not always equal to the number of strategies - 1, as it depends on the specific values of the trade quantity and the strategy ratios.
  • #1
Hello All,
I'm working on a problem which uses the largest remainder method

I need to allocate a trade quantity among 2 or more strategies.
Trade Qty = 99
Strategy A ratio = 0.61
Strategy B ratio = 0.09
Strategy C ratio = 0.23
Strategy D ratio = 0.07

The trade quantity is always a whole number.
I've used 99 in this example but it can be any whole number > 0
The number of strategies is always > 1
In this example 4 but it can be any number

Apply the ratio to the trade quantity and rounding down to the nearest whole number would give me:
Strategy A qty = 60
Strategy B qty = 8
Strategy C qty = 22
Strategy D qty = 6

The total number of shares allocated = 96 with 3 remaining unallocated.
My remainder quantity is 3

My question is:

When the trade quantity is always a whole number and the strategy allocations always add up to 1
Is the maximum remainder quantity always equal to the number of strategies - 1
In this case 4-1 = 3 ?
Mathematics news on
  • #2


Thank you for sharing your problem and the method you are using to address it. The largest remainder method is commonly used in various fields, including economics and politics, to allocate resources or seats among different options or groups.

To answer your question, the maximum remainder quantity is not always equal to the number of strategies - 1. It depends on the specific values of the trade quantity and the strategy ratios. In your example, the maximum remainder quantity is indeed 3, but this may not be the case for all scenarios.

To better understand this, let's take another example. Suppose the trade quantity is 100 and the strategy ratios are as follows:
Strategy A ratio = 0.4
Strategy B ratio = 0.3
Strategy C ratio = 0.2
Strategy D ratio = 0.1

Applying the largest remainder method, we would get the following allocation:
Strategy A qty = 40
Strategy B qty = 30
Strategy C qty = 20
Strategy D qty = 10

The total number of shares allocated is 100, with no remainder quantity. In this case, the maximum remainder quantity is 0, not 3.

Therefore, the maximum remainder quantity is not always equal to the number of strategies - 1. It depends on the specific values of the trade quantity and the strategy ratios. I hope this helps clarify your question. Good luck with your problem-solving!

FAQ: Largest remainder method

1. What is the largest remainder method?

The largest remainder method is a mathematical procedure used to determine the number or quantity that is closest to a given value based on a set of values.

2. How does the largest remainder method work?

The largest remainder method works by dividing a given value by a set of values and then selecting the number with the largest remainder as the closest approximation to the given value.

3. What is the purpose of using the largest remainder method?

The purpose of using the largest remainder method is to find the most accurate approximation to a given value when a set of values is available. It is often used in situations where precise calculations are not possible or necessary.

4. What are some real-life applications of the largest remainder method?

The largest remainder method is commonly used in fields such as statistics, economics, and engineering to calculate approximations and make predictions based on a set of data. It is also used in computer programming to distribute tasks evenly among multiple processors or servers.

5. Are there any limitations to the largest remainder method?

Yes, there are some limitations to the largest remainder method. It may not always provide the most accurate approximation, especially when the set of values is small or when the values have a large difference between them. It also does not take into account any additional factors or variables that may affect the outcome.

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