Laser Broadening: Impact on Wavelengths

In summary, in Quantum mechanics lectures, it is taught that the wavelength produced from a laser is influenced by various factors such as doppler broadening and the uncertainty principle. It was previously learned that a laser cavity of length L can only produce certain wavelengths due to boundary conditions. However, this does not limit the output to a single frequency, but rather a small range of frequencies from w to w+dw. This is because an exact length for a cavity does not exist and there will always be variations, even with the use of Fabry-Pérot etalons. Building good etalons is a specialized field and there are many papers that describe how it is done.
  • #1
In Quantum mechanics lectures we are learning that several factors influence the wavelength produced from a laser. These factors include doppler broadening of moving atoms in the laser, the uncertainty of the transition energy levels themselves due to the uncertainty principle, etc. Previously we learned that in a laser cavity of length L, due to boundary conditions, only certain wavelengths are possible, ie, wavelength*n/2 = L, where n is an integer.

Shouldn't the boundary condition limit the output of a laser to a single frequency rather than a small range of frequencies from w to w+dw?
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  • #2
No, because there is no such thing as a cavity with an exact length.
Fabry-Pérot etalons (which are essentially "cavities") can be used to stabilize lasers, but they are still be limited by variations in the length due to e.g. thermal variations.
Building good etalons is almost a field of its own in science (I know a couple of people who spend ALL their time doing it) and you should be able to find plenty of papers that describes how it is done.
  • #3

I would like to clarify that while the boundary condition does play a role in limiting the possible wavelengths produced by a laser, it is not the only factor that influences the output. In fact, as mentioned in the content, there are several other factors such as doppler broadening and the uncertainty principle that also impact the resulting wavelengths.

The boundary condition, as described, only allows for specific wavelengths that satisfy the equation wavelength*n/2 = L, where n is an integer. However, this does not mean that only a single frequency can be produced. In reality, there is a range of wavelengths that can satisfy this equation, resulting in a small range of frequencies from w to w+dw.

Moreover, the uncertainty principle also plays a crucial role in determining the range of frequencies that can be produced by a laser. According to this principle, there is always a level of uncertainty in the energy levels of atoms, which can result in a broadening of the wavelength range.

Therefore, it is important to consider all these factors when discussing the impact of laser broadening on wavelengths. While the boundary condition does limit the output to a certain range, it is not the sole factor responsible for the resulting wavelengths.

Related to Laser Broadening: Impact on Wavelengths

1. What is laser broadening and how does it impact wavelengths?

Laser broadening refers to the phenomenon where the spectral lines of a laser become broader or wider than the original narrow linewidth. This broadening can impact the wavelengths emitted by the laser, causing a shift in the peak wavelength or producing a range of wavelengths instead of a single one.

2. What are the main causes of laser broadening?

The main causes of laser broadening are usually related to the physical properties of the laser system. These can include thermal effects, nonlinearities in the laser medium, and external perturbations such as mechanical vibrations or changes in the refractive index of the medium.

3. How does laser broadening affect the performance of a laser?

Laser broadening can have both positive and negative effects on the performance of a laser. On one hand, it can improve the stability and coherence of the laser emission. On the other hand, it can also decrease the precision and accuracy of the laser's output, which can be problematic for applications that require a specific and narrow wavelength.

4. Can laser broadening be controlled or minimized?

Yes, in some cases laser broadening can be controlled or minimized through various techniques. For example, using a more stable and precise laser medium, implementing temperature control mechanisms, or using specialized optical components can help reduce broadening effects. However, in some cases, laser broadening may be an inherent property of the laser and cannot be fully eliminated.

5. How does laser broadening impact the use of lasers in scientific and technological applications?

Laser broadening can have significant impacts on the use of lasers in various scientific and technological applications. It can affect the accuracy and precision of measurements made using lasers, as well as the performance of laser-based technologies such as laser spectroscopy, optical communications, and laser-based manufacturing. Therefore, understanding and controlling laser broadening is crucial for optimizing the use of lasers in these applications.

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