Lasers reveal invisible Stonehenge carvings: New Scientist

Britain. In summary, laser scanning has revealed ancient carvings on the pillars of Stonehenge that are invisible to the naked eye. The experiment was conducted on three of the 83 stones at the famous prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, UK. The archaeologists hope that a full survey will provide evidence that Stonehenge was a memorial for the dead, at least during the time the carvings were made. This discovery may bring an end to the mystery surrounding the purpose of Stonehenge, which has been speculated to have had various functions throughout the ages.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
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Gold Member
Laser scanning has revealed ancient carvings on the pillars of Stonehenge that are invisible to the naked eye.

The experiment scanned just part of three of the 83 stones that make up the famous prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, UK. The archaeologists, from the Wessex Archaeology and Archaeoptics companies, hope a full survey could provide compelling evidence that Stonehenge was a memorial for the dead, at least at the time the carvings were made.
Science news on
  • #2
thus ends the mystery
  • #3
Originally posted by Mattius_
thus ends the mystery

at the time the carvings were made

This site likely had many functions over the ages. In a few thousand years archeologists may think it was built as a tourist attraction.:wink:
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  • #4
What's a henge?
  • #5
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
What's a henge?

henge [ henj ] (plural heng·es)


prehistoric circle with standing stones: a prehistoric oval or circular area, often bounded by a mound or ditch, that contains standing stones or wooden pillars that were erected during the Neolithic or Bronze Age

FAQ: Lasers reveal invisible Stonehenge carvings: New Scientist

1. What new information was revealed by using lasers to scan Stonehenge?

The use of lasers allowed researchers to uncover previously invisible carvings on the stones at Stonehenge. These carvings include ancient axe carvings, Bronze Age carvings, and medieval markings.

2. How were the lasers able to reveal these hidden carvings?

The lasers used a technique called LiDAR, which stands for Light Detection and Ranging. This technology sends out pulses of laser light and measures the time it takes for the light to bounce back, creating 3D images of the surface and revealing the carvings.

3. Why were these carvings not visible before the use of lasers?

The carvings were not visible before because they were worn down by weathering and covered by lichen and moss. The lasers were able to penetrate through these layers and reveal the underlying carvings.

4. What is the significance of these newly revealed carvings?

These carvings provide new insights into the history and use of Stonehenge. They also show that the site was used and modified by multiple civilizations over thousands of years.

5. Will the use of lasers continue to be used for archaeological discoveries?

Yes, the use of lasers has become an increasingly popular tool in archaeology. It allows researchers to see detailed images of sites and artifacts that would otherwise be impossible to uncover, providing new information and understanding about our past.

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