Latest on black hole infromation paradox?

In summary: Leonard Susskind also has some interesting THE BLACK HOLE WAR he discusses his views in contrast to those of Stephen Hawking...and lots more.In summary, the black hole information paradox remains a topic of debate in the scientific community, with no clear consensus on the resolution. Various approaches have been proposed, including Demystifier's proposal for the resolution of the paradox, and Leonard Susskind's views in contrast to those of Stephen Hawking. Some argue that there is no paradox, while others suggest that a fuller understanding of the relationship between space and time is needed. Samir Mathur's "fuzz balls" have also been proposed as a solution, and Witten
  • #1
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WHat is the present status about the black hole information paradox?
Is there some consensus?
Could someone recommend good recent papers discussing the current views?


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  • #3
Demystifier said:
There is no consensus.
For reviews of various approaches, see e.g. Ref. [4] in my own proposal for the resolution of the paradox:

A very brief overview of the main approaches and their problems is presented also here:

Thank you Demystifier for the heads up. And I will look your proposal with keen interest.


  • #4
Leonard Susskind also has some interesting THE BLACK HOLE WAR he discusses his views in contrast to those of Stephen Hawking...and lots more.

One simple perspective: there is no paradox. If you are outside a black hole you see one thing, if inside, you see another; you can't be both it's analogous to different observers in relativity observing, say, different kinetic energies of an object, or the relativity of simultaneity...or the Unruh effect where an accelerating observer measures a different background temperature than an inertial observer...different observers see different things.

I haven't looked at Demystifier's discussion yet, but in general such "paradoxes" signal to me an underlying lack of some fundamental understanding.

Ok... now I skimmed it and although I can't comment on the math (it's abve my paygrade) I do like the idea that we need a fuller understanding of the relationship between space and time. Other similar hints exist in string theory duality and the holographic principle...our mathematical formulations don't seem quite general enough in scope to properly explain nature...
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  • #5
Naty1 said:
One simple perspective: there is no paradox. If you are outside a black hole you see one thing, if inside, you see another; you can't be both it's analogous to different observers in relativity observing, say, different kinetic energies of an object, or the relativity of simultaneity...or the Unruh effect where an accelerating observer measures a different background temperature than an inertial observer...different observers see different things.

Whats about Birds(Gods) View?
Or, like in Cosmology, where in Birds view (all Unvierse at the "same time") energy is not conserved (while it is conserved for any observer) - is it the same? Information can't be lsot for any observer - but this is not true in the Birds view?

Finally, what happens if external observer waits long enough for BH to evaporate?
  • #6
Dmitry67 said:
Whats about Birds(Gods) View?
Or, like in Cosmology, where in Birds view (all Unvierse at the "same time") energy is not conserved (while it is conserved for any observer) - is it the same? Information can't be lsot for any observer - but this is not true in the Birds view?

Finally, what happens if external observer waits long enough for BH to evaporate?

If Hawking was correct, then HR destroys information, and the "bird" can know what fell into the BH, but not to correlate this with any particular bit of HR. That said, does such a view require that the system be Unitary?
  • #7
Check out

Samir Mathur has invented what he calls ``fuzz balls'', which are naturally realized in string theory, and which solve the information paradox. At it's heart, the info paradox arrises because there are no degrees of freedom at the black hole's event horizon. In other words, an in-falling observer sees smooth space-time, with nothing new. If you accept this picture, then Mathur shows that you WILL get an information loss problem (he has elevated it to a theorem). So the only solution is to abandon quantum mechanics (which seems non-sensical), or to allow quantum fluctuations at the horizon. The former approach doesn't seem to have any tangible results, whereas the latter approach (fuzz balls) seems to get you pretty far.
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  • #8
Dmitry67 said:
Whats about Birds(Gods) View?
Or, like in Cosmology, where in Birds view (all Unvierse at the "same time") energy is not conserved (while it is conserved for any observer) - is it the same? Information can't be lsot for any observer - but this is not true in the Birds view?
Well, my proposal that I mentioned above is a kind of the bird proposal. (And no, it does not rest on BM. It is more MWI-like in spirit.) For a simplified explanation of that idea, see also
  • #9
nrqed said:
Thank you Demystifier for the heads up. And I will look your proposal with keen interest.


Thanks! I would like to see your opinion.
  • #10
Here is the view of Leonard Susskind later in his book THE BLACK HOLE WAR, page 419.

Just two months after Maldacena's (ADs/CFT) paper (Ed) Witten's...paper "Anti De Sitter Space and Holography ...Witten explained that by injecting enough mass and energy into a can (of ADS) a black hole could be created...According the Maldacena there must be a second description ..that makes no reference to the inside of the can...The moment I saw Witten's paper, I knew the Black Hole War was over. Quantum Field Theory is a special case of quantum mechanics and information in quantum mechanics can never be lost. Whatever else Maldacena and Witten had done, they had proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that information would never be lost behind a black hole horizon. The string theorists could understand this immediately; the relativists would take longer.

he continues " Stephan didn't get the point" either.

But if anyone knows Witten's and Maldecena's view on the information paradox, and if they both agree with Susskind, that would pretty much clinch it for me.

FAQ: Latest on black hole infromation paradox?

What is the black hole information paradox?

The black hole information paradox is a theoretical problem in physics that arises when considering the behavior of information inside a black hole. It is a contradiction between the laws of quantum mechanics and general relativity, and it questions what happens to information that falls into a black hole.

What is the latest research on the black hole information paradox?

The latest research on the black hole information paradox suggests that information may not be lost inside a black hole, but rather encoded on its event horizon. This theory, known as the "holographic principle," is still being studied and debated by scientists.

Why is the black hole information paradox important?

The black hole information paradox is important because it challenges our understanding of fundamental laws of physics and could potentially lead to new discoveries and theories about the nature of space and time.

Is the black hole information paradox solved?

No, the black hole information paradox is not currently solved. While there have been proposed solutions and theories, it is still a topic of ongoing research and debate among scientists.

What are the implications of solving the black hole information paradox?

If the black hole information paradox is solved, it could potentially have significant implications for our understanding of the universe and the laws of physics. It could also lead to new technologies and advancements in fields such as quantum computing.

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