- #1
- 14
- 2
I am trying to compile my lateX document but errors appear:
! I can't write on file 'Rapport.pdf'.
Please type another file name for output
! Emergency stop
l.55 ... obj {<< /pgfprgb (/Pattern /DeviceRGB] >>
! Fatal error occurred, no output pdf file produced!
Transcript written on Rapport.log
One of the solution is to close pdf file before compilation. I have already tried it and I have the same errors.
My script is:
\usepackage {hyperref}
colorlinks= true,
linkcolor = black,
anchorcolor = black,
citecolor = black,
filecolor = black,
urlcolor = black,
pdfpagemode= UseOutlines,
pdfstartview={XYZ 0 1000 1.0}
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\newcommand{\etal}{\textsl{et al.} }
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\renewcommand{\listtablename}{Liste des Tableaux}
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\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\sectionmark{Table des matières}}
% \input{chapitres/pgde.tex}
% \date\today
% \input{chapitres/Thankly.tex}
Thank you for your help.
I am trying to compile my lateX document but errors appear:
! I can't write on file 'Rapport.pdf'.
Please type another file name for output
! Emergency stop
l.55 ... obj {<< /pgfprgb (/Pattern /DeviceRGB] >>
! Fatal error occurred, no output pdf file produced!
Transcript written on Rapport.log
One of the solution is to close pdf file before compilation. I have already tried it and I have the same errors.
My script is:
\usepackage {hyperref}
colorlinks= true,
linkcolor = black,
anchorcolor = black,
citecolor = black,
filecolor = black,
urlcolor = black,
pdfpagemode= UseOutlines,
pdfstartview={XYZ 0 1000 1.0}
\newcommand{\tab}{\ \ \ \ }
\newcommand{\etal}{\textsl{et al.} }
\renewcommand{\listfigurename}{Liste des Figures}
\renewcommand{\listtablename}{Liste des Tableaux}
\widowpenalty=10000 % empeche au maximum la coupure avant la derniere ligne
\clubpenalty=10000 % empeche au maximum la coupure apres la premiere ligne
\raggedbottom % empeche l'etirement des ressorts verticaux
{0.2cm \@plus 0ex \@minus .0ex}%
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{0.2cm \@plus 0.ex \@minus .0ex}%
{0.0ex \@plus .0ex}
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{{\chaptername~\thechapter{}.\quad #1}}{}}
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection{}.\quad #1}}
\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\chaptermark{Table des matières}}
\addtocontents{toc}{\protect\sectionmark{Table des matières}}
% \input{chapitres/pgde.tex}
% \date\today
% \input{chapitres/Thankly.tex}
Thank you for your help.