Latex/Lyx: not just retyping from paper, but live problem-solving?

In summary, LaTeX is intended for writing documentation, not solving problems. It is more difficult to use than paper and pencil, and produces poorer results.
  • #1
Has anyone tried to use software not just for typing math to produce good-looking documents after solving problems/doing research with paper&pencil, but for actually doing research/problem solving with lots of maths directly in electronic form? Has anyone managed to have the same productivity as with paper and pencil?

I have been trying to use LaTeX this way for some time, and I found that my productivity is far lower than with paper&pencil, in particular because LaTeX is non-WYSIWYG and you have to compile to check results. Caring about that takes part of my attention away from the actual problem solving. I currently have somewhat more success with LyX, which is WYSIWYG, however I still think that my productivity is lower.
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  • #2
Don't do that then. TeX and LaTeX are intended to be WYSIWYM (what you say is what you mean) rather than WYSIWYG. Write what you mean, then fix it later so it looks right.

With regard to your question, our group doesn't just use LaTeX for math on a forum. I work on a rather large (> 500 KSLOC) highly mathematical software package whose main body of documentation is entirely in LaTeX. The math is but a small part of that documentation. There's also requirements (for which we have formal LaTeX macros), formal and informal descriptions of the software, test results, traceability (automatically generated!), and metrics (also automatically generated). Other groups have used our documentation style and our LaTeX macros, so it now is used on well over a million lines of code, much of which is mathematical programming.
  • #3
I will do it only when I am trying to solve a problem that I am confident is easy to solve, and does not have large expressions. I don't even bother trying to compile until the end, I just read the previous tex code to see what I was writing out (hence the no long expression rule!), and will occasionally pull out a pencil and paper to verify a calculation that is more tedious.

It is certainly the case that writing it up in tex as a way of solving the problem is not the intended use of the language, so I wouldn't bother trying it too much if you find it difficult.
  • #4
What I often do is a sketch using paper & pencil but then I switch to latex to get all the signs and factors right, leaving only the important steps. The chances to find and understand it some months later are far higher.
  • #5

I completely understand the desire to use software for more than just typing math and producing good-looking documents. The idea of being able to do research and problem solving directly in electronic form is certainly appealing.

In my experience, I have also found that my productivity is lower when using LaTeX for this purpose. The non-WYSIWYG nature and need to constantly compile to check results can be a hindrance to the flow of problem solving. However, I have also found some success with LyX, which offers a more WYSIWYG approach.

I believe that the key to achieving the same level of productivity as with paper and pencil lies in finding the right software and tools that work best for each individual's specific needs and workflow. It may require some trial and error to find the right combination, but it is certainly worth exploring.

I am also curious to hear from others who have tried using software for research and problem solving with lots of math directly in electronic form. Have you found success in maintaining productivity levels? What software or tools have you found to be most helpful? Sharing experiences and insights can help us all improve and adapt to the ever-evolving landscape of technology in science.

Related to Latex/Lyx: not just retyping from paper, but live problem-solving?

What is the difference between Latex and Lyx?

Latex is a typesetting system used for creating scientific and technical documents. It uses a markup language to define the structure and formatting of the document. Lyx, on the other hand, is a graphical front-end for Latex that provides a more user-friendly interface.

Can Latex/Lyx be used for problem-solving?

Yes, Latex/Lyx can be used for live problem-solving. It allows for real-time editing and updating of equations and mathematical expressions, making it a useful tool for solving complex problems.

Are there any advantages to using Latex/Lyx over traditional word processors?

Yes, there are several advantages to using Latex/Lyx for document creation. It provides better control over document formatting, produces high-quality outputs, and has built-in support for mathematical equations and symbols.

Is Latex/Lyx difficult to learn?

While there is a learning curve involved in using Latex/Lyx, it is not overly difficult to learn. With practice and familiarization with the markup language, users can become proficient in creating documents in Latex/Lyx.

Can Latex/Lyx be used for collaborative work?

Yes, Latex/Lyx can be used for collaborative work. It allows multiple users to work on the same document simultaneously, making it a useful tool for team projects. Additionally, it has version control features that track changes made by different users, making it easier to collaborate and review work.

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