Latex Starter Help: Troubleshooting Errors

In summary, when troubleshooting errors in Latex, it is important to first identify the specific error message and its corresponding line number in the code. This can help pinpoint the source of the issue. Common errors in Latex include missing packages, syntax errors, and conflicts between packages. It is also helpful to check for any typos or missing brackets in the code. In some cases, restarting the program or refreshing the document can resolve minor errors. If the error persists, consulting online resources or seeking help from a Latex community can provide further assistance.
  • #1
So i downloaded texnic center over at

then got mik tek installed

And have a friends thesis template (hahah could i be anymore spoon fed)

and yet when i try to build/compile/hit F7 with all my might

i don't get a pdf preview

am i missing something?


when i click build and view update - i get the following error
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  • #2
You'll have to check that Texnic centre knows where you have your latex to pdf executable. If I recall correctly in Texnic centre you'll have to click on build > define output profiles then click on the Latex > PDF option and give it the correct path to the executable in miktex which should be something like: C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\miktex\bin\pdflatex.exe

You will need to do the same for the bibtex and makeindex options and for any other outputs you require.
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  • #3
Of course, your first mistake is trying to use latex in windows.. it's a lot easier in other operating systems!

Anyway, enough of my useless comments.. I'm moving this to the math and science software forum, by the way, since it fits in better there.
  • #4
cristo said:
Of course, your first mistake is trying to use latex in windows.. it's a lot easier in other operating systems!
Actually, Windows has the nicest LaTeX distribution (MikTeX), but I still haven't really found a LaTeX editor for Windows that I like (TeXnicCenter feels incredibly sluggish to me, even compared with Java-based editors like Eclipse with the TeXlipse plugin).

Getting back to the original question, have you tried compiling your document from a command prompt? For you, it looks like the relevant commands would be
cd "F:\Academic\2008S2\thesis\writting the thesis\Latex stuff\thesis"
latex thesis
P.S. You misspelled the word "writing" when you named one of those directories. :-p

Related to Latex Starter Help: Troubleshooting Errors

1. What is Latex and why is it used?

Latex is a document preparation system commonly used in academic and scientific fields. It allows for the creation of high-quality documents with complex mathematical equations and scientific symbols.

2. Why am I getting errors when compiling my Latex document?

There could be several reasons for errors in a Latex document. These could include missing or incorrect packages, syntax errors, or conflicting formatting commands. It is important to carefully review the error messages and check for any mistakes in your code.

3. How can I troubleshoot specific Latex errors?

If you are encountering a specific error, you can try searching for it online to find potential solutions. You can also try breaking down your document and compiling it in smaller sections to identify where the error is occurring.

4. Can I use Latex with other document editing software?

Yes, there are various editors and tools available that can be used with Latex, such as Overleaf, Texmaker, and LyX. These editors provide a more user-friendly interface for writing Latex code.

5. Are there any resources available for beginners learning Latex?

Yes, there are many online tutorials, guides, and forums dedicated to helping beginners learn Latex. Some popular resources include Overleaf's Latex tutorial and the Latex Wikibook. It is also helpful to join online communities where you can ask for help and advice from other Latex users.

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