Lattice QCD, path integral, single "path", what goes on at a point?

In summary, the conversation discusses the calculation of the ground state energy of a quark antiquark meson using lattice QCD. It addresses the placement of fermi and boson fields on the lattice points and links, and the number of numbers needed to specify the state of these fields. It also mentions the importance of gauge invariance and the number of parameters needed for gluon fields.
  • #1
Gold Member
Say we try and calculate the ground state energy of the bound state of a quark antiquark meson via lattice QCD. Say I look at one space time lattice point of one path. Do the fermi fields "live" on the lattice points? Do the boson fields "live" on the legs between the space time lattice points?

Could it be the other way, fermi fields on the legs and boson fields at the lattice points?

How many numbers do I need to specify the state of the fermi fields at a space time point?

How many numbers nail down the state of the boson fields on one of the legs?

Thanks for any help!
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  • #2
Thanks for the post! Sorry you aren't generating responses at the moment. Do you have any further information, come to any new conclusions or is it possible to reword the post?
  • #3
Greg Bernhardt said:
Thanks for the post! Sorry you aren't generating responses at the moment. Do you have any further information, come to any new conclusions or is it possible to reword the post?

I am working on it, further reading and I have learned they are called links, not legs. Also a google of "lattice gauge theory introduction" has lots of info just not very basic.

  • #4
Spinnor said:
Say we try and calculate the ground state energy of the bound state of a quark antiquark meson via lattice QCD.

This sentence doesn't seem directly related to the rest of your post, but if you are interested in this kind of thing you might look at this tutorial which explains how to do similar calculations.

Spinnor said:
Do the fermi fields "live" on the lattice points?


Spinnor said:
Do the boson fields "live" on the legs between the space time lattice points?


Spinnor said:
Could it be the other way, fermi fields on the legs and boson fields at the lattice points?

The usual formulation with fermion fields at the lattice sites and gauge fields on the links between the lattice sites is specially constructed to ensure that gauge invariance is exactly satisfied even at finite lattice spacing. You will have some trouble getting exact gauge invariance if you switch this around.

Spinnor said:
How many numbers do I need to specify the state of the fermi fields at a space time point?

In an SU(3) gauge theory like QCD, a Dirac field in the fundamental representation (e.g., a quark field) has four spinor indices and three color indices. So you need 12 complex numbers at each point in spacetime, or, on the lattice, 12 complex numbers at each lattice site.

Spinnor said:
How many numbers nail down the state of the boson fields on one of the legs?

Eight real numbers, one for each SU(3) generator.
  • #5
Thanks for taking time to help!

12 complex numbers, do I need to multiply by 3 if I include all three families of quarks?

The number 8 for the gluons seems low but I don't know. 8 real numbers for the 8 different gluons? Do we need numbers for the phase of the gluons and numbers for their polarization? Gluons can be polarized like photons?

Thanks for the link, I will look for answers there.

Thanks for you help!
  • #6
Spinnor said:
12 complex numbers, do I need to multiply by 3 if I include all three families of quarks?

Sure, you need 12 complex numbers for each quark flavor. Most lattice simulations today include just three flavors: up, down, and strange.

Spinnor said:
The number 8 for the gluons seems low but I don't know. 8 real numbers for the 8 different gluons?


Spinnor said:
Do we need numbers for the phase of the gluons and numbers for their polarization?

In continuum field theory the gluon field is a real field ##A^a_\mu(x)## where the flavor index ##a## runs from 1 to 8 and the Lorentz index ##\mu## runs from 0 to 3. So there are ##8 \times 4## real numbers at each spacetime point. Similarly on the lattice, there are 8 real numbers per link and four links per spacetime point (one link in each spacetime direction). The factor of four accounts for the polarization degrees of freedom.
  • #7
That is right, I forgot there are more links then points. Thanks for clearing that up for me!

Related to Lattice QCD, path integral, single "path", what goes on at a point?

1. What is Lattice QCD and how does it work?

Lattice QCD (Quantum Chromodynamics) is a computational method used in theoretical physics to study the strong interactions between subatomic particles. It involves discretizing space and time into a lattice and using numerical simulations to calculate the behavior of particles at each point on the lattice. This allows for the study of non-perturbative phenomena, such as the behavior of particles inside a nucleus, which cannot be solved using traditional analytical methods.

2. What is the path integral in Lattice QCD?

The path integral in Lattice QCD is a mathematical technique used to calculate the probability of a particle moving from one point to another on the lattice. It involves summing over all possible paths that the particle could take, taking into account the effects of quantum fluctuations. This allows for a more accurate calculation of particle behavior compared to traditional methods.

3. Can you explain the concept of a single "path" in Lattice QCD?

In Lattice QCD, a single "path" refers to the trajectory of a particle as it moves through the lattice. This path is not a physical path that the particle actually takes, but rather a mathematical concept used in the path integral to calculate the probability of the particle's behavior. The particle's path is determined by the interactions between neighboring points on the lattice, and the path integral takes into account all possible paths to calculate the most probable behavior.

4. What happens at a point in Lattice QCD?

At a point on the lattice, the behavior of particles is determined by the interactions between neighboring points. This includes the effects of both quantum fluctuations and the strong force, which is responsible for binding particles together. The path integral takes into account all possible interactions at each point, allowing for a more accurate calculation of particle behavior.

5. How does Lattice QCD contribute to our understanding of the universe?

Lattice QCD plays a crucial role in our understanding of the universe by providing a way to study the strong interactions between subatomic particles. It has been used to calculate properties of protons and neutrons, as well as to study the behavior of matter at extreme temperatures and densities, such as in the early universe. Lattice QCD also helps to bridge the gap between theoretical predictions and experimental observations, providing valuable insights into the fundamental nature of the universe.

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