Launch Angle for Maximum Field Goal Clearance

In summary: The ball's launch angle must be greater than or equal to the angle you found in step 3, but less than or equal to the angle found in step 4. That means the ball must be kicked between 50 and 52 degrees.For a field goal kick, the ball should be kicked at an angle that produces a range of 60 yards.
  • #1
I need some help working the following problem. I have everything answered except #5 and that is where I get lost. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Suppose a field goal kicker (American football) can kick the ball at a launch speed of 58 miles/hour. If the ball is placed at the 50-yard line, he is actually kicking the ball 60 yards to the goal post. Additionally, the crossbar is 10 feet above the ground. (1 mile = 5280 ft = 1760 yds = 1609.3 m)
1.Convert all distances to SI units; all answers will thus be in SI units.
2.Show that the ball easily clears the goal posts when kicked at the angle that produces maximum range.
3.For what kick angles will the ball clear the goal posts?
4.What is the closest a ball can land beyond the goal post for a made field goal?
5.What launch angle does the ball clear the goal post by the largest amount? How big is that amount?
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  • #2
hello RNelli, welcome to The forums of Physics.

Before I start throwing out suggestions, let me ask you a few things first, seeing as how you deleted the template.

I know you say you did 1-4, but would you mind showing what you got for them as well as how you got there?

Also, as far as 5 goes, I'm assuming your class is using kinematics (trig vs. calc based physics?)? If so what equations do you think would be useful in solving 5? If not we can go from there.
  • #3
Find the formula for the height of the ball, in terms of the angle kicked (the only unknown).
Find the derivative of that formula and set equal to 0.
Solve for the angle.

Plugging that angle into the 2nd derivative should result in a negative number (a positive would indicate a minimum value, rather than a maximum value).

Without giving you the answer ... I came up with a value between 50 and 52 degrees.

You can calculate the clearance from there.

FAQ: Launch Angle for Maximum Field Goal Clearance

1. What is launch angle?

Launch angle is the angle at which a projectile is launched into the air. In the context of field goal clearance, it refers to the angle at which a football is kicked to achieve the maximum height and distance.

2. Why is launch angle important for maximum field goal clearance?

The launch angle determines the trajectory of the football, which affects its height and distance. To achieve maximum field goal clearance, the launch angle must be optimized to produce the ideal trajectory for the football to clear the crossbar.

3. How is the launch angle calculated?

The launch angle is calculated using the laws of projectile motion, specifically the vertical component of the initial velocity and the gravitational acceleration. Other factors such as wind speed and direction may also need to be taken into account.

4. What is the ideal launch angle for maximum field goal clearance?

The ideal launch angle for maximum field goal clearance varies depending on several factors such as the distance of the field goal, the kicker's skill level, and environmental conditions. Generally, a launch angle of 45 degrees is considered optimal for achieving maximum clearance.

5. How can launch angle be adjusted to improve field goal clearance?

To adjust the launch angle, the kicker can change their approach to the ball, the angle of their foot at impact, or the position of the ball on the tee. It is also important to account for any external factors such as wind and field conditions when making adjustments to the launch angle.
