Lauren's question at Yahoo Answers regarding inexact ODE

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  • Thread starter MarkFL
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In summary, Lauren's question is answered by determining the integrating factor for an inexact ODE, which is given by e^{y^2}.
  • #1
Gold Member
Here is the question:

Help me with my Linear Differential Equation of Order One: The Integrating Factor?

Help me with my Linear Differential Equation of Order One: The Integrating Factor


I have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can see my work.
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  • #2
Re: Lauren's question from Yahoo! Answers regarding inexact ODE

Hello Lauren,

We are given to solve:

\(\displaystyle 2y\left(y^2-x \right)\,dy=dx\)

I would first write the ODE in the form:

\(\displaystyle M(x,y)\,dx+N(x,y)\,dy=0\)

and so we have:

\(\displaystyle (1)\,dx+\left(2xy-2y^3 \right)\,dy=0\)

We see the equation is inexact, since:

\(\displaystyle \frac{\delta M}{\delta y}=0\ne\frac{\delta N}{\delta x}=2y\)

Thus, we observe that:

\(\displaystyle \frac{\frac{\delta N}{\delta x}-\frac{\delta M}{\delta y}}{M}=2y\)

Since this is a function of $y$ alone, we take as our integrating factor:

\(\displaystyle \mu(y)=e^{\int 2y\,dy}=e^{y^2}\)

And so we write the new ODE as:

\(\displaystyle e^{y^2}\,dx+\left(2xy-2y^3 \right)e^{y^2}\,dy=0\)

We see now that:

\(\displaystyle \frac{\delta M}{\delta y}=2ye^{y^2}=\frac{\delta N}{\delta x}=2ye^{y^2}\)

Hence, our new equation is exact. Since it is exact, we must have:

\(\displaystyle \frac{\delta F}{\delta x}=e^{y^2}\)

Integrating with respect to $x$, we obtain:

\(\displaystyle F(x,y)=xe^{y^2}+g(y)\)

Now, to determine $g(y)$, we may take the partial derivative with respect to $y$, substituting using \(\displaystyle \frac{\delta F}{\delta y}=\left(2xy-2y^3 \right)e^{y^2}\):

\(\displaystyle \left(2xy-2y^3 \right)e^{y^2}=2xye^{y^2}+g'(y)\)

\(\displaystyle g'(y)=-2y^3e^{y^2}\)

Next, we want to integrate this to determine $g(y)$, and we may use integration by parts:

\(\displaystyle u=y^2\,\therefore\,du=2y\,dy\)

\(\displaystyle dv=2ye^{y^2}\,dy\,\therefore\,v=e^{y^2}\)

and we may write:

\(\displaystyle g(y)=-\left(y^2e^y-\int 2ye^{y^2}\,dy \right)=e^{y^2}-y^2e^{y^2}=e^{y^2}\left(1-y^2 \right)\)

Thus, the solution to the original ODE is given implicitly by:

\(\displaystyle xe^{y^2}+e^{y^2}\left(1-y^2 \right)=C\)

\(\displaystyle \left(x+1-y^2 \right)e^{y^2}=C\)

FAQ: Lauren's question at Yahoo Answers regarding inexact ODE

What is an inexact ODE?

An inexact ODE (ordinary differential equation) is a type of mathematical equation that describes the relationship between a function and its derivatives. Unlike exact ODEs, which can be solved analytically, inexact ODEs cannot be solved using traditional methods and require numerical methods to approximate a solution.

Why is Lauren asking about inexact ODEs on Yahoo Answers?

It is possible that Lauren is a student or researcher who is struggling with understanding or solving inexact ODEs and is seeking help or clarification from a larger online community.

What are some examples of inexact ODEs?

Examples of inexact ODEs include the logistic equation, the Lotka-Volterra equations, and the Van der Pol equation. These equations are commonly used in population dynamics, ecology, and physics.

What are some methods for solving inexact ODEs?

There are various numerical methods for solving inexact ODEs, including Euler's method, the Runge-Kutta method, and the Adams-Bashforth method. These methods involve approximating the solution by dividing the problem into smaller, more manageable steps.

Why are inexact ODEs important in science?

Inexact ODEs are used to model and describe real-world phenomena in a wide range of scientific fields, including physics, biology, chemistry, and engineering. They allow scientists to make predictions and understand the behavior of complex systems, making them a crucial tool in scientific research and problem-solving.
