Laurent Series Expansion of Electrostatic Potential

In summary: V_e = (2/4\pi\epsilon) * [(Q / \sqrt{x^2 + y^2}) - (Q / \sqrt{x^2 + y^2 + D^2})]##After simplifying, it becomes:V_e = (2/4\pi\epsilon) * [(1 - Q / \sqrt{x^2 + y^2})]
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Homework Statement

Consider a series of three charges arranged in a line along the z-axis, charges +Q at
z = D and charge -2Q at z = 0.
(a) Find the electrostatic potential at a point P in the x, y-plane at a distance r from
the center of the quadrupole.
(b) Assume r >> D. Find the first two non-zero terms of a Laurent series expansion
to the electrostatic potential you found in the fi rst part of this problem.
(c) A series of charges arranged in this way is called a linear quadrupole. Why?

I have already solved part (a) of the question, and found the electrostatic potential, Ue, to be

Ue = (2/4*pi*epsilon) * [(Q / \sqrt(x^2 + y^2)) - (Q / \sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + D^2))]

My next step was to divide by D^2 out of the square root so i can put the equation in a form that fits to a pre-solved integral sheet that we were handed.

Homework Equations

Ue = (2/4piε) * [(Q / √(x^2 + y^2)) - (Q / √(x^2 + y^2 + D^2))]

The Attempt at a Solution

For part (b) specifically, i am completely lost as to how to arrange the equation when r >> D.
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  • #2
Hello Mattkwish and welcome to PF!

Try rewriting your expression for the potential in terms of r and D instead of x, y, and D.
Then think about how to make an approximation for r >> D.
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I attempted to substitute in r for x and y and established the substitution of (r0)^2 = x^2 + y^2. I then substituted in for r0, and was able to see that the bottom of one of the terms tends towards 0. So now i have the equation:

Ue = 2Q / 4piε * [1 - 1/r0] (the 1 / √r^2 + D^2 term goes towards 1/1)

However now i am lost as to how to construct a Laurent Series from this equation. My next step would be to use the equation (1/n!) * (d^nF / dz^n) |z=a and a similar one for the coefficients, however i am struggling with this. I remember using an integral to find the power series, which i could do for this function... could use some advice!
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Mattkwish said:

I attempted to substitute in r for x and y and established the substitution of (r0)^2 = x^2 + y^2. I then substituted in for r0, and was able to see that the bottom of one of the terms tends towards 0. So now i have the equation:

Ue = 2Q / 4piε * [1 - 1/r0] (the 1 / √r^2 + D^2 term goes towards 1/1)

This doesn't look right. Note that you have [1 - 1/r0]. The 1 has no dimensions while the 1/r0 has dimensions of 1/length. So, there is an inconsistency that shows something is wrong.

Let's go back to your expression

##V_e = (2/4\pi\epsilon) (Q / \sqrt{x^2 + y^2} - Q / \sqrt{x^2 + y^2 + D^2})##

I took the liberty of using ##V## for potential instead of ##U##, since that is the more common notation. Of course you can simplify the 2/4 and also factor out Q. What does the expression become after writing it in terms of ##r## but before making any simplifications?
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i understand that in this limit, the term D^2 in the denominator can be neglected, but i am unsure how to proceed with the Laurent series expansion. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

I would first like to commend you for your efforts in solving part (a) of the question and for seeking clarification on part (b). It shows your dedication and determination to understand the problem fully.

To address your question, in the limit r >> D, the term D^2 in the denominator can indeed be neglected. This simplifies the electrostatic potential to:

Ue = (2/4*pi*epsilon) * [(Q / \sqrt(x^2 + y^2)) - (Q / \sqrt(x^2 + y^2))]

= (2/4*pi*epsilon) * [(Q / \sqrt(x^2 + y^2)) - (Q / \sqrt(x^2 + y^2))]

= 0

Therefore, in this limit, the electrostatic potential becomes zero. This makes sense intuitively because as r >> D, the charges are very far apart and their influence on the point P in the x, y-plane becomes negligible.

As for the Laurent series expansion, since the potential is zero in this limit, the first non-zero term would be the second term in the series. This would make the expansion:

Ue = (2/4*pi*epsilon) * [-(Q / \sqrt(x^2 + y^2))] + higher order terms

= -(Q/2*pi*epsilon) * [1/√(x^2 + y^2)] + higher order terms

I hope this helps clarify your doubts and allows you to proceed with the Laurent series expansion. As for part (c) of the question, a linear quadrupole is called so because it consists of two positive charges and one negative charge arranged in a line, resembling the shape of a quadrupole. This arrangement of charges creates a dipole moment, which is a measure of the strength and direction of the electric field. In a linear quadrupole, the dipole moment is zero, while in a true quadrupole (four charges arranged in a square), the dipole moment is non-zero.

I hope this response has been helpful. Keep up the good work in your scientific pursuits!

Related to Laurent Series Expansion of Electrostatic Potential

1. What is a Laurent series expansion?

A Laurent series expansion is a mathematical tool used to represent a complex function as a sum of two terms: a power series and a Laurent series. This allows for the function to be expressed as a series of powers of a variable, with both positive and negative powers.

2. How is a Laurent series expansion related to electrostatic potential?

In the context of electrostatics, a Laurent series expansion is used to express the electrostatic potential of a system as a sum of two terms: a singular term and a regular term. The singular term represents the contribution from point charges, while the regular term represents the contribution from continuous charge distributions.

3. What is the difference between a Laurent series and a Taylor series?

A Taylor series is a special case of a Laurent series in which all the terms have non-negative powers. This means that a Taylor series only represents functions that are analytic (smooth and well-behaved) at the point of expansion. On the other hand, a Laurent series can represent functions with singularities or poles, making it more versatile for certain applications.

4. How is a Laurent series expansion useful in electrostatics?

A Laurent series expansion allows for the calculation of electrostatic potential in situations where point charges and continuous charge distributions are present. It also allows for the determination of the behavior of the potential near singularities, which is important for understanding the behavior of electric fields in real-world systems.

5. How is a Laurent series expansion calculated?

To calculate a Laurent series expansion, one must first determine the singular and regular terms of the function being expanded. This can be done by manipulating the function algebraically or by using integration techniques. Once the terms have been identified, the coefficients of the series can be calculated using the Cauchy integral formula or other techniques.

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