Laurent series of exp(1/z)/(z-1)

In summary, the problem was to find the Laurent series of f(z) = exp(1/z)/(z-1) around 0 and to find the residue of f(z) at 0. The solution involved using Cauchy's product and rearranging terms to get a proper power series. The final result was f(z) = -\sum_{n=0}^∞ z-n \sum_{k=0}^n z2k/(n-k)! with a coefficient of 1-e for the z^-1 term. This was verified using Mathematica.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the Laurent series of f(z) = exp(1/z)/(z-1) around 0, and find Res{f(z), 0}.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

To find the Laurent series, I wrote exp(1/z) = [itex]\sum_{n=0}^∞[/itex] z-n/n!, and 1/(z-1) = -[itex]\sum_{n=0}^∞[/itex] zn.

Then, using Cauchy's product, and rearranging some terms, f(z) = -[itex]\sum_{n=0}^∞[/itex] z-n [itex]\sum_{k=0}^n[/itex] z2k/(n-k)!

But I am unable to express this as a proper power series, with a closed expression for each coefficient, and thus find c-1.

Since I'm unable to find c-1 directly, I found that Res(f, 1) = e, and Res(f, ∞) = -1, from which Res(f, 0) = 1-e. Is this correct?

How do I find the correct Laurent series?
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  • #2
When you multiply the two series together, you get
[tex]-\sum_{j=0}^\infty \frac{z^{-j}}{j!} \sum_{k=0}^\infty z^k = -\sum_{j=0}^\infty \sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{z^{k-j}}{j!}[/tex]You want to collect terms, so you need to find which terms satisfy n=k-j. It may help to picture points on the jk-plane and consider what n=k-j geometrically corresponds to.
  • #3
I'm not sure if I understand what you are saying. Could you provide some example? I don't find it intuitive since I've never worked with double sums that way.

I was trying to use cauchy's product, but was unable to find a general expression for c_n.
  • #4
The contributions to the coefficient to zn are from the terms that satisfy k-j = n. I'm just suggesting a way you can pictorially see exactly which terms from the product will contribute to the zn term.
  • #5
Termotanque said:

Since I'm unable to find c-1 directly, I found that Res(f, 1) = e, and Res(f, ∞) = -1, from which Res(f, 0) = 1-e. Is this correct?

That's correct.

How about though, I compute that using the power series and then you figure out how to do the rest?

So when you form the Cauchy product, you can do it two ways. I'll write it as:

[tex]f(z)=-\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\sum_{k=0}^{n} \frac{1}{(n-k)!} z^{2k-n}=-\sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty}a_n z^n[/tex]

right since the expression 2k-n will range from -infty to infty and also keep in mind the function has an essential singularity so we'd expect to have an infinite singular term in the sum. So that's the series at zero which means each coefficient [itex]a_n[/itex] is the sum of an infinite set of terms right? Just do a few manually ok, say let n=0, 1, 2,3 and see how it looks. Now if I wanted to find the coefficient for say the [itex]\frac{1}{z}[/itex] term, then that must mean [itex]2k-n=-1[/itex] right or [itex]n=2k+1[/itex] and keep in mind both n and k are non-negative integers when you do the others but in this case, k can range from zero to infinity. Now the inner sum, as n goes to infinity, k goes to infinity as well so substituting n=2k+1 into that inner sum and letting it range from 0 to infinity, I could write for the 1/z term:

[tex]a_{-1}=-\sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{(2k+1-k)!}=-\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}\frac{1}{(k+1)!}=-(e-1)=1-e[/tex]

Ok, now how about you figure out what the sum has to be for say the z or z^(-2) term? Also, try and look into checking your work in Mathematica:

r = 0.75; 
i1 = (1/(2*Pi*I))*NIntegrate[(Exp[1/z]/(z - 1))*r*I*Exp[I*t] /. z -> r*Exp[I*t], {t, 0, 2*Pi}]

-1.7182818284624202 - 6.106664988409952*^-13*I

so if I did compute the a_1 term, how would I have to change that code to verify it?
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FAQ: Laurent series of exp(1/z)/(z-1)

1. What is a Laurent series?

A Laurent series is a type of mathematical series that represents a complex function as an infinite sum of terms, including both positive and negative powers of the variable. It is named after mathematician Pierre Alphonse Laurent and is commonly used in complex analysis.

2. What is exp(1/z)?

Exp(1/z) is the exponential function raised to the power of 1 divided by z. This function is defined for all complex numbers except for z = 0.

3. What is the significance of (z-1) in the Laurent series of exp(1/z)/(z-1)?

The term (z-1) in the denominator of the function indicates that there is a singularity at z = 1. This means that the function is undefined at z = 1 and must be considered separately in the Laurent series.

4. How is the Laurent series of exp(1/z)/(z-1) calculated?

The Laurent series is calculated by expanding the function in powers of z and determining the coefficients of each term. In this case, the coefficient of the first term will be the residue of the function at the singularity z = 1.

5. What is the use of Laurent series of exp(1/z)/(z-1)?

Laurent series are used to represent complex functions in a way that makes them easier to analyze and manipulate. They are particularly useful in calculating residues and evaluating integrals in complex analysis.

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