Law vs Theory: Exploring the Differences

In summary, the conversation discusses the difference between theory, law, and other scientific definitions. The speaker notes that they believed a law was proven while a theory was not disproven, but there are also contradicting theories. They also mention the scientific law as a demonstrable fact and a theory as a rigorously tested hypothesis. The conversation then briefly mentions the scientific hypothesis as an educated guess. The speaker also asks if there are any other methods and offers their definitions as applications of the Scientific Method.
  • #1
Gold Member
Hm, I saw this in the other topic about the Big Bang, and I decided to bring it over here for further discussion.

What IS the difference between theory, law, and what are the other definitions given?

I always thought a law was something that was proven many times and a theory was something that was not disproven, but that there are several contradicting theories which can't make each one true.
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  • #2
Originally posted by dav2008
Hm, I saw this in the other topic about the Big Bang, and I decided to bring it over here for further discussion.

What IS the difference between theory, law, and what are the other definitions given?

I always thought a law was something that was proven many times and a theory was something that was not disproven, but that there are several contradicting theories which can't make each one true.

A scientific Law is a readily demonstrable fact, that cannot be disproven.

A scientific theory is a hypothesis that has been rigorously tested, and not found faulty, usually also having been found somewhat useful.

A scientific hypothesis (and I stress the difference between "hypothesis" and "theory") is an educated guess; it is nothing more than a speculation that can be tested.

Did you have any other specific terms in mind, that need defining?

P.S. my definitions (above) are applications of the different levels of the Scientific Method.
  • #3
Are there any other methods?

FAQ: Law vs Theory: Exploring the Differences

What is the difference between a law and a theory?

A scientific law is a descriptive statement that describes a natural phenomenon, while a scientific theory is an explanation of why that phenomenon occurs. In other words, a law tells us what happens, while a theory tells us why it happens.

Can a scientific law become a theory and vice versa?

Yes, a scientific law can become a theory if it is able to explain the underlying mechanisms behind the observed phenomenon. Similarly, a scientific theory can become a law if it is repeatedly tested and proven to be true.

How are scientific laws and theories supported by evidence?

Scientific laws and theories are supported by empirical evidence, which is gathered through observation and experimentation. This evidence must be consistent and reproducible in order to support a law or theory.

Are laws and theories equally important in science?

Yes, both laws and theories are important in science. Laws provide a framework for understanding and predicting natural phenomena, while theories provide explanations for why these phenomena occur. Both are necessary for a comprehensive understanding of the natural world.

Can laws and theories change over time?

Yes, laws and theories can change as our understanding of the natural world evolves. New evidence or advances in technology may lead to revisions or refinements of existing laws and theories. However, these changes are based on scientific evidence and are not arbitrary.

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