Laws of Motion (Pulleys, blocks)

In summary, the two blocks of mass A and B, each with a mass of 10kg, are each accelerated by an amount of 1m/s2. The acceleration of the truck is also 3m/s2.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A truck shown in the figure is driven with an acceleration a =3m/s2. Find the acceleration of the
bodies A and B of masses 10 kg and 5 kg respectively, assuming pulleys are mass less and friction is absent everywhere.

The Attempt at a Solution

I have written three equations i.e.

for B: 5a1= T-5g

for A: I don't what to write whether 10a2= 2T-10g or 10a2= 10g-2T

and 2(a1 - a)= a2

I have solved the equations and i have got a1=a2=2m/s2

but the ans is a1=a2=1m/s2


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  • #2
kishlaysingh04 said:
for A: I don't what to write whether 10a2= 2T-10g or 10a2= 10g-2T

Well it's arbitrary, but it has to be consistent with your first equation. So since you considered the direction of gravity to be negative in your first equation, you must do the same in this equation. So you would use [itex]10a_2=2T-10g[/itex]

Now about the problem;
Your first two equations combine to give the constraint [itex]a_1=a_2[/itex] That is half the battle.
Now you just need to find a relationship between [itex]a_1[/itex] and [itex]a_2[/itex] (which will likely also relate to the known acceleration of the truck, [itex]a[/itex])

Your math claims that this relationship is:
kishlaysingh04 said:
[itex]2(a_1 - a)= a_2[/itex]

Can you explain how you came up with this equation?
  • #3
oh sorry i have got that wrong, actually I think it should be
a1 - a = 2a2
is this correct?
  • #4
Let me ask you, after some time, does the length of the entire rope get shorter? (Or longer?)

It can be difficult to help if you don't (at least slightly) explain your math. Why did that equation come to mind?
  • #5
I have also been trying to solve this problem, using the string length method:

If the weight on the left moves up by x, then the string segment on the left decreases by x.
If the weight on the right moves up by y, then the string segment in the middle decreases by y and the string segment on the right decreases by y.

The sum of the differences must be zero so x + 2y = 0.

Then I not sure what to do as this relation just gives a1 = -2a2 ?

  • #6
rbn251 said:
If the weight on the right moves up by y, then the string segment in the middle decreases by y and the string segment on the right decreases by y.
If the weight on the right (A) moves up by a distance y, then the string is shortened by a distance 2y, right?

rbn251 said:
The sum of the differences must be zero so x + 2y = 0.
The sum of how much the rope is shortened must equal the distance that the truck moved to the right.
  • #7
kishlaysingh04 said:
but the ans is a1=a2=1m/s2

Are you sure this is the answer given ?

I am getting aB =19/3ms-2 downwards and aA = 14/3 ms-2 upwards .
  • #8
Vibhor said:
Are you sure this is the answer given ?

I am getting aB =19/3ms-2 downwards and aA = 14/3 ms-2 upwards .

That the accelerations are the same is relatively straightforward to arrive at. Consider the string tension and the free body diagrams for B and for A+pulley.
  • #9
Orodruin said:
That the accelerations are the same is relatively straightforward to arrive at.Consider the string tension and the free body diagrams for B and for A+pulley.

I don't think we need to consider the forces to determine the relationship between the accelerations of the two blocks .

Could you explain just one thing and that is - how are the accelerations of the two blocks equal ?

May be I am missing something very obvious.
  • #10
Assume both blocks move upward.

a1 is the acceleration of A, a2 is the acceleration of B. The tension in the rope is T.

2T-10g=10a1 divided by 2: T-5g=5a1.
T-5g=5a2. You see that a1=a2.

  • #11
We are given that the mass of B, let us call it ##m_B## is half of the mass of A ##m_A = 2 m_B##. If we call the string tension ##T##, then the free body diagram for B gives (positive direction down)
m_B g - T = m_B a_B
while that for A gives
m_A g - 2T = m_A a_A \quad \Rightarrow \quad 2(m_B g -T) = 2m_B a_A.
Inserting the first equation into the second gives
a_A = a_B.
In order to relate them to the acceleration of the truck you need to further assume that the string does not change its length.
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  • #12
Sorry .I realize my mistake .

I was wrongly using mass of A = 5kg and that of B = 10kg , when it should have been the other way round .In addition,there was a sign error . I need to be more careful .

I think I managed to confuse myself quite well .

Thanks Orodruin and ehild !
  • #13
The other part I have worked out as:

If block B rises by x, then the string length at the truck increases by x.
If block A rises by y, then the string length at the truck increases by 2y.
Let the string length at the truck be z, then z=x+2y.

Differentiating this relation twice, and sub in the known truck acceleration gives:
aB + 2aA = 3
which with aB = aA gives the solution, 1ms-2
  • #14
ehild said:
Assume both blocks move upward.

a1 is the acceleration of A, a2 is the acceleration of B. The tension in the rope is T.

2T-10g=10a1 divided by 2: T-5g=5a1.
T-5g=5a2. You see that a1=a2.


The problem is solved but still a few things are unclear .

The point where I confuse myself is where acceleration of string pieces is related to the acceleration of the blocks.This is where sign error creeps in.

Suppose ΔL1 is the change in horizontal rope length from pulley to the truck.ΔL2 is the change in vertical rope length to the right of movable pulley .ΔL3 is the change in vertical rope length to the left of movable pulley .ΔL4 is the change in vertical rope length from fixed pulley to block B .

If I write ΔL1 = ΔL2+ΔL3+ΔL4 , I get the correct relation 2xA+xB = 3 .

But what is the problem in writing it as ΔL2 +ΔL3= ΔL1+ΔL4 ? This gives incorrect relation 2xA=xB + 3 .

Or, may be writing it as ΔL4 = ΔL2+ΔL3+ΔL1.This gives xB=2xA + 3 .

What am I missing ?
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  • #15
You are right, this is confusing. Really you don't want to consider the direction of the rope wrt the diagram, but wrt the truck. So there are only really two directions the rope moves - to the right or to the left.

(Think about 'unwinding' the rope from the pulleys, and consider it as a straight piece of rope, then there is no distinction of vertical or horizontal rope length)
  • #16
Vibhor said:
What am I missing ?

You have to suppose some direction which is positive. For ΔL1, it is positive if the truck moves to the right. But that makes the total vertical piece of the rope shorten.

If any of the vertical pieces gets longer and the others do not change, the horizontal rope gets shorter. If the horizontal piece gets longer, and only one vertical piece changes length, that piece gets shorter. You can decide about the signs of ΔLi. If you assume they are positive in case the rope gets shorter than you have the equation ΔL2+ΔL3+ΔL4=ΔL1.
In case you consider ΔLi positive if the length increases, you have the equation ΔL1+ΔL2+ΔL3+ΔL4=0. But then you have to reconsider how the ΔL-s are related to the displacements of the blocks.

  • #17
ehild said:
You can decide about the signs of ΔLi. If you assume they are positive in case the rope gets shorter than you have the equation ΔL2+ΔL3+ΔL4=ΔL1.

In this case ΔL4 would be negative as the rope from fixed pulley to block B increases .Isn't it ?

ehild said:
In case you consider ΔLi positive if the length increases, you have the equation ΔL1+ΔL2+ΔL3+ΔL4=0. But then you have to reconsider how the ΔL-s are related to the displacements of the blocks.

Same issue here . I think whatever is assumption ,ΔL2+ΔL3 and ΔL4 would have opposite signs , as when the rope length to block A increases , that to block B decreases and vica versa .
  • #18
No, both blocks rise, and that makes the length of the attached pieces shorten.



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  • #19
ehild said:
No, both blocks rise.

How did you conclude that ?

If block A rises,middle rope length shortens ,this is compensated by truck moving to right and block B going down .

What makes you deduce that block B goes up as well ?
  • #20
Vibhor said:
How did you conclude that ?

We got that a1=a2.

Vibhor said:
If block A rises,middle rope length shortens ,this is compensated by truck moving to right and block B going down .


Vibhor said:
What makes you deduce that block B goes up as well ?

As it came out, a1=a2=1m/s2.

  • #21
Sorry . I don't know why I overlooked that result .In that case first part of assumption in post#16 makes sense .

Now to second part .

ehild said:
In case you consider ΔLi positive if the length increases, you have the equation ΔL1+ΔL2+ΔL3+ΔL4=0. But then you have to reconsider how the ΔL-s are related to the displacements of the blocks.

Shouldn't that be ΔL2+ΔL3+ΔL4= ΔL1,the same result we got before ?

ehild said:
But then you have to reconsider how the ΔL-s are related to the displacements of the blocks.

Could you explain this part ?
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  • #22
Vibhor said:
Sorry . I don't know why I overlooked that result .In that case first part of assumption in post#16 makes sense .

Now to second part .
Shouldn't that be ΔL2+ΔL3+ΔL4= ΔL1,the same result we got before ?

From ΔL1+ΔL2+ΔL3+ΔL4=0 ΔL1+ΔL2+ΔL3=-ΔL4 follows. ehild

FAQ: Laws of Motion (Pulleys, blocks)

What are the three laws of motion?

The three laws of motion were developed by Sir Isaac Newton and are as follows:

  1. Law of Inertia: An object at rest will stay at rest, and an object in motion will stay in motion at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force.
  2. Law of Acceleration: The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the object and inversely proportional to its mass. The direction of the acceleration is in the same direction as the net force.
  3. Law of Action-Reaction: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

What is a pulley and how does it work?

A pulley is a simple machine that uses a wheel with a groove and a rope or chain to change the direction of a force. The pulley allows us to lift or move heavy objects with less effort, by applying the force in a different direction. There are three types of pulleys: fixed, movable, and compound. In a fixed pulley, the pulley is attached to a stationary object and only changes the direction of the force. In a movable pulley, the pulley is attached to the object being moved and moves with it, reducing the amount of force needed. A compound pulley combines both fixed and movable pulleys to further reduce the amount of force required to lift or move an object.

What is the difference between static and kinetic friction?

Static friction is the force that prevents two objects from moving when they are in contact with each other and at rest. It is usually greater than kinetic friction, which is the force that opposes the motion of two objects that are already in motion. Kinetic friction is also known as sliding friction and is generally smaller than static friction.

What is the relationship between mass and acceleration?

According to Newton's second law of motion, the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. This means that the greater the mass of an object, the more force is needed to accelerate it. Similarly, with a constant force, a smaller mass will experience a greater acceleration compared to a larger mass.

How does a block and tackle system use pulleys?

A block and tackle system is a combination of multiple pulleys, which work together to provide mechanical advantage and make it easier to lift heavy objects. By using a system of ropes and pulleys, the force needed to lift the object is spread out over multiple ropes and pulleys, reducing the amount of force needed to lift the object. The more pulleys in the system, the less force is required to lift the object, but the longer the distance the rope needs to be pulled.
