LC Circuit Maximum Charge Problem

In summary: We know that cos(phi) = 0 because at t = 0, the charge on the capacitor is zero. This means that the initial phase difference between the charge and the current is 90 degrees, since the current is at its maximum at t = 0. Therefore, cos(phi) must be equal to 0.
  • #1

Homework Statement

In an oscillating LC circuit, L = 2.93 mH and C = 3.21 μF. At t = 0 the charge on the capacitor is zero and the current is 2.14 A. What is the maximum charge (in C) that will appear on the capacitor?

Homework Equations

I know that for an LC Circuit, the charge q at a given time t is:
q = Q cos(wt + phi)

The Attempt at a Solution

At t = 0, q = 0;
0 = Q cos(phi),
which implies Q = 0.

So the maximum charge is 0.

However this is not right.
Any help please?
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  • #2
reising1 said:

Homework Statement

In an oscillating LC circuit, L = 2.93 mH and C = 3.21 μF. At t = 0 the charge on the capacitor is zero and the current is 2.14 A. What is the maximum charge (in C) that will appear on the capacitor?

Homework Equations

I know that for an LC Circuit, the charge q at a given time t is:
q = Q cos(wt + phi)

The Attempt at a Solution

At t = 0, q = 0;
0 = Q cos(phi),
which implies Q = 0.

So the maximum charge is 0.

However this is not right.
Any help please?
The other possibility (the correct one) is that cos(phi)=0.

Try differentiating q(t) and use the other information given in the problem.
  • #3
Okay, so

i = dq/dt = -wq sin(wt + phi)

Plugging in,
since w = 1 / sqrt(LC)
2.14 A = Q (-1 / sqrt(2.93 mH * 3.21 microF)) sin(phi)

However I'm not sure what phi is. In fact, I'm not quite sure specifically what phi is. I know it is the phase difference. But in this case, the phase difference between what?

Thanks so much.
  • #4
The phase phi simply tells you where in the cycle you're starting.

With the information you're given, you can solve for phi. First, you know cos(phi)=0, so phi=pi/2 or -pi/2. From your equation for the current, you can figure out which of the two possibilities is the correct one.
  • #5
Okay. I understand that one. Now here's the next part;

(b) At what earliest time t > 0 is the rate at which energy is stored in the capacitor greatest?

So, I know that U = q^2 / 2C
So U = (Q^2)(sin^2(wt)) / (2C)

deriving this (to find the "rate at which energy is stored"), we get

dU/dt = (Q^2)(w)(sin(wt))(cos(wt)) / C

The maximum occurs when sin(wt)cos(wt) is at a max, which is when wt = pi/4

So, wt = pi/4 implies that the time when the rate at which energy is stored in the capacitor is greatest is
t = (pi/4)(1/w)
plugging in values, I get
t = 7.61686 E-5 seconds

However, this is incorrect.
See my flaw anywhere?
  • #6
Other than perhaps the number of significant figures, it looks right to me.
  • #7
Going back to before, why is it that we know cos(phi) = 0?

FAQ: LC Circuit Maximum Charge Problem

1. What is an LC circuit and what is its purpose?

An LC circuit is an electrical circuit that consists of an inductor (L) and a capacitor (C) connected in parallel or series. Its purpose is to store and release electrical energy in the form of oscillations or waves at a specific frequency.

2. How does an LC circuit reach its maximum charge?

An LC circuit reaches its maximum charge when the energy stored in the capacitor is equal to the energy stored in the inductor. This occurs when the potential difference across the capacitor is at its maximum and the current through the inductor is at its minimum.

3. What factors affect the maximum charge of an LC circuit?

The maximum charge of an LC circuit is affected by the values of the inductance and capacitance, as well as the frequency of the applied voltage. A higher inductance or capacitance will result in a higher maximum charge, while a higher frequency will decrease the maximum charge.

4. Can the maximum charge of an LC circuit be increased?

Yes, the maximum charge of an LC circuit can be increased by increasing the inductance or capacitance, or by decreasing the frequency of the applied voltage. However, there are physical limits to how much the maximum charge can be increased.

5. How is the maximum charge of an LC circuit used in practical applications?

The maximum charge of an LC circuit is used in many practical applications, such as in radio tuners and electronic filters. It is also used in energy storage systems and wireless charging technology. Additionally, the principles of maximum charge in an LC circuit are used in the design of electrical circuits for various purposes.

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