Leaky Ballpoint Pens: Engineering Advancement

  • Thread starter anorlunda
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    Ball Point
In summary, the conversation discusses the use of ink wells and dip pens in 2nd grade school, and the transition to ballpoint pens. It mentions the issues with leaky ballpoint pens and the advancement in engineering that solved the problem. The conversation also touches on the design and functionality of desks in the early years. It concludes with speculation on the potential factors that may have contributed to the decrease in leaky pens.
  • #1
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I'm so old, that in 2nd grade school we still used ink wells, and ink dip pens. (And yes I did get whacked for dipping a girl's pigtail in the well.) But they were replaced by ballpoint pens,

But ballpoint pens in the 50s were terrible. They leaked ink profusely. If my memory is right, leaky ballpoints became less frequent in the 60s and still less in the 70s, but were still common enough that engineers had good reason to wear pocket protectors. After the 70s, undamaged but leaky ballpoint pens seemed to disappear. It has been many years since I saw a pocket protector for sale in a clothes store.

Clearly there was an advance in engineering that eliminated the leak problem. What was it? Who should we credit?
Engineering news on Phys.org
  • #2
Our desks in the early years had the ink wells but no ink. Several desks linked together by the cast iron framing, so if one student jerked around so did every one else. Lift up top to the space to put all your stuff, wooden pencil cases, and the pull out drawer under the seat, excellently functional. And solid wood too!

As to the ballpoint pens, some do leak, so do beware.

Off the cuff, would change in clothing wear be a contributing factor. Tiny fibres coming off the thread act as a wick. Cotton, for example, may have more of a wicking tendency than some of the synthetic threads.
  • #3
I also remember ink wells in desks, but they were not used when I was in school.

As far as leaky pens, I'd just assume tighter tolerances, better machining, better ink formulations? Incremental improvements rather than anyone big thing to point to?

Related to Leaky Ballpoint Pens: Engineering Advancement

1. How do leaky ballpoint pens affect writing?

Leaky ballpoint pens can cause smudging, staining, and inconsistent ink flow, making writing a frustrating experience.

2. What causes a ballpoint pen to leak?

Leaking in ballpoint pens is often caused by a damaged or misaligned ballpoint, a loose cap, or a break in the ink cartridge.

3. Can leaky ballpoint pens be fixed?

In some cases, yes. Replacing the ink cartridge or adjusting the ballpoint may solve the issue. However, if the pen is damaged beyond repair, it may need to be replaced.

4. How have engineering advancements improved ballpoint pen technology?

Engineering advancements have led to the development of better materials and manufacturing processes for ballpoint pens, resulting in more durable and reliable pens with reduced chances of leakage.

5. Are there any environmentally-friendly options for leaky ballpoint pens?

Yes, there are now refillable and biodegradable ballpoint pens available that can help reduce waste and pollution caused by disposable pens. However, if your pen is still usable, it is best to continue using it until it can no longer be used before switching to a more eco-friendly option.

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