Learn How to Derive Gauss and Stokes Theorems for Vector Analysis"

In summary, the two theorems Gauss' theorem and Stokes theorem state that if P and Q are scalar functions on a plane, then the divergence theorem says that the curl of the integral of P over the boundary of Ω is equal to the integral of Q over the boundary of Ω. The Stokes theorem states that if Ω is a surface in a Euclidean space, then the curl of the integral of P over the surface is equal to the integral of Q over the interior of Ω.
  • #1
Hi All,

I got a couple questions that I need some help getting started on. Any tips would be appreciated.

1. Derive Gauss and Stokes theorems for the field B = Ap(r), where A is a constant vecotr and p (rho)is a scalar field. r is the unit vector.

2. Compute the flux of the field A(r)=(y^2, 2xy, 3z^2-x^2) through the surface of a rectangle defined by the four points (b,a,0) (0,a,0) (0,0,a) (b,0,a)

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  • #2
galipop said:
Hi All,

I got a couple questions that I need some help getting started on. Any tips would be appreciated.

1. Derive Gauss and Stokes theorems for the field B = Ap(r), where A is a constant vecotr and p (rho)is a scalar field. r is the unit vector.

2. Compute the flux of the field A(r)=(y^2, 2xy, 3z^2-x^2) through the surface of a rectangle defined by the four points (b,a,0) (0,a,0) (0,0,a) (b,0,a)


Gauss' theorem, also called the divergence theorem,(in the form in which I am looking at it now) says that, if P and Q are scalar functions on R2, then [tex]\int\int_\Omega \(\frac{\partial Q}{\partial x}-\frac{\partial P}{\partial y}\)dxdy= \integral Pdx+ Qdy [/tex] where the second integral is over the boundary of Ω
Stokes theorem says essentially the same thing except that instead of being in R2, Ω is now some surface in R3.
I'm not sure why you have reference to "r" and "rho". In problem two, you appear to be using "r" to represent the general (x,y,z) vector but surely you are not asking for a general proof of these thwo theorems?

Number 2 is not too hard. You are given that A= (y2,2xy, 3z2-x2). Its curl is <0, 2x, 0>.
The equation of the plane described is y+ z= a. Projecting into the xy-plane, we have ndS= <0, 1, 1> dxdy so curl A.n dS= 4x dx dy. The double integral has limits x=0 to x= b, y= 0 to y= a. The integral is simply (2b)(a)= 2ab.
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  • #3
I'm baffled by question 1 also...as for question 2 I overlooked determining the equation of the plane.

Thanks for your help.
  • #4
Could you explain the part about projecting onto the xy plane for me. I'm not sure why or how you did it.
  • #5
By the way, I calculated the curl to be <0,2x,0>

How does that sound?
  • #6
galipop said:
Could you explain the part about projecting onto the xy plane for me. I'm not sure why or how you did it.

Since you are integrating over a surface, in order to reduce it to terms of 2 parameters so you need to project to one of the coordinate surfaces (you could write the plane in terms of two parametric equations but then calculating the differential would be harder).
Think of a surface as given by f(x,y,z)= constant. Then it is a "level surface" for f and grad f is normal to the surface (at each point). It is easy to show that the length of grad f is the differential of area of the surface and I prefer to think of grad f as being the "vector" differential of area. In order to write the integral in x,y,z, "project" down to the xy-plane by dividing the vector by the z component (so that the z component becomes 1). Alternatively, you can project to the yz-plane or xz-plane. Then integrate over the figure in the plane that the surface projects to.

In this problem, we can write the surface as y+z= a with f(x,y,z)= y+z. Then grad f= <0, 1, 1> . Since the z coordinate is already 1, projecting to the xy plane, dS= <0, 1, 1> dxdy. (Since the y coordinate is already 1, we could project onto the xz plane as dS= <0, 1, 1>dxdz. Since the x coordinate is 0, we could not project to the yz plane- the projection in that direction reduces to a single line.)

galipop said:
By the way, I calculated the curl to be <0,2x,0>

How does that sound?

Yes! I don't why I gave <-2x,2x,-2x>! I went back and calculated it again and it is <0, 2x, 0>.

The integral [tex]\int_{x=0}^b\int_{y=0}^a 2x dxdy= ab2.
  • #7
Thanks. It all makes sense now.

  • #8
I'm trying to do the same Question as Galipop,

and while I have managed to do question 2 he posted I haven't gotton Question One yet.

Any idea how to derive Gauss and stokes for that field?

It seems to want us to derive the theorems rather than proove them
  • #9
Anyone? Please?
  • #10
Okay our lecturer said that we should try to simplify both theorems when A is a constant vector, not a function of space coordinate r=(x,y,z)).

Does that help someone to work out how do do this question, if someone could show me how to do it I would be very happy

FAQ: Learn How to Derive Gauss and Stokes Theorems for Vector Analysis"

What is vector analysis?

Vector analysis is a mathematical method used to analyze and manipulate quantities that have both magnitude and direction, such as force, velocity, and acceleration. It involves operations such as addition, subtraction, and multiplication of vectors.

What is a vector?

A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. It is commonly represented by an arrow, with the length of the arrow representing the magnitude and the direction of the arrow representing the direction of the vector.

What are the basic operations in vector analysis?

The basic operations in vector analysis include addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Addition involves combining two or more vectors to produce a resultant vector. Subtraction involves finding the difference between two vectors. Multiplication involves multiplying a vector by a scalar value to change its magnitude.

What is the difference between a scalar and a vector?

A scalar is a quantity that has only magnitude, while a vector has both magnitude and direction. For example, temperature is a scalar quantity, while velocity is a vector quantity.

What are some real-world applications of vector analysis?

Vector analysis is used in many fields such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics. It is used to study and understand concepts such as motion, forces, and electrical fields. It is also used in navigation systems, flight dynamics, and video game development.

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