Learn Programming: LISP vs MATLAB

  • Thread starter Ratzinger
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In summary, LISP and MATLAB are both high-level programming languages commonly used in the fields of mathematics, engineering, and science. While LISP is known for its flexibility and ability to handle symbolic data, MATLAB is popular for its numerical computing capabilities and vast library of built-in functions. While both languages have their strengths and weaknesses, they are both powerful tools for solving complex problems and analyzing data. Ultimately, the choice between LISP and MATLAB will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the programmer.
  • #1
I would like to learn some programming. What about LISP? Is that easy to learn? Is it a 'beautiful' language? What software do I need to do some basic programming in LISP? I heard it's been used in AI a lot.

I also have MATLAB on my computer. Can I do interesting and easy-to-learn programming with MATLAB?

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  • #2
Lisp is almost a purely "academic" language these days. In other words, no one writes any serious programs in it. It has features and flexibility that few other languages offer, which is why it is used in textbook AI programs. On the other hand, it is neither beautiful nor intuitive nor easy to use.

If you're new to programming in general, I strongly suggest you look at Python, http://www.python.org/

It actually includes many of the features of Lisp (i.e. symbolic computation), but also includes the best features of many other languages, including C++ and Perl, but is fantastically simple and easy to understand.

- Warren
  • #3
Ratzinger said:
I would like to learn some programming. What about LISP? Is that easy to learn? Is it a 'beautiful' language? What software do I need to do some basic programming in LISP? I heard it's been used in AI a lot.

I also have MATLAB on my computer. Can I do interesting and easy-to-learn programming with MATLAB?

I wanted to suggest Python too but Chroot beat me to it :smile:
But in my case, the suggestion is a bit selfish...I am learning it now so it would help to have someone around asking questions too :-p

As an aside, I am almost computer illiterate and I installed it on my desktop with no problem, so it is easy to get it up and running.

  • #4
I think I am going to have to learn either LISP or Pascal for my Cog Sci labs. I know virtually nothing about these languages.
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  • #5
chroot said:
Lisp is almost a purely "academic" language these days. In other words, no one writes any serious programs in it. It has features and flexibility that few other languages offer, which is why it is used in textbook AI programs. On the other hand, it is neither beautiful nor intuitive nor easy to use.

If you're new to programming in general, I strongly suggest you look at Python, http://www.python.org/

It actually includes many of the features of Lisp (i.e. symbolic computation), but also includes the best features of many other languages, including C++ and Perl, but is fantastically simple and easy to understand.

- Warren

How is lisp NOT easy? It's definitely easier for a beginner than C or Java. I'm not saying I don't agree with you on python though.
  • #6

So let's learn Python.
  • #7
Ratzinger said:

So let's learn Python.

You probably have all this already, but 3 useful sites are


to download.


for documentation (I think there is a link to it from the previous web site)


to do cool 3-d animations very easily.

I will be keeping an eye here to see if you are posting questions so that I can learn from the answers provided to you!
If you look within the next few days you will see two of my Python questions answered.


  • #8
Math Is Hard said:
I think I am going to have to learn either LISP or Pascal for my Cog Sci labs. I know virtually nothing about these languages.

That's an odd combination. Are you sure it isn't Lisp or Haskell?

chroot said:
Lisp is almost a purely "academic" language these days. In other words, no one writes any serious programs in it. It has features and flexibility that few other languages offer, which is why it is used in textbook AI programs. On the other hand, it is neither beautiful nor intuitive nor easy to use.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I'll admit that my interest in Lisp at this point is purely academic, but that doesn't necessarily make it any less interesting. I wish I had learned it as my first programming language. You might want to look at this:

On the other hand, I'd like to learn Python too, when I have some free time - hah hah.
  • #9
gnome said:
That's an odd combination. Are you sure it isn't Lisp or Haskell?
I didn't see anything about "Haskell". I have to choose one of these labs:

Cognitive Science Laboratory: Introduction to Theory and Simulation (involves simulations written in common LISP)
Cognitive Science Laboratory: Neural Networks (involves simulations written in Pascal)

There are two other labs, "Psychophysical Theories and Methods" and "Neuroinformatics Studio", but these don't mention a programming language.
  • #10
OK, ignore my comment about Haskell. I mentioned that only because they (Lisp, Haskell) are often lumped together as "functional" programming languages.

Based on the catalog descriptions, both of those courses sound fascinating. I've never written any Pascal, but I've read some, and it's similar enough to C that it would be easier to learn than Lisp. But you would probably never use it again after that course. I understand that "everybody" was taught Pascal in the '80s and early '90s, but I don't think anybody writes it anymore. So, as intriguing as the neural networks lab sounds, I'd still rather learn how to write simulations in Lisp. Probably more work though.

PS: Here's a link to a talk on Lisp that Peter Seibel gave recently at google in NYC. It runs about 1 hr (279Mb):

and you can find his book "Practical Common Lisp" here:
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  • #11
Thank you for those links, gnome. I hope I can play around a little bit with Lisp this summer. What do you use for a development environment? I found this "Lisp in a Box" package:
Have you used that SLIME IDE for emacs? This is all completely foreign to me. I rarely venture outside of Visual Studio for anything, so this is intimidating. :redface:
  • #12
I have emacs/slime running in linux (with "steel bank common lisp" in my Gentoo machine and clisp in an old RedHat one). I haven't had much time to play with it during the school year so it'll be one of several summer projects for me too. You will find emacs to be pretty bewildering at first. But from the little bit of dabbling that I've managed to do, I'm thoroughly convinced that it will be worth the pain. We can commiserate over the summer. :smile:

That Lisp-in-a-Box is what you want; even though emacs seems to be completely unintuitive at first (at least it does to me), the "people who know" seem to agree that the emacs/slime combination is most convenient environment for working with Lisp. emacs includes a tutorial which helps a little.

Just grab the base installer and the Clisp module from that lispbox page. You don't need the Allegro modules.

Related to Learn Programming: LISP vs MATLAB

What is LISP and MATLAB?

LISP (List Processing) is a programming language that was developed in the late 1950s. It is known for its powerful list manipulation capabilities and is often used in areas such as artificial intelligence and symbolic computing. MATLAB (MATrix LABoratory) is a high-level programming language and interactive environment that is commonly used in scientific and engineering applications. It is known for its extensive mathematical and numerical computing capabilities.

What are the main differences between LISP and MATLAB?

While both LISP and MATLAB are high-level programming languages, they have different purposes and features. LISP is a functional programming language, meaning it focuses on the evaluation of expressions and the manipulation of data structures. On the other hand, MATLAB is primarily used for numerical computing and features a large library of built-in functions for this purpose. Additionally, LISP is a dynamically typed language, while MATLAB is statically typed.

Which language is better for beginners to learn?

This ultimately depends on the individual's goals and preferences. LISP may be more suitable for those interested in symbolic computing and AI, while MATLAB may be a better choice for those interested in scientific and engineering applications. Both languages have their own unique syntax and learning curves, so it's important to consider which one aligns better with one's goals.

Can LISP and MATLAB be used together?

Yes, it is possible to integrate LISP and MATLAB in a programming project. This can be done through the use of different libraries and tools, such as the MATLAB-LISP interface or the MATLAB Common Lisp Interface (MCLI). This allows for the combination of LISP's list processing capabilities and MATLAB's numerical computing power in one project.

Which language is more widely used in the industry?

MATLAB is more commonly used in the industry, particularly in fields such as engineering, finance, and data analysis. However, LISP is still used in certain industries, such as AI and natural language processing. Both languages have their own strengths and are used for different purposes, so it's important to research the specific industry and job requirements before deciding which language to learn.

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