Learning Craig Bampton Method: Reference Books & Resources

  • Thread starter millachin
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In summary: In dynamic part, we use the eigenvalues of the interior DOF to generate vibration mode shapes and solve for the vibrations of the nodes. This is done using the boundary node functions and the fixed base shape nodes.
  • #1
Can anyone suggest a good reference book for learning Craig Bampton method? Also it will be of great help if you could give links on the internet which explain the CB method in a detailed manner and websites/webpages that have a good set of numericals based on the CB method.

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
The motivation for CB is that most "big" stuctures are physically bult from subcomponents with which can be modeled separately. To make a reduced dynamics model of each subcomponent, you need to retain all the degrees of freedom at the boundaries which wll join to the other subcomponents. But if you eliminate everything else from the model, you lose the dynamic behaviour happening "inside" each subcomponent.

The basic idea of CB is to represent the internal dynamics of each subcomponent by its vibration modes with its boundaries fixed. This works well when the physical connections between the subcomponents are simple compared with the dynamics of each subcomponent, for example a satellite attached to its launch rocket at a small number of mounting points.

Another benefit is that each subcomponent model can often be checked against test vibration measurements indepedendently, which makes it easier to find and fix problems than working with just one large model. In fact the component models can be constructed directly from measured data, instead of making a conventional FE model.

There are variations on the basic idea - for example it is possible to the vibration modes of subcoomponents with the boundaries free to move instead of fixed (or with some parts of the boindary fixed and the rest free), which may improve the accuracy for a given size of model. Devising the "best" way (and even defining what "best" means) is an ongoing research topic.

This looks a pretty good summary of the math (it's slightly NASTRAN-flavored, but most of it should make sense if you don't know NASTRAN): http://femci.gsfc.nasa.gov/craig_bampton/index.html

THe guutar analysis example here is fairly typical of the practical issues with this type of dynamics modelling: http://www.sem.org/pdf/substructuring_tutorial_imac2010.pdf
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  • #3
Thanks AlephZero. Sorry for the late response. I was on a vacation, so, couldn't access the net.

To make a reduced dynamics model of each subcomponent, you need to retain all the degrees of freedom at the boundaries which wll join to the other subcomponents. But if you eliminate everything else from the model, you lose the dynamic behaviour happening "inside" each subcomponent.

What procedure is applied to study the DOFs? We have the analysis set which is split into boundary DOFs and interior DOFs. The boundary DOFs are reduced by Static condensation and we use the eigenvalue analysis in solving the interior DOFs (if I am not wrong). We generate two sub-matrices B = [I ϕR] and ϕ = [0 ϕL] (where R represents the boundary DOF and L represents interior DOF). The two sub-matrices are combined to generate a global transformation matrix.
B is called boundary node functions and ϕ is called fixed base shape nodes. The essence of CB method is to understand these two. Could you please elaborately explain them?
  • #4
CB method can be divided into two parts - Static and Dynamic.
In static part, we essentially solve for the boundary DOF and express the elastic DOF in terms of boundary DOF. My question is - why do we give unit displacement to the interface DOF while solving for the displacements and keep the other contraint/interface DOF zero?

FAQ: Learning Craig Bampton Method: Reference Books & Resources

What is the Craig Bampton Method?

The Craig Bampton Method is a technique used to reduce the computational complexity of a complex system by dividing it into smaller substructures and then coupling them together. This method is commonly used in structural dynamics and finite element analysis.

Why is it important to learn the Craig Bampton Method?

The Craig Bampton Method allows for more efficient and accurate analysis of complex systems, making it an essential technique for scientists and engineers working in various fields such as aerospace, automotive, and civil engineering.

What are some good reference books for learning the Craig Bampton Method?

Some popular reference books for learning the Craig Bampton Method include "Modal Analysis and Testing" by D. J. Ewins, "Finite Element Analysis: Theory and Application with ANSYS" by Saeed Moaveni, and "Model Reduction Techniques Using the Craig-Bampton Approach" by Paolo Rota and Marco Gherlone.

Are there any online resources for learning the Craig Bampton Method?

Yes, there are several online resources available for learning the Craig Bampton Method. Some useful websites include the Craig Bampton Method page on the NASA Technical Reports Server, the Craig Bampton Method page on the University of Bristol's website, and various YouTube tutorials.

How can I apply the Craig Bampton Method in my research or work?

The Craig Bampton Method can be applied in a variety of fields and industries, such as structural analysis, vibration analysis, and noise control. It is commonly used in the design and analysis of complex structures, such as aircraft and bridges. It can also be applied in the development of control systems and optimization algorithms.

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