Legal status of US military presence in Iraq

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  • Thread starter kyleb
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In summary, there are differing opinions on whether the war in Iraq has officially ended or if it is still ongoing under international law. The dissolution of the Coalition Provisional Authority and the transfer of partial sovereignty to the new Iraqi government may suggest the war has ended, but the ongoing presence of US military forces and the involvement of various groups in Iraq suggest otherwise. Whether this can be considered an occupation depends on the perspective and interpretation of international law.
  • #1
I've seen it claimed that under international law, we're still at war in Iraq. In contrast, I'm under the impression that the war ended the moment we replaced the Saddam regime with the Coalition Provisional Authority, with the status being one of military occupation since then. My basis for this understanding is the", specifically:

Art. 42. Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army.
The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised.
So, while the CPA has since been dissolved and partial sovereignty handed over to the new Iraqi government, I'm left to believe our ongoing military presence in Iraq remains one of occupation under international law. If there is any rational basis for claims to the contrary, please share.
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  • #2
Iraq has its own government, and its own military. We are there as a supplement to help keep the peace by request of the Iraqi government.
  • #3
In my opinion there is still a war going on over in Iraq. Not the original war that Bush had started with the invasion of Iraq. There are wayyyy too many groups in Iraq battling it out now. America is still there and is still involved, I believe it's official involvment is more of a supporting role and 'assisting' role but they are definately still in an ongoing war in Iraq.

I think it was Colin Powell that warned Bush about the war: 'You break it; you own it.' Too true.
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  • #4
kyleb said:
So, while the CPA has since been dissolved and partial sovereignty handed over to the new Iraqi government, I'm left to believe our ongoing military presence in Iraq remains one of occupation under international law.

If the Iraqi government wants US forces to be there, I'm pretty sure that removes any possibility of calling it an occupation. Is the US occupying Japan?
  • #5
CRGreathouse said:
If the Iraqi government wants US forces to be there, I'm pretty sure that removes any possibility of calling it an occupation. Is the US occupying Japan?

The problem as I see it though is that the government is suppoesd to be representative of the people. (It is a democratic state pretty much now right?)

EDIT: Not that this truly matters at all, America has to stay there. Iraq can not support itself. Imagine if America did leave, what would al Qaeda or the Taliban have to say about that huh? They would just leave Iraq too? Iraq wasn't a sponsor of terrorism prior to the war and I highly doubt America wants to turn it into one after the war.
  • #6
Baath Party Loyalists, Al-Qaeda in Iraq, Mahdi Army, Islamic Army of Iraq, Jamaat Ansar al-Sunnah. Those are all of the terrorist organizations operating in Iraq. They are all fighting each other to gain more power. If the US were to leave right now, whoever was the strongest would seize power and reek havoc on all of the other groups.
  • #7
OP has been answered. Deleted OP post on conspiracy theory.

Related to Legal status of US military presence in Iraq

1. What is the current legal status of US military presence in Iraq?

As of 2021, the legal status of US military presence in Iraq is governed by a bilateral agreement known as the Strategic Framework Agreement for a Relationship of Friendship and Cooperation between the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq. This agreement was signed in 2008 and outlines the conditions and limitations for US military activities in Iraq.

2. How long will US military forces be present in Iraq?

Currently, there is no set timeline for US military forces to remain in Iraq. The Strategic Framework Agreement does not specify an end date for the presence of US troops, but it does allow for regular reviews and consultations between the two countries to determine the continued need for US military presence.

3. What is the purpose of US military presence in Iraq?

The primary purpose of US military presence in Iraq is to support and train Iraqi security forces, as well as conduct counterterrorism operations against groups like ISIS. Additionally, US forces also assist with humanitarian and reconstruction efforts in the country.

4. Are there any limitations on US military activities in Iraq?

Yes, the Strategic Framework Agreement sets limitations on US military activities in Iraq. These include the requirement for US forces to obtain Iraqi government approval for any military operations, restrictions on the use of Iraqi airspace, and the prohibition of US military bases in Iraq.

5. Can the Iraqi government request the withdrawal of US military forces?

Yes, the Strategic Framework Agreement allows for either country to request the withdrawal of US military forces. If the Iraqi government were to request the withdrawal of US forces, the two countries would enter into negotiations to determine a timeline and plan for withdrawal.

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