Lemmings suicide or bungee gone wrong

  • Medical
  • Thread starter DrDeath
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In summary, lemmings are a group of small critters that are known for jumping off cliffs in massive groups and killing themselves. However, it is actually mostly the lemmings that drown themselves, and they are not the only animals that do this.

Lemmings! suicide or bungee gone wrong?

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  • #1
ok we all know about the little critters called lemmings who every now and then jump off cliffs in massive groups wipeing out lots of the lemming population each time they do it. but here's the question:

is it really mass suicide or are they really stupid bungee jump enthusiasts who forget to connect the cord to their waists?

vote and discuss!
Biology news on Phys.org
  • #2
Actually, they drown themselves mostly.
  • #3
i could have sworn they jump off cliffs en mass, i wonder if the cliffs overlook lakes and rivers hence them drowning?
  • #4
DrDeath said:
i could have sworn they jump off cliffs en mass, i wonder if the cliffs overlook lakes and rivers hence them drowning?
Possibly, lemmings live(?) in mountainous regions.
  • #7
humm interesting facts about lemmings that i never knew. well there goes the whole debate in big puff of smoke. damn, i was looking forward to this developing into a humerous debate

ah well any other animals out and about that are suicidal apart from humans?
  • #8
I know that if you place a flame at the entrance to an ant colony, the ants will keep jumping into the fire until it's out. We used to do this as kids. Sometimes when they jumped in you could hear this little voice - God Save the Queen!
  • #9
:rolleyes: Don't they just add more fuel to the flame and make the problem worse? :rolleyes:
  • #10
Nope. We used a candle, and they just piled on until it went out.
  • #11
that would definatlly class as suicidal, but at least they are doing it for a good cause, so i think that would make it patriotism?

Related to Lemmings suicide or bungee gone wrong

1. What is the reason behind lemmings committing suicide?

The belief that lemmings commit mass suicide by jumping off cliffs is actually a myth. This behavior is caused by overpopulation and competition for resources, leading to some lemmings being pushed off cliffs by others.

2. How do bungee jumping accidents happen?

Bungee jumping accidents can happen due to a variety of factors, including equipment failure, incorrect calculations or measurements, human error, or unexpected weather conditions. It is important for companies to have strict safety protocols in place to prevent accidents.

3. Are there any documented cases of lemmings surviving a fall off a cliff?

Yes, there have been documented cases of lemmings surviving a fall off a cliff. They have strong survival instincts and are able to swim and climb to safety in some situations.

4. How can bungee jumping companies ensure the safety of their customers?

Bungee jumping companies should regularly inspect and maintain their equipment, properly train their staff, follow safety regulations and guidelines, and thoroughly assess weather conditions before allowing jumps to take place. They should also have emergency plans in place in case of accidents.

5. Is there a way to prevent lemmings from falling off cliffs?

One way to prevent lemmings from falling off cliffs is by creating barriers or fences to redirect their migration and prevent overcrowding. However, this may not always be feasible in their natural habitat. It is also important for humans to avoid disrupting their natural habitats and migration patterns.

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