Lennard Jones, 3 particles, partition function

In summary, the author is trying to calculate the average inter-particle distance between particles that interact via Lennard Jones potentials, but is having difficulty because the potential depends on the three inter-particle distances. He is considering working with coordinates (plus R), but is uncertain how that leads to an integration over the ##r_{i,j}##. He is inclined to think that the integral is going to be nasty (intractable) due to the dependence of the potential on \lVert \mathbf{r}_{23}\rVert.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Calculation of canonical integrals for 3 Lennard Jones particles.

similar to my previous thread
I am trying to calculate the average inter-particle distance of particles that interact via Lennard Jones potentials. Now, however, I am dealing with 3 particles, and I fail to write down the partition function in a way that allows (numerical) computation.

The total potential is given by ##\hat{U}(\mathbf{q_1}, \mathbf{q_2}, \mathbf{q_3})=U(r_{1,2})+U(r_{1,3})+U(r_{2,3})## with ##\mathbf{q_i}## the position of particle ##i##, ##r_{i,j}## the distance between particles ##i## and ##j##, and ##U(r)## the usual Lennard Jones potential.

The partition function can then be written as $$Z=\int_{R³}\int_{R³}\int_{R³}e^{-\beta U(r_{1,2})}e^{-\beta U(r_{1,3})}e^{-\beta U(r_{1,3})}d³\mathbf{q_1}d³\mathbf{q_2}d³\mathbf{q_3}$$ I assume there is again a convenient way to transform this to a simpler integral as the potential only depends on the three inter-particle distances.
Can I again simply go to the coordinates ##\mathbf{R}=\frac 1 3 (\mathbf{q_1}+\mathbf{q_2}+\mathbf{q_3})## and ##\mathbf{r_{i,j}}=\mathbf{r_i}-\mathbf{r_j}##?
(@vanhees71 's approach in my previous thread to two particles where it worked fine).

But this does not seem to do the trick, as I would arrive at a 12-dimensional integral, instead of a 9-dimensional integral.SL
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  • #2
So far as the calculus is concerned your new coordinates (plus R) will have an additional vector constraint. Defining the COM relative vector positions as: [itex]\mathbf{r}_k = \mathbf{q}_k -\mathbf{R}[/itex] means they will satisfy:
[tex]\sum_{k=1}^3 \mathbf{r}_k = 0[/tex]
So for example you would, say, integrate over [itex]\mathbf{R}, \mathbf{r}_1,[/itex] and [itex]\mathbf{r}_2[/itex] and express the third position as a function of the two you chose to be independent.

As to the physics. The integration over [itex]\mathbf{R}[/itex] would decouple but yield an infinite volume integral. But that's just the failure to recognize that in a practical setting one would be confining the entire system within a finite volume to regularize it. One can factor out this contribution, I believe, and simply renormalize the partition function.
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  • #3
jambaugh said:
So far as the calculus is concerned your new coordinates (plus R) will have an additional vector constraint. Defining the COM relative vector positions as: [itex]\mathbf{r}_k = \mathbf{q}_k -\mathbf{R}[/itex] means they will satisfy:
[tex]\sum_{k=1}^3 \mathbf{r}_k = 0[/tex]
So for example you would, say, integrate over [itex]\mathbf{R}, \mathbf{r}_1,[/itex] and [itex]\mathbf{r}_2[/itex] and express the third position as a function of the two you chose to be independent.

Thank you! While I understand your substitution, I am not sure how that leads to an integration over the ##r_{i,j}## from my OP. Then again, I am not sure that it is even possible to rewrite the integral in my desired form with more than two particles.
  • #4
My inclination is to work relative to one of the particles, say the first and integrate over [itex]\mathbf{r}_{12}[/itex] and [itex]\mathbf{r}_{13}[/itex] using [itex]\mathbf{r}_{23} = \mathbf{r}_{13}-\mathbf{r}_{12}[/itex].

Still, I'm inclined to think that the integral is going to be nasty (intractable) due to the dependence of the potential on [itex]\lVert \mathbf{r}_{23}\rVert[/itex].
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  • #5

I will probably not spend further time on this then, and instead "solve" the problem by using a particle simulation with very small step size.

Related to Lennard Jones, 3 particles, partition function

1. What is the Lennard Jones potential?

The Lennard Jones potential is a mathematical model that describes the interaction between two particles in a system. It takes into account both the attractive and repulsive forces between the particles, and is commonly used in studies of molecular dynamics and thermodynamics.

2. What are the 3 particles in the Lennard Jones system?

The 3 particles in the Lennard Jones system refer to the 3 atoms or molecules that make up the system. These particles interact with each other through the Lennard Jones potential, and their positions and energies can be described using the partition function.

3. What is the partition function in the context of Lennard Jones, 3 particles?

The partition function in this context is a mathematical function that describes the distribution of energy among the 3 particles in the Lennard Jones system. It takes into account the different possible energy states of the particles and their probabilities, and is essential for calculating thermodynamic properties of the system.

4. How is the partition function calculated for a Lennard Jones system with 3 particles?

The partition function for a Lennard Jones system with 3 particles can be calculated using the Boltzmann distribution, which relates the probability of a particle being in a certain energy state to the energy of that state. The partition function is then obtained by summing over all possible energy states of the 3 particles.

5. What is the significance of the partition function in Lennard Jones, 3 particles?

The partition function is a crucial concept in statistical mechanics, as it allows us to calculate important thermodynamic quantities such as the free energy and entropy of a system. In the context of Lennard Jones, 3 particles, the partition function provides a way to describe the energy distribution and behavior of the particles, and can be used to make predictions about the system's thermodynamic properties.

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