Let σ a cycle of length s. Then σ^2 is a cycle iff s is odd.

In summary, when σ is a cycle of length s, σ2 is a cycle if and only if s is odd. A proof is given by considering the cases where s is odd and even, and showing that only when s is odd does σ2 result in a single cycle. This is demonstrated through the use of two different notations, the two line notation and the notation for disjoint cycles.
  • #1
Proposition: Suppose σ is a cycle of length s. Then σ2 is a cycle if and only if s is odd.

Quick remark... The following "proof" seems more like an explanation. This is for a self-study and I am looking back through my notes to refine/correct/improve. If you were correcting this, say out of 10pts, what would you give it?


Let σ be a cycle of length s. That is, σ=(a1a2a3...as-1as). Suppose s is odd. Now, we calculate σ2 and we obtain that σ2=(a1a3a5a7...asa2a4a6...as-1). We notice that all odd numbered terms appear first in our cycle. Then, as, our last odd numbered term, gets sent to a2. The term a2 starts a sequence of moving even numbered terms to the next even numbered term, which concludes with as-1, which is also even. The term as-1 gets sent to a1 which completes the cycle. Now if s was even, then the term as-1 would be odd. But, as-1 would still get sent to a1. Hence, σ2 would be written as the product of disjoint cycles. That is,
[Equation 1] σ2=(a1a3a5a7...as-1)(a2a4a6...as). Thus, σ2 would not be a cycle.

Similarly, if we have that σ2 is cycle, then we deduce that s must be odd or else a situation similar to [Equation 1] would arise.


Thanks for the help! :)
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  • #2
hi jmjlt88! :smile:

sorry, but personally i'd give you 6, since it's a bit confusing and, although i think you've probably grasped the principles involved, I'm not convinced you have :redface:

since you apparently see how to make the cycles, it would be simpler just to show the single cycle and the pair of cycles, for the two cases

(also, i recommend using 2n and 2n+1, instead of the same symbol for both odd and even numbers :wink:)
  • #3
Hey tiny-tim! Thanks! I actually did it like you said on paper. In my notes, I wrote the cycle in different notation [the two line notation where you put the elements on top and what they get sent to in the botton] which made it clearer. I then just observed what happened when s was odd, and then when s was even. Maybe if you saw that, I'd get a passing mark! =)
  • #4
hey jmjlt88! :smile:

(just got up :zzz:)

yes that looks better :smile:

except I'm worried about …
jmjlt88 said:
… I then just observed what happened when s was odd, and then when s was even.

… if by "observed" you mean explained in words, it would be clearer (and probably more convincing) if you just did it with maths, eg (2k 2(k+1) etc) and (2k+1 2(k+1)+1 etc) :wink:

FAQ: Let σ a cycle of length s. Then σ^2 is a cycle iff s is odd.

What is a cycle in the context of this statement?

A cycle is a permutation of elements in a set where each element is shifted to the position of the next element in the cycle, and the last element is shifted to the position of the first element.

What does σ^2 represent in this statement?

σ^2 represents the composition of σ with itself, or performing the cycle σ twice.

What does it mean for σ^2 to be a cycle?

If σ^2 is a cycle, it means that after performing the cycle twice, all elements are back in their original positions.

When is σ^2 a cycle?

σ^2 is a cycle when the length of the original cycle, s, is odd.

Can you provide an example to illustrate this statement?

Let σ = (1 2 3), a cycle of length 3. Then σ^2 = (1 3 2), which is also a cycle. But if σ = (1 2 3 4), a cycle of length 4, then σ^2 = (1 3)(2 4) is not a cycle since it does not return all elements to their original positions after being performed twice.

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