Letters to America From Around the World

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In summary, the conversation discussed a website where people from all over the world can write to Americans and share their political views. The participants in the conversation found this site interesting and discussed various topics such as political reform, the upcoming election, and the involvement of the US in other countries. The website link provided in the conversation allows for real dialogue between people from different countries, which is appreciated by the participants.
  • #1
Gold Member
I found an interesting site that allows people from all over the world to write to Americans and share their political views.

I found these two quite interesting :biggrin:

Afghanistan, 30 September 2004

dont vvote for bush please!help!

abdhul Hussain


DRCongo, 30 September 2004

Dear America
I am a young African coming from a trip in Europe, we have been talking about the reform of international institutions, but it sounded like all the participants were talking about the reform of the USA; maybe the world is not perceiving America not really well, maybe Americans are not really involved in their politics.
However it is Americans' people business.
My only one concern is you ordinary people of the USA who are invited to the poll very soon; your counrty is creating new enemy in Central Africa, particularly in DRC where the Bush administration is backing Rwanda in its killings and lootings on our territory.
Can you ask them to stop, please ?
If you have to re-elect him, ask him to change plans; there no need to have afrivcans in your list of enemies

Olivier Kambala

but you may find ones that suit you better here:


(This link is to page two - page one contains mostly letters from the USA)
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  • #2
It's nice to see real dialogue for a change. good link
  • #3
Okay, I think we definitely need a sarcasm emoticon/smilie.

It's getting hard to tell if someone's being sarcastic. I take it you're not, phatmonky. <crossing fingers>
  • #4
Gokul43201 said:
Okay, I think we definitely need a sarcasm emoticon/smilie.

It's getting hard to tell if someone's being sarcastic. I take it you're not, phatmonky. <crossing fingers>
I was/am being serious :smile:
  • #5
I'm glad you like it. I do, too. :smile: I like hearing from the people and not just their politicians.

FAQ: Letters to America From Around the World

1. What inspired you to write "Letters to America From Around the World"?

I have always been fascinated by different cultures and perspectives, and I wanted to create a platform for people from around the world to share their thoughts and experiences with the United States. I believe that through these letters, we can gain a better understanding of each other and bridge cultural divides.

2. How did you choose which letters to include in the book?

I received hundreds of submissions from all over the world and I carefully read through each one. I looked for letters that were well-written, thought-provoking, and provided unique insights into the writer's country or culture. I also aimed for diversity in terms of geographical locations and perspectives.

3. What do you hope readers will take away from reading "Letters to America From Around the World"?

I hope that readers will gain a deeper understanding of the world beyond their own borders and see the common humanity we all share. I also hope that these letters will spark conversations and encourage people to learn more about different cultures and perspectives.

4. How did you ensure the authenticity of the letters?

I requested that all submissions include the writer's name, country, and a brief introduction to themselves. I also fact-checked information provided in the letters and made sure that the content was not plagiarized. Additionally, I reached out to some of the writers for further clarification or verification.

5. Will there be a second volume of "Letters to America From Around the World"?

I am considering creating a second volume, as I received many more wonderful letters than I could include in the first book. However, it will depend on the success and interest in the first volume. I am also open to suggestions or ideas for future projects related to this concept.

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