Lewis Structures and Valence Electrons?

In summary, the conversation discusses the placement of valence electrons in Lewis Structures and the process for drawing them. It is explained that there is no specific order for placing the electrons, as long as the correct number is accounted for. In complex ions, the electrons are bonded and the remaining electrons are placed around the central atom. The conversation ends with gratitude for the help and an increased understanding of the topic.
  • #1
Hi there!

I was wondering if anyone could help me. With Lewis Structures and Valence electrons, do the valence electrons have to go in a certain order around the element symbol?
ie: four dots around each side of carbon, or two on the left side and two on the right side?

How would you do one like C₂H₅I?

One more question, how would one draw a lewis structure for a complex ion, like OH-?

Thanks! :)
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  • #2
First place each electron one at a time (unpaired) on each of 4 sides of the chemical symbol. Only start pairing them up if you have an atom with more than 4 valence e's.

Hope this helped.
  • #3
No, it doesn't matter what order you have the electrons on the symbol, as long as you have the correct number. Of course, you could have a very anal teacher, in which case, do it how he wants it.

When drawing OH- what you would do of course, is bond the oxygen and the hydrogen with a single bond (hydrogen can never take more than a single bond) that counts as two of your 8 (it is 8 valence electrons because it is minus, if it was neutral than it would be 7 [6 valence electrons on the oxygen and 1 on the hydrogen]) electrons. Therefore you need to place 6 more electrons, and in this case, the only place to put them is around the oxygen, so you will draw 6 little dots around your O.

  • #4
Thank you very much for your help! I can finish up my report now. :)
I am understanding these better~!

FAQ: Lewis Structures and Valence Electrons?

What is a Lewis Structure?

A Lewis Structure is a diagram that represents the arrangement of atoms and valence electrons in a molecule. It is named after American chemist Gilbert N. Lewis, who first described this method of representing molecules.

How do you draw a Lewis Structure?

To draw a Lewis Structure, you first need to determine the total number of valence electrons in the molecule. Then, arrange the atoms in the molecule, with the central atom usually being the least electronegative. Next, add the valence electrons around the atoms, with each bond representing two electrons. Finally, make sure all atoms have a full octet of electrons (except for hydrogen, which only needs two).

What are valence electrons?

Valence electrons are the electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom. They are responsible for the chemical properties of an element and determine how it will bond with other elements to form molecules.

Why are Lewis structures important?

Lewis structures are important because they help us visualize the structure of molecules and understand how atoms are bonded to each other. They also help us predict the reactivity and properties of molecules.

Can a molecule have more than one Lewis structure?

Yes, some molecules can have more than one Lewis structure. This is known as resonance and occurs when the arrangement of electrons can be shown in more than one way. These structures are called resonance structures and contribute to the overall stability of the molecule.

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