Libertarian Party: 1-2% Support, Issues & Platform

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  • Thread starter Aquamarine
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In summary, the Libertarian Party currently has 1-2% support from voters, similar to the role played by Nader or Perot in past elections. The party's platform and stance on issues can be found on their website, and many individuals have expressed interest in voting Libertarian despite not fully agreeing with all of their views. Some believe that if the party were to gain a higher percentage of votes, it could potentially influence mainstream candidates to shift towards a more libertarian ideology. However, there are also some disagreements within the party on issues such as isolationism, minimal regulation for businesses, and balancing freedom of speech and assembly with the right to a peaceful life. Overall, many individuals identify as libertarians and support the party's belief in limited government
  • #1
According to some polls, the Libertarian Party has support from 1-2% of the voters, and could thus play a similar role to Nader or Perot before.

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  • #2
I give it a 75% chance I vote libertarian,

and a 25% chance I vote Griffin.

The party is interesting, but awful extreme. I've always felt if they took a more moderate stance they could really pick up many more people.
  • #3
I don't think they need to be less extreme, I will be voting Libertarian this election, despite the fact that I don't share all of the parties views, if they can pick up a couple of percent from a position as extreme as theres, they can start to create some shift as mainstream candidates shift towards the libertarian party in order to pick up the votes that are there. If Libertarians ever started getting a descent percentage of votes, it would move mainstream american much closer to the libertarian ideology even if they didn't win.

  • #4
i voted for a lot of Libertarian candidates this time. i like their "no government mixing with morality" attitude.
  • #5
I'll agree for the most part with what everyone says. I classify myself as a libertarian, but here's where I disagree:

Isolationism in a global era is a bad idea.

Businesses still need minimal regulation.

Freedoms of speech and assembly should not interfere with the right to lead a peaceful and quiet life.

Other than that, they're my party.

FAQ: Libertarian Party: 1-2% Support, Issues & Platform

1. What is the Libertarian Party?

The Libertarian Party is a political party in the United States that promotes individual liberty and limited government. It was founded in 1971 and is the third largest political party in the country.

2. Why does the Libertarian Party only have 1-2% support?

The Libertarian Party is a relatively new and lesser known party compared to the two major parties in the US, the Democratic and Republican parties. This limits their visibility and resources, making it difficult to gain widespread support.

3. What are the main issues and values of the Libertarian Party?

The Libertarian Party's platform is based on the principles of individual liberty, limited government, and free markets. They advocate for personal and economic freedom, non-interventionist foreign policy, and individual responsibility.

4. How does the Libertarian Party differ from the Democratic and Republican parties?

The Libertarian Party differs from the Democratic and Republican parties in several ways. They prioritize individual freedom and personal responsibility over government intervention, advocate for a non-interventionist foreign policy, and support free market economics.

5. What are some common criticisms of the Libertarian Party?

Some common criticisms of the Libertarian Party include their lack of political experience and resources, their extreme views on certain issues, and their perceived selfishness due to their emphasis on individual liberty over collective well-being.
