Library that supports multidimensional Arrays

In summary: N,epsilon,a,b,c,...)def...def integrator(N,epsilon,a,b,c,...)...This is a C++ implementation of a Verlet integrator.In summary, the library @newjerseyrunner and I are suggesting does not exist. If you want to speed up the computations in your N-Body simulator, you will need to use C++.
  • #1
I'm am looking for a C++ library that supports high-dimensional arrays ( 3=< ) and element-wise calculations.
Is there such a thing?
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  • #2
What exactly are you trying to do? Native C++ supports as many dimensions as you want:

int fourDArray[10][10][10][10];
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  • #3
newjerseyrunner said:
What exactly are you trying to do? Native C++ supports as many dimensions as you want:

int fourDArray[10][10][10][10];

I have N x N 1x3 vectors that I need to be able to sum element-wise row-wise. I also need to do element-wise calculations on N x 3 arrays.
  • #4
madsmh said:
I have N x N 1x3 vectors that I need to be able to sum element-wise row-wise.
This could be implemented as a three-dimensional array, something that is straightforward enough that I doubt that there is a library of the type you're looking for. With regard to "sum element-wise row-wise," you need to be a bit more explicit as to what you mean.
madsmh said:
I also need to do element-wise calculations on N x 3 arrays.
Nearly all C++ textbooks have a section on working with multidimension arrays. I'm sure there are also many online tutorials about the same subject.
  • #5
Perhaps I wasn't clear. What I'm looking for is a numpy-like library for C++.
  • #6
madsmh said:
Perhaps I wasn't clear. What I'm looking for is a numpy-like library for C++.
No, you were clear. What @newjerseyrunner and I are saying is that no such library is needed. Even if such a library existed, the time it would take to learn how to use that API would be at least as much as the time it takes to learn how to use multidimension arrays in C++.
  • #7
Mark44 said:
No, you were clear. What @newjerseyrunner and I are saying is that no such library is needed. Even if such a library existed, the time it would take to learn how to use that API would be at least as much as the time it takes to learn how to use multidimension arrays in C++.

And that, like Mark44's post, does not answer my question.
  • #8
Okay - the answer is the standard C++ (or C) library handles multidimensional arrays. The boost library has some extra add-ons for arrays. Multi-index containers, for example.

Lapack handles multidimensional tensors (matrices)- Linear algebra. More good add-ons.

These extend the base standard library. This is as close to an answer for the question as posed. I believe:
Please tell us what you are trying to do. Please do not ask a question assuming you know how to accomplish the task, in this case some library you think must exist.
  • #9
jim mcnamara said:
Okay - the answer is the standard C++ (or C) library handles multidimensional arrays.
As an example, here's some code that creates essentially a 4 x 4 matrix of column vectors, with each column vector being
##\begin {bmatrix} 1 \\ 2 \\ 3 \end{bmatrix}##

The following code creates a 3D array, one "slice" of which looks like this:
##\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 & 1 & 1 \\
2 & 2 & 2 & 2 \\
3 & 3 & 3 & 3 \end{bmatrix}##
The other "slices" look the same
int main()
    int vectors[4][3][4];
    int i, j, k;

    for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) // Each column
        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) // Each row
            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) // Each slice
               vectors[i][j][k] = 1 + j;
 return 0;
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  • #10
@madsmh, from one of your previous threads, you're coding in python. Python is a much higher-level language, so you might be unfamiliar with how things are done in a lower-level language like C or C++ where there isn't so much happening under the hood.
  • #11
There aren't many languages that fully support multi-dimensional arrays with built in operators. The only language I'm aware of that does this is APL (A Programming Language), where almost all of the built in operators support scalars, vectors, matrices, and arrays with 3 or more dimensions. I assume Matlab comes close to this, but I don't know Matlab. Prior posts already mentioned some libraries for C / C++.
  • #12
Thank you all for your suggestions. @Mark44 Is correct that I am used to Python with only a passing familiarity with C++.
The project I am working on is N-Body simulator for predicting Solar System orbits in Python, and I would like to speed
up the computations without loosing the graphical abilies of Python. As an example of what I would like to to do in C++ is the Verlet integrator which I have implemented like this:

def verlet(system, trajectory, rows, delta_t):

    delta_t2 = delta_t ** 2

    # TODO Implement Velocity Verlet
    for k in range(rows):
        if k == 0:
            # Get initial positions
            q0 = system.get_positions()

            # Save to trajectory

        elif k == 1:
            # Get previous position
            q0 = trajectory.get_position_at_index(0)

            # Get initial velocity
            p0 = system.get_velocities()

            # Calculate accerleration
            a = system.get_accelerations()

            # Calculate q1
            q1 = q0 + p0 * delta_t + 0.5 * a * delta_t2

            # Save to trajectory

            # Update positions of the planets

        # Calculate q_n+1
            # Calculate accerleration
            a = system.get_accelerations()

            # Get the prevous results
            qn1 = trajectory.get_position_at_index(k-2)
            qn = trajectory.get_position_at_index(k-1)

            # Calculate new new positions
            qplus = 2*qn - qn1 + a * delta_t2

            # Save to trajectory

            # Update positions of the planets

As you can see I am able to do computations with multiple N x 3 arrays in a single line of code with Numpy.
I was hoping that there would be a similar facillities in C++ via a library.

Related to Library that supports multidimensional Arrays

1. What is a multidimensional array?

A multidimensional array is a data structure that allows you to store data in multiple dimensions, such as rows and columns. It is often used to represent data that is organized in a table-like format.

2. Why do I need a library that supports multidimensional arrays?

A library that supports multidimensional arrays can provide you with tools and functions to efficiently work with and manipulate this type of data structure. This can save you time and effort when working with large amounts of data.

3. What features should I look for in a library that supports multidimensional arrays?

Some features to consider when looking for a library that supports multidimensional arrays include the ability to create, access, and modify arrays of different dimensions, as well as functions for performing common operations on arrays, such as sorting and searching.

4. Can a multidimensional array library handle different data types?

Yes, many libraries that support multidimensional arrays have the ability to store different data types within the same array. This can be useful when working with heterogeneous data sets.

5. Are there any popular libraries that support multidimensional arrays?

Yes, there are many popular libraries that support multidimensional arrays, such as NumPy, SciPy, and Pandas in Python, and Java's Multidimensional Array class. It is important to research and choose a library that best fits your specific needs and programming language.

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