Lifetime & uncertainty relation w.r.t. particles

In summary, the Heisenberg relation Delta(E)*Delta(t)>=hbar, which is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics, applies to the interpretation of "annihilation" and "creation" of elementary particles. This can be further explored by considering the Compton-length and lifetime of these particles, and the various interpretations of QM and the Uncertainty Principle.
  • #1
Can anyone explain how to interpret Heisenberg's relation Delta(E)*Delta(t)>=hbar in case of "annihilation" and or "creation" of (elementary) particles:
1) in case of virtual particles
2) in case of antiparticles ?
Is it eventually useful, if I may say so, to discriminate between the lifetime of the massive particle and that of its complementary energy quant ?
If one could do so what would then be the consequence for the Heisenberg expression in either case?
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  • #2
Background questions.

hurk4 said:
Can anyone explain how to interpret Heisenberg's relation Delta(E)*Delta(t)>=hbar in case of "annihilation" and or "creation" of (elementary) particles:

I think it can be good to know the background questions I had when posting this thread, here the are.

As far as I know all elementary “particles” have masses below the Planck-mass, thus their radius should be larger than the Planck-radius and be equal to the Compton-length which is inverse proportional to its respective mass. The Compton-length in fact is a quantum wave length. So my question could be, are not all these elementary “particles” to be considered as (Compton) wave packets, where it not that we are know with their dualistic (particle-wave) behaviour?
If I consider light, then I now that it is a wave unless it is interacting, but as long as is does not interact I suppose its Compton-length is infinite if it has no mass. (If I take a 3000K Photon then I can calculate a very long Compton-length for it if I like). The dimension of a free electron also fits reasonably well its Compton-length.
Applying Heisenberg’s relation ΔE*Δt ≥ ћ to elementary particles I remark that indeed their relative small energy/mass content gives them immeasurable long lifetimes in case that they have to “annihilate” completely (e.g. an electron or a proton). But then what means “annihilation”? According to conservation of energy I think it can not really be annihilation, so what kind of energy will result from such an "annihilation". I suppose it certainly will not be black hole-mass which is far too unstable below the Planckmass? Candidates: zero-point energy, dark-energy, e-m energy?.
Let me stop here, maybe I will come with more questions in case I get reactions.
  • #3
There exist several different interpretations of QM, and therefore the Uncertainty Principle. I myself can't say I perfectly Understand QM and think that its logical, i doubt many people can. Theres a good article here thatll help:

FAQ: Lifetime & uncertainty relation w.r.t. particles

1. What is the lifetime and uncertainty relation w.r.t. particles?

The lifetime and uncertainty relation w.r.t. particles refers to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which states that it is impossible to know the exact position and momentum of a particle at the same time. This means that the more precisely we know the position of a particle, the less we know about its momentum, and vice versa.

2. How does the uncertainty principle affect particle physics?

The uncertainty principle plays a significant role in particle physics because it imposes limits on what we can measure and observe in the subatomic world. It also affects the behavior and interactions of particles, as their properties are constantly fluctuating due to the uncertainty in their position and momentum.

3. Can the uncertainty principle be overcome?

No, the uncertainty principle is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics and cannot be overcome. It is a fundamental property of the universe and applies to all particles.

4. How does the lifetime of a particle relate to the uncertainty principle?

The lifetime of a particle is related to the uncertainty principle through the concept of energy-time uncertainty. This principle states that the more precisely we know the energy of a particle, the less we know about the time it will exist. This means that particles with shorter lifetimes have a larger uncertainty in their energy, and vice versa.

5. What are some real-life applications of the lifetime and uncertainty relation w.r.t. particles?

The uncertainty principle has numerous applications in modern technology, such as in the development of electron microscopes and semiconductor devices. It also plays a crucial role in fields such as quantum computing and cryptography. Additionally, the concept of energy-time uncertainty is used in medical imaging techniques, such as positron emission tomography (PET) scans.
