What is the lift force on a car's roof at 100km/hr with an area of 3.9m^2?

In summary, the lift force on the roof of a car depends on the shape of the car, and the speed of the car alone will not create lift. The Bernoulli principle does not apply in this case because the speed of the air is not the result of a pressure difference, and a flush mounted static port can measure the ambient pressure regardless of the car's speed.
  • #1
the question I am stumped on is "What is the lift force on the roof of your car that has an aera of 3.9m^2 if you are driving 100km/hr? use 1.17kg/m^3 for density of air
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  • #2
There would have to be something deflecting air away from a flat roof in order to produce lift. Speed alone isn't going to create lift on a flat plate parallel to the relative wind. Bernoulli principle doesn't apply here. You could place a flush mounted static port in a flat roof to measure pressure of the moving air outside and it would indicate the same ambient pressure if the car was stopped or moving (as long as speeds are reasonably sub-sonic).

For a real car, the windshield deflects the air away from the roof, and the overall shape of most cars is similar to a common wing and tends to produce some lift. You'd have to know the profile shape of the car, similar to knowing the profile of an airfoil, in order to determine the lift versus speed.
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  • #3
rcgldr said:
Speed alone isn't going to create lift on a flat plate parallel to the relative wind. Bernoulli principle doesn't apply here. You could place a flush mounted static port in a flat roof to measure pressure of the moving air outside and it would indicate the same ambient pressure if the car was stopped or moving (as long as speeds are reasonably sub-sonic).

Why does Bernoulli principle not apply? My first thought was that it would indeed create a significant difference in pressure...
  • #4
rcgldr said:
Speed alone isn't going to create lift on a flat plate parallel to the relative wind.

Lsos said:
Why does Bernoulli principle not apply?
Because the speed of the air wasn't the result of a transition from higher pressure to lower pressure. In this case, the assumption is that the pressure of the air is ambient. It doesn't matter what the speed of the flat plate is if the flat plate isn't interacting with the air (assume the flat plate doesn't change the speed of the air, ignoring any skin friction effects). This why static ports that are just small openings in the side of an aircraft's fuselage (at a point where the air's speed isn't being changed) can sense the ambient pressure of the air, regardless of the speed of the aircraft (as long as speed is sufficiently below the speed of sound).
  • #5

The lift force on the roof of your car is a result of the airflow over and under the car's surface. This force is created due to the difference in air pressure above and below the car. As the car moves at a constant speed, the air above the car is moving faster than the air below, creating a lower pressure area above the car. According to the Bernoulli's principle, this pressure difference results in a lift force on the car's roof.

To calculate the lift force, we need to use the formula F = ½ x ρ x V^2 x A, where F is the lift force, ρ is the density of air, V is the velocity of the car, and A is the area of the car's roof. Substituting the given values, we get:

F = ½ x (1.17kg/m^3) x (100km/hr)^2 x (3.9m^2)
= ½ x (1.17kg/m^3) x (27.8m/s)^2 x (3.9m^2)
= ½ x (1.17kg/m^3) x (772.84m^2/s^2) x (3.9m^2)
= ¼ x (1.17kg/m^3) x (3,016.56m^2/s^2)
= 754.14 N

Therefore, the lift force on the roof of your car is approximately 754.14 Newtons when driving at a speed of 100km/hr. This force is important to consider for the stability and aerodynamics of your car while driving. It is also important to note that this is an ideal calculation, and the actual lift force may vary due to factors such as wind speed, air density, and the shape of the car's roof.

Related to What is the lift force on a car's roof at 100km/hr with an area of 3.9m^2?

What is lift force on the roof of a car?

Lift force on the roof of a car is the upward force that is exerted on the roof of a car due to air resistance while the car is in motion. This force is caused by the difference in air pressure above and below the roof of the car.

Why is lift force important for cars?

Lift force is important for cars because it affects the overall aerodynamics and stability of the vehicle. Too much lift force can cause a car to become unstable and difficult to control, while too little lift force can decrease fuel efficiency and performance.

What factors affect the lift force on a car's roof?

The shape and design of the car's roof, the speed of the car, the angle of the roof, and the density of the air are all factors that can affect the lift force on a car's roof. Additionally, any objects or attachments on the roof can also impact the lift force.

How is lift force on the roof of a car calculated?

Lift force on the roof of a car is calculated using the formula F = (1/2) * ρ * v^2 * A * CL, where F is the lift force, ρ is the air density, v is the velocity of the car, A is the area of the roof, and CL is the coefficient of lift.

How can lift force on the roof of a car be reduced?

To reduce lift force on the roof of a car, the design of the car can be modified to decrease the angle of the roof and create a more streamlined shape. Additionally, removing any objects or attachments on the roof can also reduce lift force. Other methods include adding spoilers or air dams, or adjusting the suspension to lower the car's height.

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