Lifting a 7.5 kg Box: Power Calculations

In summary, the problem involves a 7.5 kg box being lifted by a light rope through a single, light, frictionless pulley attached to the ceiling. Part a asks for the power delivered by the person pulling on the rope if the box is being lifted at a constant speed of 2.0 m/s. The answer cannot be found by simply plugging in numbers and finding the kinetic energy, but rather by finding the change in kinetic and potential energy over a period of time. Part b asks for the average power delivered if the box is lifted from rest to a height of 1.5m in 0.42 seconds. Again, the solution involves finding the change in both kinetic and potential energy over the given period
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Homework Statement

A 7.5 kg box is being lifted by means of a light rope that is threaded through a single, light, frictionless pulley that is attached to the ceiling.

a) If the box is being lifted at a constant speed of 2.0 m/s, what is the power delivered by the person pulling on the rope?

b) If the box is lifted, at constant acceleration, from rest on the floor to a height of 1.5m above the floor in 0.42 s, what average power is delivered by the person pulling on the rope?

Homework Equations

k = 1/2 m v^2 (velocity vector)

d = initial velocity(t) + 1/2at^2

v = initial velocity + at

The Attempt at a Solution

My answer for a is 15 Joules. I basically just plugged in the numbers for this one, since we are only going in the y direction I didn't bother writing ( 0i + 2.0j)

k = (1/2)(7.5)(2.0)^2 = 15 Joules

My answer for b is 190 Joules. For this one I found the acceleration and then the velocity and plugged in those numbers.

1.5 = 1/2a(0.42)^2
a = 17 m/s^2

v = 17(0.42) = 7.1 m/s

k = 1/2 (17) (7.1)^2 = 190 Joules

Can anyone tell me if these answers are correct?
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  • #2
Hello jensson,
jensson said:
My answer for a is 15 Joules. I basically just plugged in the numbers for this one, since we are only going in the y direction I didn't bother writing ( 0i + 2.0j)

k = (1/2)(7.5)(2.0)^2 = 15 Joules
Sorry, but no. :frown:

You have found the box's kinetic energy, but that's not what the question is asking for. The question is essentially asking for the box's change in energy (both potential and kinetic), per unit time. That's a measure of power not energy. And power has units of Watts in the SI system of units, not Joules.

Let me give you an example (which isn't quite related to this problem). Suppose that the kinetic energy of a ball is 100 J. Ten seconds later it has a kinetic energy of 300 J, and suppose its potential energy is unchanged. The change in kinetic energy is 300 - 100 = 200 J over those 10 seconds. So the average power applied to the ball over those 10 seconds is (200 J)/(10 s) = 20 W.

Now back to this problem (part a). The block starts out at 2.0 m/s and keeps going indefinitely at 2.0 m/s. So, over a period of time, say 1 second (the block is still moving at 2.0 m/s), what is its change in kinetic energy?

But that's not the end of the problem. The potential energy of the block is also changing. This is because the block's height is changing. So, over some period of time, say 1 second, what is the change of the block's potential energy?
My answer for b is 190 Joules. For this one I found the acceleration and then the velocity and plugged in those numbers.

1.5 = 1/2a(0.42)^2
a = 17 m/s^2

v = 17(0.42) = 7.1 m/s

k = 1/2 (17) (7.1)^2 = 190 Joules
Ok, you found the block's kinetic energy at the end of the 0.42 s period. What is the block's change in kinetic energy over this period?

But you're not done yet. What is the block's potential energy at the start? What is the block's potential energy at the end of the 0.42 second period? So what is the change in potential energy?

What is the block's change in total energy (potential + kinetic) over the 0.42 second period? What's the average power? That's the average power exerted by the person pulling on the rope. :wink:

[Edit: By the way, there is another, equivalent method that you can use for both parts of this problem. Look in your textbook/coursework to find a formula that relates power to force and velocity. For part b, you can find the average power by using the average velocity.]
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FAQ: Lifting a 7.5 kg Box: Power Calculations

1. How do you calculate the power needed to lift a 7.5 kg box?

To calculate the power needed to lift a 7.5 kg box, you need to know the weight of the box (7.5 kg) and the height at which you are lifting it. Then, you can use the formula P = mgh, where P is power, m is mass, g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2), and h is the height. Plug in the values and you will get the power in watts (W).

2. Can the power needed to lift the box be reduced by using a machine or tool?

Yes, using a machine or tool can reduce the power needed to lift the box. For example, using a pulley system can distribute the weight of the box and make it easier to lift. This means that less power will be needed to lift the box to the same height compared to lifting it directly by hand.

3. What is the relationship between power and time in this scenario?

The relationship between power and time is inverse. This means that as power increases, time decreases and vice versa. In the context of lifting a 7.5 kg box, if you use more power, you will be able to lift the box to a certain height faster. On the other hand, if you use less power, it will take longer to lift the box to the same height.

4. Can the power needed to lift the box vary depending on the method used to lift it?

Yes, the power needed to lift the box can vary depending on the method used. Different methods, such as using a pulley system or lifting the box directly, will require different amounts of power. This is because the efficiency of each method is different and can affect the amount of work needed to lift the box.

5. How does the weight of the box affect the power needed to lift it?

The weight of the box directly affects the power needed to lift it. The heavier the box, the more power will be needed to lift it to a certain height. This is because the formula for power (P = mgh) includes the mass of the object being lifted. If the weight of the box increases, the power needed to lift it will also increase.
