Light Cones in an Expansive Universe: Exploring GR Problems

In summary, the problem is that when we take a vector in 1+1 dimensions and apply the metric, we get a decelerating expansion. When we take
  • #1
Hi everyone!
I'm solving some GR problems and I have a question.
The problem is that we have a metric like the FRW metric but in 1+1 dimensions, i.e.:
[tex] ds^2 = -dt \otimes dt + a(t)^2 dx \otimes dt[/tex]
Where [itex]a(t)=t^{1/\epsilon}[/itex] (for [itex] t>0[/itex]) and [itex]a(t)=(-t)^{1/\epsilon}[/itex] (for [itex]t<0 [/itex]).
We take a vector [itex] V^\mu = dx^\mu / d\lambda [/itex] and apply it to the metric as [itex] ds^2 (V,V)=0[/itex].
For [itex]t>0 [/itex] we get:
[tex]dt = \pm a(t) dx \rightarrow x(t) = \pm \frac{t^{1-1/\epsilon}}{1-1/\epsilon}[/tex]
Ok, having all this said (until this point everything is correct, is part of the exercise) here's my problem.
For [itex]\epsilon >1 [/itex] we have a decelerating expansion and we get, for instance for [itex] \epsilon = 2 [/itex]:
[tex] t = x^2 [/tex]
(Up to some constant I don't care)
I can more or less understand this result, it's similar to the light cone in Minkowski's, and it gets more stretched with time as the expansion gets decelerated.

Let's go to the case [itex] 0 < \epsilon < 1[/itex]. In this case, for instance for [itex] \epsilon = 1/2 [/itex], we get
[tex] t=x^{-1} [/tex]
I don't understand this case, the light-cone from the future and the past are not even conected.
Imagine this image but with the red lines in both side of the axis.

Does anyone have an explanation to this fact? I don't see why the accelerating and the decelerating expansions give us so different light-cones!
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  • #2
At the beginning I thought that the second case could be because a(0)=0 (even though t=0 is not defined...), so every observer is like conected at t=0... but then I wouldn't understand the first case! Because both are expansions, they should look like similar.
  • #3
Did you notice that you also happened to change sign on the ##\pm##? If you draw the light cone from any given point (including the constant you neglected), all of the past at t = 0 is going to be included. Similarly, for t smaller than 0, all space at t=0 will be in the future light cone. In particular, for t > 0, this means all of space for t < 0 is within the past light cone.
  • #4
Yeah, but why that doesn't happen in the first case? :(

In addition, if we take [itex] \epsilon =1 \rightarrow a(t) = t[/itex], then:
[tex] dt = \pm t dx \rightarrow \ln (t)=\pm x \rightarrow t = \exp (\pm x)[/tex]
That case is also reaaally weird, as you have line cossing in the future and in the past...

Thanks for the answer ;)
  • #5


Thank you for sharing your question and thoughts on light cones in an expansive universe. I am a scientist and I would be happy to provide a response.

First, I would like to clarify that the FRW metric you have described is a simplified version of the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker metric, which is used to describe the expanding universe in general relativity. In this simplified version, the metric only considers two dimensions (time and one spatial dimension) and uses a power law for the expansion scale factor.

Now, to address your question about the different light cones for accelerating and decelerating expansions, let us first consider the case of decelerating expansion (ε>1). In this case, the scale factor a(t) increases with time, which means that the distance between two points in the universe increases at a decreasing rate. This leads to a stretching of the light cone, as you have correctly noted.

On the other hand, for accelerating expansion (ε<1), the scale factor decreases with time, which means that the distance between two points in the universe increases at an increasing rate. This leads to a shrinking of the light cone, which is what you have observed in the case of ε=1/2. This can also be seen in the image you have shared, where the red lines on both sides of the axis get closer together as x decreases.

To understand why this happens, we can consider the equation for the scale factor a(t) in the FRW metric, which is given by a(t)∝t1/ε. As t decreases (for ε<1), the scale factor decreases at a faster rate, leading to a shrinking of the light cone. This is in contrast to the case of decelerating expansion, where the scale factor increases at a decreasing rate, leading to a stretching of the light cone.

I hope this explanation helps to clarify the difference in light cones for accelerating and decelerating expansions in an expansive universe. It is important to note that these are simplified models and do not fully capture the complexity of the universe, but they can still provide valuable insights into the behavior of light and space in an expanding universe.

Best regards,

Related to Light Cones in an Expansive Universe: Exploring GR Problems

1. What are light cones in an expansive universe?

Light cones in an expansive universe refer to the 3-dimensional space-time diagram that represents the path of light emitted from a point in space. In an expanding universe, the light cones are tilted due to the expansion of the universe, which affects the speed of light.

2. How do light cones help us explore GR problems?

Light cones are essential tools in understanding and exploring problems related to general relativity (GR). They allow us to visualize the curvature of space-time and how it affects the behavior of light. By studying the shape and orientation of light cones, we can gain insights into the nature of gravity and its role in the expansion of the universe.

3. What are some common GR problems that can be explored using light cones?

Light cones can be used to explore various GR problems, such as the effects of gravitational lensing, black holes, and the cosmic microwave background radiation. They can also help us understand the expansion rate of the universe and the formation of large-scale structures.

4. Can light cones help us understand the age of the universe?

Yes, light cones can provide valuable information about the age of the universe. By studying the shape and orientation of light cones from distant objects, we can estimate the time it took for the light to reach us and therefore determine the age of the universe.

5. How does the expansion of the universe affect light cones?

The expansion of the universe affects light cones by changing their shape and orientation. As the universe expands, the speed of light changes, causing the light cones to tilt. This tilt is crucial in understanding the expansion rate of the universe and its impact on the behavior of light.

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