Light Refraction: How it Colors Our Sky

In summary, our perception of a blue sky is due to Rayleigh scattering, which is caused by the dipole moments in the molecules of the atmosphere. This scattering results in shorter wavelengths (such as blue light) being scattered more strongly, leading to the blue color of the sky. Refraction is the result of the combined scattering of individual molecules, resulting in the refracted and reflected beams. The scattering in the sky is a non-relativistic situation where the scattering radius is much smaller than the wavelength of visible light. The scattered light is polarized and follows the Larmor radiation formula with an inverse fourth power dependence on the frequency.
  • #1
Soaring Crane
What does light refraction have to do with the sky being blue (or any color for that matter)?

Thanks for any replies.
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  • #2
Our perception of a blue sky has more to do with Rayleigh scattering than refraction. Due to dipole moments in the molecules that make up the atmosphere, incident light (from the sun) is scattered. The intensity of this scattering is proportional to (1/λ)4, so that shorter wavelengths are scattered more strongly. (Since the eye has cones that detect red, green, and blue light, the net effect is that we perceive the sky to be blue.)
  • #3

Thanks for the reminder. Can you further detail the dipole mechanism of Rayleigh scattering? (Isn't scattering a type of refraction?)
  • #4
I guess from the standpoint of photon-electron interaction, reflection, refraction, and scattering are all similar/the same. But yeah, I think that refraction is the result of the combined scattering by the individual molecules of some material. Since these molecules are arranged in some structure, that combination results in the refracted beam and the reflected beam (radiation in other directions destructively interferes). Beyond that, I'm not really qualified to comment; what I said may even be off base.

As far as the scattering in the skies goes, here's what I remember from my undergrad EM course:
we're dealing with a non-relativistic situation where the scattering radius is on the order of the Bohr radius, which << than the wavelength of visible light. The dipoles in the molecules of the atmosphere are driven by the electric field in the incident wave, and the scattered light comes out polarized. So you end up with the Larmor radiation formula with that &omega;4 dependence. I was going to try to transcirbe my old notes, but
this has the same stuff only with better organization.

FAQ: Light Refraction: How it Colors Our Sky

1. What is light refraction?

Light refraction is the bending of light as it passes through a medium, such as air or water. This phenomenon occurs due to the change in speed of light as it moves through different densities of materials.

2. How does light refraction affect the color of the sky?

Light refraction causes the different wavelengths of light (colors) to bend at different angles as they pass through the Earth's atmosphere. This creates the effect of scattering, where shorter wavelengths (blue and violet) are scattered more than longer wavelengths (red and orange). As a result, the sky appears blue during the day and takes on shades of orange and red during sunrise and sunset.

3. What factors influence light refraction in the atmosphere?

The density and composition of the atmosphere are the main factors that influence light refraction. The Earth's atmosphere is made up of various gases, water vapor, and particles, which all have different densities and can affect how light bends as it passes through.

4. Why does the sky appear red during sunrise and sunset?

During sunrise and sunset, the sun's light must pass through a longer path of the Earth's atmosphere, causing more scattering of the shorter blue and violet wavelengths. This leaves mostly the longer red and orange wavelengths to reach our eyes, resulting in the vibrant colors we see in the sky.

5. Can light refraction be observed in other natural phenomena?

Yes, light refraction can be observed in many natural phenomena, such as rainbows, mirages, and the twinkling of stars. It is also crucial in the functioning of optical instruments, such as lenses and prisms.

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