Lightning Strike and electrical power surge

In summary: The wireless computer got damaged because of the NIC card that got blasted into many pieces inside the tower caused by the surge. In summary, a lightning strike near the home caused damage to the wired computer's modem and router, and the wireless computer's NIC card and surround sound speaker system. The cause of the wireless computer's damage is still unknown, but it could potentially be due to a surge in the CATV line. Both computers were plugged into surge protection power strips, but the exact cause of the electrical surge remains unclear.
  • #1
Recently, lightning hit near my home (as best as I could tell, not my home directly) and caused considerable damage to my home computer. I have a wireless network with 2 direct wired using ethernet cable and the other using a NIC card. When the lightning struck, my wired computer lost the modem, the router, and that was it! My wireless computer lost the NIC card (it was blasted into many pieces inside the tower) and my surround sound speaker system. Both CPUs seem fine...and really all other components in the house are fine. I'm thinking the CATV line got struck and surged into the modem and router. BUT WHY DID THE WIRELESS CONNECTED COMPUTER HAVE DAMAGE, ESPECIALLY THE NIC CARD BEING BLASTED APART? Just wondering what was going there? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!
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  • #2
The computer's internet connection was wireless, right? I mean, was it plugged into the power source in the wall?
  • #3
Both computers (gateway and remote) were plugged into surge protection power strips.
  • #4
Sorry for digging it up. I would also like to know the answer to this one.
  • #5
After several conversations with numerous electricians and academic professionals, I've yet to ascertain a definitive answer as to the occurrence of the electrical surge!
  • #6

You were using NIC to connect the two computers. If there was no damage to the motherboards, then that would mean that the problem happened with the internet cable carrying the signals.

FAQ: Lightning Strike and electrical power surge

1. What is a lightning strike and how does it occur?

A lightning strike is a discharge of electricity between a cloud and the ground, or between two clouds. This occurs when there is a buildup of positive and negative charges within the cloud, or between the cloud and the ground. When the difference in charges becomes too great, a bolt of lightning is released.

2. Can a lightning strike cause an electrical power surge?

Yes, a lightning strike can cause an electrical power surge. When a lightning bolt hits a power line or a building, it can send a surge of electricity through the wiring and into any connected devices. This surge can damage or destroy electronic equipment and appliances.

3. How can I protect my electronics from a lightning strike?

One way to protect your electronics from a lightning strike is to unplug them from the wall during a thunderstorm. You can also use surge protectors, which are designed to absorb and redirect excess voltage from a power surge. Another option is to install a lightning protection system, which directs the lightning strike safely into the ground.

4. Are power surges only caused by lightning strikes?

No, power surges can also be caused by other sources such as faulty wiring, downed power lines, or the turning on and off of large appliances. However, lightning strikes are one of the most common causes of power surges.

5. Can a lightning strike cause a fire?

Yes, a lightning strike can cause a fire. When lightning strikes a building or tree, the intense heat can ignite any flammable materials nearby. In addition, the electrical current from a lightning strike can also cause sparks and electrical arcs that can start fires.
