Limbaugh calls Mayor Nagin: Mayor Nagger

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In summary: I think. Classism is a real issue, and it's something we should be aware of. In summary, Limbaugh calls Mayor Nagin and says that the mayor reminds him of Falwell blaming lesbians for 9-11. He also says that the lack of response from the government is due to racism and classism. He believes that the Southern US is a primary constituency for the far right and that Bush had an 8 point lead over Kerry in Louisiana due to his support from the evangelical Christian vote.
  • #36
For those defending Rush, I'd like to roll back the hands of time a few years to October of 2003. Rush was hired by ESPN to be a football commentator and well he made some off color comments about black athletes in the NFL at that time. He dutifully 'resigned' a few days later from ESPN.

I don't think he's been that good from the get-go. I think what we've had here is a little social concern in the NFL. I think the media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. They're interested in black coaches and black quarterbacks doing well. I think there's a little hope invested in McNabb, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of his team that he really didn't deserve. The defense carried this team.

The above probably wouldn't have been too bad if it were true except for the fact that McNabb was a good player---Rush just couldn't except the fact that a black man could throw a football.

While Rush might not be a hood wearing klansman he does suffer bouts of ignorance a racist tendencies.

And let's not forget how Rush defended Lott's comments...

If you believe Rush was simply being playful then you're wrong.

So, what does Rush do when confronted with his own Racism? He blames the liberal media---go figure!

...the sports media, being liberals just like liberal media is elsewhere, have a desire that black quarterbacks excel and do very well so that their claims that blacks are being denied opportunity can be validated.

This guy is disgusting to say the least.
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  • #37
faust9 said:
For those defending Rush, I'd like to roll back the hands of time a few years to October of 2003. Rush was hired by ESPN to be a football commentator and well he made some off color comments about black athletes in the NFL at that time. He dutifully 'resigned' a few days later from ESPN.

The above probably wouldn't have been too bad if it were true except for the fact that McNabb was a good player---Rush just couldn't except the fact that a black man could throw a football.

While Rush might not be a hood wearing klansman he does suffer bouts of ignorance a racist tendencies.¬Found=true

And let's not forget how Rush defended Lott's comments...

If you believe Rush was simply being playful then you're wrong.

So, what does Rush do when confronted with his own Racism? He blames the liberal media---go figure!...the sports media, being liberals just like liberal media is elsewhere, have a desire that black quarterbacks excel and do very well so that their claims that blacks are being denied opportunity can be validated.

This guy is disgusting to say the least.

And then there was the time Rush told the black caller to take the bone out of his hair.

But let's not kid ourselves. I doubt anybody defending Rush doesn't really know he's a racist.
  • #38
I am not a Rush fan. I think the man spouts some of the worst slanted journalism of any conservative in the public forum. But I don't think he was making a racist comment on this occassion. I think he was making a lame pun about the Mayor's nagging (I say "lame" because he could have just as easily said, "Here's some of the Mayor's Naggin'...", or some such).

I think much is revealed by the MSM's (and liberal's in general) eagerness to play the race card here. I mean, they pounced on this like Opra on a baked ham! It seems their are a lot of liberals who just can't wait for an opportunity to force race into an issue where it doesn't fit. Any excuse to point out that the Mayor is black, eh? That seems pretty darned racist, to me.

I think Lymbaugh was just degrading the mayor in his usual (in my opinion childish and idiotic) way. I'm sure he would have said the exact same words if the mayor were white, because he'd still be a liberal, and Lymbaugh would still see him as a nag. If the MSM could be a little more color-blind, and stop looking at Nagin as "the black mayor" Lymbaugh attacked, mayb then they could see him as Rush sees him, "the liberal mayor" that he attacked.

Obnoxious and immature? IMO, yes.

Racist? Hardly.
  • #39
LURCH said:
Racist? Hardly.

Did you listen to the audio?
  • #40
LURCH said:
I am not a Rush fan. I think the man spouts some of the worst slanted journalism of any conservative in the public forum. But I don't think he was making a racist comment on this occassion. I think he was making a lame pun about the Mayor's nagging (I say "lame" because he could have just as easily said, "Here's some of the Mayor's Naggin'...", or some such).

I think much is revealed by the MSM's (and liberal's in general) eagerness to play the race card here. I mean, they pounced on this like Opra on a baked ham! It seems their are a lot of liberals who just can't wait for an opportunity to force race into an issue where it doesn't fit. Any excuse to point out that the Mayor is black, eh? That seems pretty darned racist, to me.

I think Lymbaugh was just degrading the mayor in his usual (in my opinion childish and idiotic) way. I'm sure he would have said the exact same words if the mayor were white, because he'd still be a liberal, and Lymbaugh would still see him as a nag. If the MSM could be a little more color-blind, and stop looking at Nagin as "the black mayor" Lymbaugh attacked, mayb then they could see him as Rush sees him, "the liberal mayor" that he attacked.

Obnoxious and immature? IMO, yes.

Racist? Hardly.

The above might be true if this was Rush's first offense which is not the case. Time and again he has shown what a biggot he is.

[edit] "...mayor nager, yeah Ray Nagin..." is how Rush put it. And it was pronounced nay-ger, not nag-er BTW.
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  • #41
LURCH said:
I am not a Rush fan. Obnoxious and immature? IMO, yes.

Racist? Hardly.

Ahhh so that explains this one:

"The American Indians were meaner to themselves than anybody was ever mean to them. The people were savages. It’s true, they damn well were … these people were out there destroying timber, they were out there conquering and killing each other, scalping people." - Rush Limbaugh
  • #42
He meant cool person / nagger... both... but he did mean cool person.

To anyone who believes he meant NAGGER as in the verb NAG, then that's fine... however, I believe that Rush knew very well himself what his intentions were.

I think much is revealed by the MSM's (and liberal's in general) eagerness to play the race card here. I mean, they pounced on this like Opra on a baked ham! It seems their are a lot of liberals who just can't wait for an opportunity to force race into an issue where it doesn't fit. Any excuse to point out that the Mayor is black, eh? That seems pretty darned racist, to me.
if you can see liberals being eager to play a race card, would it also be possible for you to see Rust Limpbra to use a play on words free for your interpretation but meaning both concurrently?

He meant cool person but he can't say it... so he can get away with NAGGER... his KKK buddies probably got a kkkick out of that. I don't have proof of it, but they probably use Nagger as a form of saying cool person... If I were a Klucker I'd do that, so I don't see why they wouldn't.

If I were not born to an immigrant family, I'd make a hell of a Redneck hoodwearing Skinhead NRA Klansman. Too bad. (yeah, you guessed it, I'm bitter) :smile:

Nigga Please! :devil: Rush implied cool person! He is a racist, there is no doubt about it. He is also a hypocrate, which coincidentally most racists are. If he cares so much, what is he doing to help the situation in NO? I think he, and all the other K's are the NAGGERS... what do these guys do except botch and complain about the problems and they never come up with solutions that are good for everyone.
  • #43
faust said:
I don't think he's been that good from the get-go. I think what we've had here is a little social concern in the NFL. I think the media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well. They're interested in black coaches and black quarterbacks doing well. I think there's a little hope invested in McNabb, and he got a lot of credit for the performance of his team that he really didn't deserve. The defense carried this team.

I'm not going to speculate about the internal processes in Limbaugh's mind as he was making the statement being questioned in this thread. I also fully agree that the man is racist, regardless of what he meant by this particular slip of the tongue. Just to defend his football analysis, though, we have to remember that he said this right as McNabb was recovering from a hand ailment and was stinking it up. The Eagles had just lost the first two games of the season. Also, the year before, when McNabb went down, the Eagles went on to win all but one game the rest of that season with a third-string quarterback. When McNabb came back for the playoffs, he was terrible in the NFC title game, in which Tampa Bay completely stopped the Philly offense. He is right to say that the defense carried the team that year (in fact, they were the number one defense in the entire NFL), and there were legitimate questions about McNabb at the time. Of course, McNabb has since answered all of those questions by playing at an MVP caliber the last two years and proving to be perhaps the single greatest leader of any football team out there, both on and off the field.

On a side note, I can't believe the Eagles lost last night. Why do they always have to come out of the gate so slow like that? (Not counting last year, of course.)

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