Limit continuous function of rational numbers

In summary, we have proven that lim r--->s f(r) exists by using the definition of a continuous function and the fact that f(r)=a^r is a continuous, increasing function on the domain of rational numbers.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Fix a real number a>1. If r=p/q is a rational number, we define a^r to be a^(p/q). Assume the fact that f(r)=a^r is a continuous increasing function on the domain Q of rational numbers r.

Let s be a real number. Prove that lim r--->s f(r) exists

Homework Equations

For all ε>o there exists δ>0 s.t. |x-x0|<δ implies |f(x)-f(x0)|<ε
Where x0 is an accumulation point for the domain

The Attempt at a Solution

Fix ε>0 and set δ=ε [not sure about this]
With s an accumulation point for Q
|r-s|<δ implies |f(r)-f(s)|<ε

[trouble here]
|f(r)-f(s)|= |a^r - a^s|
[i'm not sure how I should alter this equation to get to |r-s|<δ=ε. Perhaps I am taking the wrong approach? I just need to show that a limit exists as r--->s ]
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  • #2

Thank you for your post. I am a scientist and I can help you with your problem. Let's start by looking at the definition of a continuous function. A function f(x) is continuous at a point x0 if for any ε>0, there exists a δ>0 such that for all x in the domain, |x-x0|<δ implies |f(x)-f(x0)|<ε. In simpler terms, this means that as x gets closer and closer to x0, the values of f(x) get closer and closer to f(x0).

In your problem, s is an accumulation point for the domain of rational numbers, Q. This means that there exists a sequence of rational numbers, {r_n}, that converges to s. In other words, as n gets larger and larger, r_n gets closer and closer to s.

Now, we want to show that lim r--->s f(r) exists. This means that as r gets closer and closer to s, the values of f(r) get closer and closer to some number, which we will call L. In other words, for any ε>0, there exists a δ>0 such that for all r in the domain, |r-s|<δ implies |f(r)-L|<ε.

To prove this, we will use the definition of a continuous function. Fix ε>0 and let δ=ε. Now, we want to show that |f(r)-L|<ε for all r in the domain such that |r-s|<δ. We can rewrite this as |a^r-a^s|<ε. Now, we can use the fact that f(r)=a^r is a continuous, increasing function on the domain of rational numbers. This means that as r gets closer and closer to s, the values of f(r) will also get closer and closer to f(s). In other words, as r gets closer and closer to s, |f(r)-f(s)| will get smaller and smaller. This is exactly what we need to show, since |f(r)-f(s)| is equal to |a^r-a^s|. Therefore, we have shown that for any ε>0, there exists a δ>0 such that for all r in the domain, |r-s|<δ implies |f(r)-L|<ε. This means that lim r--->

FAQ: Limit continuous function of rational numbers

What is a limit continuous function of rational numbers?

A limit continuous function of rational numbers is a function that has a defined limit at every rational number in its domain. This means that as the input values approach a certain rational number, the output values of the function also approach a specific value.

How is a limit continuous function of rational numbers different from a continuous function?

A limit continuous function of rational numbers is a subset of continuous functions. While a continuous function can have a defined limit at any real number in its domain, a limit continuous function only has a defined limit at rational numbers.

What is the importance of studying limit continuous functions of rational numbers?

Studying limit continuous functions of rational numbers is important in understanding the behavior of functions and their limits at specific points. It also has practical applications in fields such as economics and physics.

What are the criteria for a function to be considered a limit continuous function of rational numbers?

A function must have a defined limit at every rational number in its domain, and the limit must be equal to the function's value at that rational number. Additionally, the function must be continuous at all rational numbers in its domain.

Can limit continuous functions of rational numbers have discontinuities?

No, limit continuous functions of rational numbers cannot have any discontinuities at rational numbers in their domain. If a function has a discontinuity at a rational number, it cannot have a defined limit at that point.

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