Limit of a continuous time Markov chain

In summary: I have no idea what it is. I don't know what your ##\mu^{(s)}## is. Perhaps you mean my ##p(s) = (p_0(s), p_1(s))##. My ##E(X(s) X(s+t))## is the first row of ##p(s) \cdot P(t)##.I am sorry for the confusion. I am not a mathematician and I am quite new to this area of math. I am a software developer and I am trying to understand and implement the mathematics of Continuous Time Markov ChainsI am sorry for the confusion. I am not a mathematician and I am quite new to this area of math. I am a software developer and I
  • #1

Homework Statement

Calculate the limit
$$lim_{s,t→∞} R_X(s, s+t) = lim_{s,t→∞}E(X(s)X(s+t))$$

for a continuous time Markov chain

$$(X(t) ; t ≥ 0)$$

with state space S and generator G given by

$$S = (0, 1)$$

$$ G=
-\alpha & \alpha \\
\beta & -\beta\ \\

respectively, where α, β > 0 are given constants.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

The chain is irreducible with stationary distribution $$π = ( \frac{\beta}{\alpha + \beta} \frac{\alpha}{\alpha + \beta})$$

(as this gives πG = 0).

This i figured out on my own and understand but the next part of the solution i don't get at all.
If anyone can give me an explanation or some hints or point me to an online or offline source
that covers this i would really appreciate it.

Noting that X(s)X(t) = 1 when both X(s) and X(t) are 1 while X(s)X(t) = 0 otherwise
it follows that
$$E(X(s)X(t)) = (\mu^{(s)})_{1} p_{11}(t) = (\mu^{(0)}P_{s})_{1} p_{11}(t) = (\mu^{(0)})_{0} p_{01}(s)+(\mu^{(0)})_{1} p_{11}(s) p_{11}(t) $$
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  • #2
JohanL said:

Homework Statement

Calculate the limit
$$lim_{s,t→∞} R_X(s, s+t) = lim_{s,t→∞}E(X(s)X(s+t))$$

for a continuous time Markov chain

$$(X(t) ; t ≥ 0)$$

with state space S and generator G given by

$$S = (0, 1)$$

$$ G=
-\alpha & \alpha \\
\beta & -\beta\ \\

respectively, where α, β > 0 are given constants.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

The chain is irreducible with stationary distribution $$π = ( \frac{\beta}{\alpha + \beta} \frac{\alpha}{\alpha + \beta})$$

(as this gives πG = 0).

This i figured out on my own and understand but the next part of the solution i don't get at all.
If anyone can give me an explanation or some hints or point me to an online or offline source
that covers this i would really appreciate it.

Noting that X(s)X(t) = 1 when both X(s) and X(t) are 1 while X(s)X(t) = 0 otherwise
it follows that
$$E(X(s)X(t)) = (\mu^{(s)})_{1} p_{11}(t) = (\mu^{(0)}P_{s})_{1} p_{11}(t) = (\mu^{(0)})_{0} p_{01}(s)+(\mu^{(0)})_{1} p_{11}(s) p_{11}(t) $$

If ##P(t) = \exp{( t G)}## (which can be obtained by solving the DE system ##P'(t) = G P(t)## or ##P'(t) = P(t) G##), then for any time ##\tau## the state probability distribution row vector is ##p(\tau) = p(0) P(\tau)##. Thus, ##p(t+s) = p(0) P(t+s)= p(0) P(s) P(t) = p(s) P(t)##, so ##p_1(t+s) = p_0(s) P_{01}(t) +p_1(s)P_{11}(t)##. This implies ##R_X(s,s+t) = p_0(s) p_1(s) P_{01}(t) + p_1(s)^2 P_{11}(t)##.
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  • #3
Ray Vickson said:
If ##P(t) = \exp{( t G)}## (which can be obtained by solving the DE system ##P'(t) = G P(t)## or ##P'(t) = P(t) G##), then for any time ##\tau## the state probability distribution row vector is ##p(\tau) = p(0) P(\tau)##. Thus, ##p(t+s) = p(0) P(t+s)= p(0) P(s) P(t) = p(s) P(t)##, so ##p_1(t+s) = p_0(s) P_{01}(t) +p_1(s)P_{11}(t)##. This implies ##R_X(s,s+t) = p_0(s) p_1(s) P_{01}(t) + p_1(s)^2 P_{11}(t)##.

Thanks! I am getting there slowly!

I think I am with you this far

"If ##P(t) = \exp{( t G)}## (which can be obtained by solving the DE system ##P'(t) = G P(t)## or ##P'(t) = P(t) G##), then for any time ##\tau## the state probability distribution row vector is ##p(\tau) = p(0) P(\tau)##. Thus, ##p(t+s) = p(0) P(t+s)= p(0) P(s) P(t) = p(s) P(t)##, so ##p_1(t+s) = p_0(s) P_{01}(t) +p_1(s)P_{11}(t)##. "

But i don't understand how this implies ##(i)##

"##R_X(s,s+t) = p_0(s) p_1(s) P_{01}(t) + p_1(s)^2 P_{11}(t)##"

And from the solution i don't understand this step ##(ii)##

$$E(X(s)X(t)) = (\mu^{(s)})_{1} p_{11}(t) $$

Your explanation made me understand how this leads to

$$= (\mu^{(0)}P_{s})_{1} p_{11}(t) $$

and I am fairly sure your explanation made me understand this step too, its just the state probability distribution row vector multiplied by the first column of P(S)

$$= ((\mu^{(0)})_{0} p_{01}(s)+(\mu^{(0)})_{1} p_{11}(s)) * p_{11}(t) $$

What i didnt post in my OP was the final steps of the solution

$$→ ((\mu^{(0)})_{0} \pi_{1}+(\mu^{(0)})_{1} \pi_{1}) * \pi_{1} = \pi_{1}^2$$
$$= (\frac{\alpha^2}{\alpha + \beta^2})$$

as s, t → ∞.

Here i understand that because X is irreducible the p's goes to the stationary distribution ##\pi## in the limit.
But what happens to the ##(\mu^{(0)})##'s? ##(iii)##

So there are three things I am still unsure about ##(i)-(iii)##
  • #4
JohanL said:
Thanks! I am getting there slowly!

I think I am with you this far

"If ##P(t) = \exp{( t G)}## (which can be obtained by solving the DE system ##P'(t) = G P(t)## or ##P'(t) = P(t) G##), then for any time ##\tau## the state probability distribution row vector is ##p(\tau) = p(0) P(\tau)##. Thus, ##p(t+s) = p(0) P(t+s)= p(0) P(s) P(t) = p(s) P(t)##, so ##p_1(t+s) = p_0(s) P_{01}(t) +p_1(s)P_{11}(t)##. "

But i don't understand how this implies ##(i)##

"##R_X(s,s+t) = p_0(s) p_1(s) P_{01}(t) + p_1(s)^2 P_{11}(t)##"

And from the solution i don't understand this step ##(ii)##

$$E(X(s)X(t)) = (\mu^{(s)})_{1} p_{11}(t) $$

Your explanation made me understand how this leads to

$$= (\mu^{(0)}P_{s})_{1} p_{11}(t) $$

and I am fairly sure your explanation made me understand this step too, its just the state probability distribution row vector multiplied by the first column of P(S)

$$= ((\mu^{(0)})_{0} p_{01}(s)+(\mu^{(0)})_{1} p_{11}(s)) * p_{11}(t) $$

What i didnt post in my OP was the final steps of the solution

$$→ ((\mu^{(0)})_{0} \pi_{1}+(\mu^{(0)})_{1} \pi_{1}) * \pi_{1} = \pi_{1}^2$$
$$= (\frac{\alpha^2}{\alpha + \beta^2})$$

as s, t → ∞.

Here i understand that because X is irreducible the p's goes to the stationary distribution ##\pi## in the limit.
But what happens to the ##(\mu^{(0)})##'s? ##(iii)##

So there are three things I am still unsure about ##(i)-(iii)##

The ##p(0)##s are irrelevant, because the chain is ergodic; that is, for any starting state-distribution vector ##p(0) = (p_0(0), p_1(0))## we have ##p(s) = p(0) \cdot P(s) \to (\pi_0,\pi_1)## for large ##s##. Your ##\mu## = my ##p##.
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  • #5
Ray Vickson said:
The ##p(0)##s are irrelevant, because the chain is ergodic; that is, for any starting state-distribution vector ##p(0) = (p_0(0), p_1(0))## we have ##p(s) = p(0) \cdot P(s) \to (\pi_0,\pi_1)## for large ##s##. Your ##\mu## = my ##p##.

Thanks. Now its only these two left to understand :)

##E(X(s)X(t)) = (\mu^{(s)})_{1} p_{11}(t)##

##R_X(s,s+t) = p_0(s) p_1(s) P_{01}(t) + p_1(s)^2 P_{11}(t)##Whats the definitions, theorems, equations...that leads to these expressions.
E.g. how is ##E(X(s)X(t))## defined in this setting. Its one component of the probability distribution vector at time s and the 11 entry of the P matrix at time t...where does this come from...and the same question for ##R_X(s,s+t)##
Im stuck and have spent hours searching online for sources covering this...
  • #6
I think the first equality should be ##E(X(s)X(s+t))=(\mu^{(s)})_1 p_{11}(t)##.

Note that the state space of the Markov chain is ##\{0,1\}##.

By the definition of expectation, we have ##E(X(s)X(s+t))=\sum\limits_{i=0}^{1}\sum\limits_{j=0}^{1}ijP(X(s)=i, X(s+t)=j)=P(X(s)=1, X(s+t)=1)##.

We know from conditional probability that ##P(X(s)=1, X(s+t)=1)=P(X(s)=1)P(X(s+t)=1\vert X(s)=1)=(\mu^{(s)})_1 p_{11}(t)##.

Therefore, we have ##E(X(s)X(s+t))=(\mu^{(s)})_1 p_{11}(t)##.

We then use the law of total probability to express ##(\mu^{(s)})_1## in terms of the initial probability distribution ##\mu^{(0)}## and the transition matrix ##p(s)##. We have ##(\mu^{(s)})_1=P(X(s)=1)=P(X(0)=0)P(X(s)=1\vert X(0)=0)+P(X(0)=1)P(X(s)=1\vert X(0)=1)=(\mu^{(0)})_0p_{01}(s)+(\mu^{(0)})_1 p_{11}(s)##.

Putting this expression for ##(\mu^{(s)})_1## into ##E(X(s)X(s+t))=(\mu^{(s)})_1 p_{11}(t)##, we obtain ##E(X(s)X(s+t))=((\mu^{(0)})_0 p_{01}(s)+(\mu^{(0)})_1 p_{11}(s)) p_{11}(t)##.

This latest expression for ##E(X(s)X(s+t))## allows us to evaluate the limit as ##s## and ##t## approach infinity. We have ##\lim\limits_{s,t\to\infty} R_X(s,s+t)=\lim\limits_{s,t\to\infty} E(X(s)X(s+t))=\lim\limits_{s,t\to\infty}((\mu^{(0)})_0 p_{01}(s)+(\mu^{(0)})_1 p_{11}(s)) p_{11}(t)=((\mu^{(0)})_0 \pi_1+(\mu^{(0)})_1 \pi_1) \pi_1=\pi_1^2##.

We used the fact that ##(\mu^{(0)})_0+(\mu^{(0)})_1=1## to obtain the final equality.
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  • #7
JohanL said:
Thanks. Now its only these two left to understand :)

##E(X(s)X(t)) = (\mu^{(s)})_{1} p_{11}(t)##

##R_X(s,s+t) = p_0(s) p_1(s) P_{01}(t) + p_1(s)^2 P_{11}(t)##Whats the definitions, theorems, equations...that leads to these expressions.
E.g. how is ##E(X(s)X(t))## defined in this setting. Its one component of the probability distribution vector at time s and the 11 entry of the P matrix at time t...where does this come from...and the same question for ##R_X(s,s+t)##
Im stuck and have spent hours searching online for sources covering this...

You yourself had the solution at the very start: you said that ##X(s) X(s+t) = 0 ## unless both ##X(s)=1## and ##X(s+t) = 1##, in which case the product = 1. Thus, ##E X(s) X(s+t) = p_1(s) p_1(s+t)##. Now just express ##p_1(s+t)## in terms of ##p_0(s), p_1(s)## and the matrix ##P(t)##. If one of the other things you do not understand here is that ##P(s+t) = P(s) P(t) = P(t) P(s)##, then you really do not understand what Markov processes are all about. This is a fundamental property, found in any halfway decent textbook.
  • #8
Big thank you pizzasky!

Ray Vickson said:
If one of the other things you do not understand here is that ##P(s+t) = P(s) P(t) = P(t) P(s)## then you really do not understand what Markov processes are all about.

That i have understood from the very beginning. I think i was very clear to explain what i did not understand:
##E(X(s)X(t)) = (\mu^{(s)})_{1} p_{11}(t)## (That it really should have been E(X(s)X(t+s)) didnt make things easier.)

And pizzasky's use of the definintion, the conditional probability and the law of total probability was exactly what i needed
and that was a crystal clear explanation.

This is my first course in a very long time. I quit the university long before graduating because i got a good job and now i am back 10 years later. I am working hard to relearn the basics and how and where to apply them but I am not there yet and that is the reason i couldn't connect ##E(X(s)X(t)) = (\mu^{(s)})_{1} p_{11}(t)## to the basic definition, conditional probability and the law of total probability.

That we have a crappy textbook does not make things easier. E(X(s)X(t)) for continuous markov chains is not mentioned anywhere and its a lot of other things that are also left out.

So basically you are of course right. I am far from really understanding the theory about continuous markov processes.
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  • #9
JohanL said:
Big thank you pizzasky!
That i have understood from the very beginning. I think i was very clear to explain what i did not understand:
##E(X(s)X(t)) = (\mu^{(s)})_{1} p_{11}(t)## (That it really should have been E(X(s)X(t+s)) didnt make things easier.)

And pizzasky's use of the definintion, the conditional probability and the law of total probability was exactly what i needed
and that was a crystal clear explanation.

This is my first course in a very long time. I quit the university long before graduating because i got a good job and now i am back 10 years later. I am working hard to relearn the basics and how and where to apply them but I am not there yet and that is the reason i couldn't connect ##E(X(s)X(t)) = (\mu^{(s)})_{1} p_{11}(t)## to the basic definition, conditional probability and the law of total probability.

That we have a crappy textbook does not make things easier. E(X(s)X(t)) for continuous markov chains is not mentioned anywhere and its a lot of other things that are also left out.

So basically you are of course right. I am far from really understanding the theory about continuous markov processes.

My apologies: I made a stupid mistake that maybe confused and mis-lead you. Rather than what I did write, I should have written that ##E X(s) X(s+t) = P(X(s)=1 \: \& \; X(s+t) = 1)## ##= P(X(s) = 1) P(X(s+t) = 1|X(s) = 1) = p(s) P_{11}(t)##. From that, it follows that ##R_X(s,s+t) \to \pi_1^2## as ##s,t \to \infty##.

Actually, I think you are doing pretty well, despite your apparently poor textbook. This is a hard subject, and I think you are doing better than most. Sure, you may lack some background, and need a lot of problem-solving practice, but you are off t a good start. It is an easy subject to make mistakes in (look at my previous post!) but with practice it will become easier.

I can certainly recommend you obtain a supplementary alternative text, of which many are available free on-line as pdf files, mostly. Look for documents with titles like "notes on probability" or "notes on Markov chains" or just plain "Markov chains", and you will soon find many excellent sources. If I were recommending one probability book, it would be "Introduction to Probability Theory", by Feller, Wiley, primarily Volume I, but later also Volume II. It is an old book (dated from the 1970s), but is still one of the very best and by far my favorite. It is a true pleasure to read, but not "trivial". Try checking out a copy from a library, to see what I mean.
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FAQ: Limit of a continuous time Markov chain

1. What is a continuous time Markov chain?

A continuous time Markov chain is a probabilistic model used to describe the behavior of a system over time, where the state of the system can change at any instance in time. It is a type of stochastic process that has discrete states and a continuous time parameter. The transition between states is governed by a set of probabilities and follows the Markov property, meaning that the future state of the system only depends on its current state and not on its past history.

2. What is the limit of a continuous time Markov chain?

The limit of a continuous time Markov chain refers to the long-term behavior of the system as time approaches infinity. It is the steady-state probability distribution of the system, where the probabilities of being in each state remain constant over time. This limit can be calculated using the transition probabilities and the initial state distribution of the system.

3. How is the limit of a continuous time Markov chain calculated?

The limit of a continuous time Markov chain can be calculated using matrix multiplication. The transition probabilities are organized into a matrix, and the initial state distribution is represented as a row vector. By multiplying the initial state distribution with the transition probability matrix repeatedly, the resulting vector will approach the steady-state probability distribution as the number of multiplications approaches infinity.

4. What is the significance of the limit of a continuous time Markov chain?

The limit of a continuous time Markov chain is significant because it provides insight into the long-term behavior of a system. It can be used to analyze the stability and equilibrium of the system and make predictions about its future state. Additionally, it can help identify the most likely state(s) that the system will be in over time.

5. Can the limit of a continuous time Markov chain change over time?

No, the limit of a continuous time Markov chain remains constant over time, as long as the system's transition probabilities and initial state distribution do not change. This is because the probabilities of being in each state will eventually stabilize and remain constant as time approaches infinity. However, if there are changes in the system's parameters or assumptions, the limit may change accordingly.
