Limitations of Using E to Find B in TEM Waves

  • Thread starter yungman
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    Tem Wave
In summary, there are limitations to using \vec H ( \vec r, t) =\frac 1 v \nabla \times \vec E(\vec r, t)\;\hbox { where }\; v= \frac 1 {\mu \epsilon} in certain cases. The medium must be charge free, and the E must be a time harmonic wave, meaning it is a sine wave of a specific frequency \omega. Additionally, there are limitations to using this formula in finding H of TEM wave in different types of mediums (lossless, lossy, or practical good conductor). Lastly, while TEM waves state that E and B are perpendicular to each other and the direction of travel, it is unclear if plane
  • #1
I have questions:
1) What is the limitation of using:

[tex]\vec H ( \vec r, t) =\frac 1 v \nabla \times \vec E(\vec r, t)\;\hbox { where }\; v= \frac 1 {\mu \epsilon}[/tex]

I know for this formula to work, the medium has to be charge free. I want to know in what other cases I cannot use E to find B. I think the E has to be time harmonic wave which mean it is a sine wave of certain frequency [itex]\omega[/itex]. Any other limitation?2) What is the limitation of using the formula in finding H of TEM wave in a medium ( lossless, lossy or practical good conductor )?

3) TEM wave only say E and B are perpendicular to each other and both perpendicular to direction of travel. Is plane wave part of the TEM wave?


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  • #2
I totally updated my original question in the first post.

FAQ: Limitations of Using E to Find B in TEM Waves

1. What is a TEM wave?

A TEM (transverse electromagnetic) wave is a type of electromagnetic wave that propagates through a vacuum or a medium in a direction perpendicular to its electric and magnetic fields.

2. What is the difference between a TEM wave and other types of electromagnetic waves?

The main difference between a TEM wave and other types of electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves or microwaves, is that TEM waves do not have a changing electric or magnetic field in the direction of the wave's propagation. This means that the electric and magnetic fields of a TEM wave are always perpendicular to each other and to the direction of the wave's movement.

3. What are some applications of TEM waves?

TEM waves have a wide range of applications, including in communication systems, radar technology, and medical imaging. They are also commonly used in microwave ovens, satellite communication, and wireless networks.

4. How do TEM waves travel?

TEM waves travel through a medium or vacuum at the speed of light, which is approximately 3 x 10^8 meters per second. They are created by accelerating charges, such as in an antenna, and can propagate through space without the need for a physical medium.

5. Can TEM waves be polarized?

Yes, TEM waves can be polarized. Since they have both an electric and magnetic field perpendicular to each other, the polarization of a TEM wave refers to the direction in which the electric field is oscillating. It can be either horizontally or vertically polarized, depending on the orientation of the electric field.
