Limiting Cycles and Equilibrium Points

  • Thread starter mcafej
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In summary, the conversation discusses determining equilibrium points, limiting cycles, and their stabilities for a set of equations. The equations involve polar coordinates and the attempt at a solution involves finding equilibrium points and using trigonometric formulas. However, it is mentioned that r=0 may not make sense to talk about in terms of cycles. The focus then shifts to considering what θ' means for the solution points and how to find the stabilities of the limit cycles. This exercise is meant to test understanding rather than involve difficult calculations.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Determine Equilibrium points, limiting cycles, and their stabilities for the following equations


The Attempt at a Solution

So I know one equilibrium point is going to be (0,0) because r=0 is a limiting cycle (I believe), and that is simply a point. I also know that r=1 and r=3 are going to be some part of the solution, but I'm not sure how to use that knowledge to compute the equilibrium points. My problem is the θ'. I know that x=rcosθ and y=rsinθ, but I don't really know what to do with the θ'=1 part of the system.
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  • #2
mcafej said:

Homework Statement

Determine Equilibrium points, limiting cycles, and their stabilities for the following equations


The Attempt at a Solution

So I know one equilibrium point is going to be (0,0) because r=0 is a limiting cycle (I believe), and that is simply a point. I also know that r=1 and r=3 are going to be some part of the solution, but I'm not sure how to use that knowledge to compute the equilibrium points. My problem is the θ'. I know that x=rcosθ and y=rsinθ, but I don't really know what to do with the θ'=1 part of the system.

Polar co-ordinates - when r = 0 it really doesn't make too much sense to talk about θ or θ' does it? Nor to call it a cycle. So is r = 0 an equilibrium point or not? If so that's all the description you need of this case.

Don't worry about those trig formulae. What does θ' mean about what any solution point is doing? What is it doing when r= 1 or 3?

You are given a d.e. in 2 time-dependent variables where they are nicely separated into two equations. Lucky. In most cases you either struggle to express the equations in such a way or it cannot be done. You can solve for r as a function of t, and if you really want to show off i think you can manage to solve dθ/dt = 1 too :wink:, but you are not asked to do anything so hard, you are just asked to say what the stability of the limit cycles you find is.

Again to find those stabilities is nothing difficult, you just need to sketch r' against r and consider what it means. This whole exercise is no calculation at all, it is just meant to check you know what stuff means.
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FAQ: Limiting Cycles and Equilibrium Points

1. What is a limiting cycle?

A limiting cycle is a pattern or behavior exhibited by a dynamic system that repeats itself indefinitely. It is often associated with oscillations or fluctuations around a stable equilibrium point.

2. Why is it important to find limiting cycles?

Understanding and identifying limiting cycles can provide insight into the behavior and stability of a system. It can also help in predicting future patterns or behaviors of the system.

3. How can we find limiting cycles?

There are various mathematical and computational methods that can be used to find limiting cycles, such as phase plane analysis, numerical simulations, and bifurcation analysis. These methods involve examining the system's equations and parameters to determine if a limiting cycle exists.

4. Can limiting cycles be controlled?

In some cases, limiting cycles can be controlled or manipulated by adjusting the system's parameters. This can be achieved through mathematical optimization techniques or feedback control strategies.

5. What are some real-world applications of finding limiting cycles?

Limiting cycles can be found in many natural and man-made systems, such as population dynamics, chemical reactions, and economic systems. Understanding limiting cycles in these systems can help in making predictions and informed decisions, such as in resource management and control of diseases.
