Limits after mapping in double integral

In summary: Just remember that r is the radius of the circle, so it only varies from 0 to 1/2 (since the circle has radius 1/2). And yes, r would "beep" when it hits the circle, and then you would integrate over all possible values of theta (from -pi/2 to pi/2) to cover the whole circle. In summary, the conversation discusses finding the area of a double integral with a given integrand and a given area, D. After some attempts at solving the problem, the conversation concludes that the area can be transformed into a simpler form, E, by using polar coordinates and integrating with respect to r and theta. The limits for r and theta are determined
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have the double integral,

∫∫sqrt(x^2+y^2) dxdy, and the area D:((x,y);(x^2+y^2)≤ x)

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

By completing the squares in D we get that D is a circle with origo at (1/2,0), and radius 1/2. Then I tried changing the variables to x=r cosθ+1/2, y=r sinθ and J(r,θ)=r which leads to a not so nice integrand, and stop.

By changing to polar coordinates directly we get that D transforms into E:((r,θ);r^2≤ r cosθ)) which obv equals r≤cosθ, and the integrand r^3, which is nice. Now to my question. What do I know of "E"? What would it look like? What´s the limits?
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  • #2
r varies from 0 to cos(theta). This disk is contained in the right half plane, so x must be nonnegative. That tells you what the restrictions on theta should be. So you get an iterated integral.
  • #3
Hi Vargo, thanks for answering!

I understand that this means that θ varies from -π/2 to π/2, which is the correct answer. Tho I don't understand why it does. I probably don't understand the mapping fully, I think of E as some rectangle in some r,θ-plane, and I don't understand why we look at x after we´ve mapped it into r,θ? Could you explain it a bit more detailed? Really appreciate any help I get...
  • #4
Well, first it is not really a rectangle in the r theta plane. The upper limit of r is not constant but rather depends on theta.

Second, you don't really want to look too much in the "r theta plane". It is better to just have the one picture in the euclidean plane and just think of r theta as alternative coordinates for this plane (at least it makes more sense for me this way). The circle is in the right half plane so yes theta varies from -pi/2 to pi/2 (because those are the angles of the points in the right half plane). Alternatively, you could consider theta to vary from 0 to pi/2 and then 3pi/2 to 2pi, but it is more convenient to let it vary over the connected interval -pi/2 to pi/2.

Think of a radial vector pointing in the direction theta whose length is cos(theta). As theta varies from -pi/2 to pi/2, this radial vector sweeps out the interior of the disk. So in your integral, you first integrate with respect to r (0 to cos(theta)) and then with respect to theta. And of course you integrate with respect to r dr dtheta.
  • #5
Thx! I need to get the picture of this straight in my head, after I've sorted the picture out I have no problems calculating it. Is it correct if I think of it this way?

At first we have the circle, let's call it D, at (1/2,0) with r=1/2. We make the substitution and move into (0,0). We have a radius, which we know is less than or equal to cos theta. To find out what theta is we look for the angle in which we need to sweep to cover D, which obv is
-pi/2 to pi/2. r would work like a radar and beep when he's over our D, and he would only stretch out to the length needed to cover it (how long is none of our business). Would thinking of it this way cause me trouble? :)
  • #6
Sounds about right.

Related to Limits after mapping in double integral

1. What is a double integral?

A double integral is a type of mathematical operation used to calculate the area between a two-dimensional shape and a plane. It involves integrating a function of two variables over a region in the xy-plane.

2. How do you map limits in a double integral?

To map limits in a double integral, you must first visualize the region of integration and determine the boundaries of the region. These boundaries will then be used to define the limits of integration for the inner and outer integrals.

3. What is the purpose of mapping limits in a double integral?

The purpose of mapping limits in a double integral is to simplify the integration process by breaking down the region into smaller, more manageable parts. It also allows for the use of different coordinate systems, making the integral easier to solve.

4. How do you determine the limits of integration for a double integral?

The limits of integration for a double integral are determined by the boundaries of the region being integrated over. These boundaries can be represented by equations or inequalities in terms of the variables being integrated with respect to.

5. Can the limits of integration be changed in a double integral?

Yes, the limits of integration can be changed in a double integral by using a change of variables. This can be useful for simplifying the integral or solving it in a different coordinate system.

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