Limits at Infinity for the Argument Function in Complex Variables

In summary, the author argues that the function Arg(z) is not defined for z = 0, and as a result there exists an infinite number of infinities in ℂ each corresponding to a different value of θ. The limit z \rightarrow∞ of h(z) is then Arg z = θ.
  • #1
ℂI am working on an assignment and have come across a question that I'm not quite sure how to approach. Here it is, with my "solution" and reasoning:

"[F]ind the limit at ∞ of the given function, or explain why it does not exist.

24. [itex]h(z) = Arg z , z \neq 0[/itex]
" (Complex Variables Second Edition by Stephen D. Fisher; pg. 41-42)

First I would like to check my understanding of the function Arg(z). Arg(z) is the principal argument of z. It is the value [itex]\theta_{o}[/itex] in the interval [itex][-\pi, \pi)[/itex]that satisfies the equation [itex]z = |z|(cos\theta + isin\theta)[/itex].

However, unlike the notion of positive and negative infinity in ℝ, there exist an infinite number of infinities in ℂ, each corresponding to a different value of θ. As a result, I argue that:

[itex]\stackrel{lim}{z\rightarrow∞} h(z) = \stackrel{lim}{z\rightarrow∞} Arg z, z \neq 0 = Arg ∞ = θ [/itex]

This is true because there are an infinite number of infinities in ℂ; so θ is any element of the set [itex]\theta_{o} = [-\pi, \pi)[/itex].

Is this the correct approach to this question or am I missing something crucial? This question is a bit "tricky" for me. Does the restriction [itex]z \neq 0 [/itex] limit the solution (ie. does it remove a particular solution from the set described above, or is that simply because the function Arg is not defined for z = 0? (I believe its the latter, but better to be sure!)

Thanks for any and all responses! :)
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  • #2
Hi Tsunoyukami! :smile:
Tsunoyukami said:
Does the restriction [itex]z \neq 0 [/itex] limit the solution (ie. does it remove a particular solution from the set described above, or is that simply because the function Arg is not defined for z = 0? (I believe its the latter …

Yes, it's simply because the function Arg is not defined for z = 0, and has nothing to do with limits at ∞.
First I would like to check my understanding of the function Arg(z). Arg(z) is the 0principal argument of z. It is the value [itex]\theta_{o}[/itex] in the interval [itex][-\pi, \pi)[/itex]that satisfies the equation [itex]z = |z|(cos\theta + isin\theta)[/itex].

That's correct.
However, unlike the notion of positive and negative infinity in ℝ, there exist an infinite number of infinities in ℂ, each corresponding to a different value of θ. As a result, I argue that:

[itex]\stackrel{lim}{z\rightarrow∞} h(z) = \stackrel{lim}{z\rightarrow∞} Arg z, z \neq 0 = Arg ∞ = θ [/itex]

This is true because there are an infinite number of infinities in ℂ; so θ is any element of the set [itex]\theta_{o} = [-\pi, \pi)[/itex].

Is this the correct approach to this question or am I missing something crucial?

That's basically correct, but it would be more straightforward to say that z can approach ∞ along any line of argz = C for any constant 0 ≤ C < 2π, and the limit along that line will be that constant, C …

since that applies for any such C, the limit is undefined. :wink:
  • #3
Thanks a lot!

After reading "the limit is undefined" I thought to myself: why didn't I realize that? Thanks again! :)

Related to Limits at Infinity for the Argument Function in Complex Variables

1. What is the definition of "limit at infinity" for the argument function in complex variables?

The limit at infinity for the argument function in complex variables is the value that the argument approaches as the complex variable approaches infinity. In other words, it is the behavior of the argument function as the complex variable becomes infinitely large.

2. How is the limit at infinity for the argument function in complex variables calculated?

The limit at infinity is calculated by taking the limit of the argument function as the complex variable approaches infinity. This can be done by simplifying the function and then evaluating the limit, or by using L'Hôpital's rule if the limit is indeterminate.

3. What are the possible outcomes of the limit at infinity for the argument function in complex variables?

There are three possible outcomes for the limit at infinity: it can approach a finite value, it can approach infinity, or it can oscillate (have no limit). The specific outcome depends on the behavior of the argument function as the complex variable becomes infinitely large.

4. How does the limit at infinity for the argument function in complex variables relate to the behavior of the function as the complex variable approaches the origin?

The limit at infinity is related to the behavior of the function near the origin by the Cauchy-Riemann equations. If the limit at infinity is finite, the function must approach the origin in a specific way, and if the limit at infinity is infinite or oscillatory, the function must approach the origin differently.

5. Can the limit at infinity for the argument function in complex variables be applied to any complex function?

Yes, the limit at infinity can be applied to any complex function, as long as the function is defined at infinity and the limit exists. This is a useful tool in understanding the overall behavior of a complex function as the complex variable becomes infinitely large.

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