Limits, infinity, and cardinality (oh, and integrals too)

In summary: The integers are subset of all cardinalities, right? We can have 3 members of a set or C members of a set and both are cardinalities.
  • #1
These are some related questions in my mind, though I am rather confused about them.

1. What does [tex]\infty[/tex] at the "end" of the real number line have to do with [tex]\aleph_0[/tex], the cardinality of the integers, and C, the cardinality of the continuum? Is [tex]\infty[/tex] equal to one or the other (if such a thing is meaningful)? I'm pretty sure that this infinity is equal to [tex]\aleph_0[/tex] but I'm interested in anyone else's take.

2. When we find the area under an integrable curve (whether we use Lebesgue or Reimann sums, or whatever) we take the limit of sums of an ever-increasing number of diminishingly-small areas. The number of area elements in this sum, being an integer at any point in the limiting process, is certainly approaching [tex]\aleph_0[/tex]. Ok. So how we does this pass over into something describing continuous functions? If we think of [tex]\int f(x)dx[/tex] as summation of infinitesimal areas [tex]f(x)dx[/tex], then since [tex]f[/tex] is continuous function there are C-many of these area elements, not merely [tex]\aleph_0[/tex].

My guess is that this is something like Fourier series. A function which can be respresented as a Fourier series, even though it is continuous and has C-many points, can be fully described in terms of its Fourier coefficients, of which there are "only" [tex]\aleph_0[/tex]-many. This is not true of every function you can imagine; only those satisfying the conditions which allow them to be represented by Fourier series.

Similarly, if my hunch is correct, it is precisely those functions which are integrable whose areas-under-the-curve can be calculated from a countably-infinite number of area-elements, in spite of the fact that continuous functions have an uncountable number of points. Maybe finite, continuous, but non-integrable functions might have something like an "area" under their graphs, but it would take a sum of C-many area elements to calculate it. I'm totally speculating here.

Heck, for all know, "able to be calculated from a countably-infinite number of area elements" is precisely what integrable means--no more, no less.

Any thoughts from anyone are most welcome.

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  • #2
Ok. Right after posting I figured out the answer to #1. [tex]\infty[/tex] is certainly equal to [tex]\aleph_0[/tex]. If we just think of the number line as comprising only the integers, the infinity at the "end" is certainly [tex]\aleph_0[/tex]. By definition. Well, why would filling in the spaces between the integers with reals make any difference?

If [tex]\aleph_{0}+4=\aleph_0[/tex], then wouldn't [tex]\aleph_{0}+\pi=\aleph_0[/tex] as well? If not, that would be too weird for me!
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  • #3
Well, to begin with [tex]\aleph_{0}[/tex] is not equal to [tex] \infty [/tex] at all.
[tex]\aleph_{*}[/tex] is the cardinality of a set, not the number of elements in the set.

[tex]\aleph_{0}[/tex] describes a specific type of infinite set. that is to say that Some sets have an infinite number of elements in them, but a different kind of infinity. Namely, [tex]\aleph_{0}[/tex] means countably infinite.

When we say that a set S is countably infinite, we mean that there is a 1-to-1 mapping between the natural numbers an the elements in S.
So the set of even numbers is of cardinality [tex]\aleph_{0}[/tex] because we can map 1->2, 2->4, 3-6, ..., n->2n. Similarly the set of odd numbers is also countably infinite because we can map 1->1, 2->3, 3->5, ..., n->2n-1.
We can also count "larger" sets as well. The integers are easily counted by mapping the even natural numbers to the positive integers and the odd natural numbers to the negative integers.

I would say that [tex]\aleph_{0}+4=\aleph_0[/tex] makes no sense. At least not to me. I can only guess that you mean the [tex]Card(A \cup B) \leq Card(A) + Card(B) [/tex] with equality when [tex]Card(A) = \aleph_{0}[/tex] and [tex]Card(B) = n[/tex] where n is in N.

[tex]\aleph_{0} + \pi = \aleph_0[/tex] makes even less sense. The cardinality of a set is (the notion of) the number of elements in a set. How can a set have [tex] \pi [/tex] elements?

Make sense?
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  • #4
grmnsplx said:
[tex]\aleph_{0} + \pi = \aleph_0[/tex] makes even less sense. The cardinality of a set is (the notion of) the number of elements in a set. How can a set have [tex] \pi [/tex] elements?

Ok. So cardinality is not the same thing as number, so we can't just go adding numbers to a ... (what is an instance of cardinality called. "A cardinality"? Like an instance of number is a number?)

The integers are subset of all cardinalities, right? We can have 3 members of a set or C members of a set and both are cardinalities. The only reason we can talk about 3 + pi is that there is other thing called "real numbers". But, as yet, there is no other thing to which [tex]\aleph_{0} + \pi[/tex] belongs. Do I have this right?

So is [tex]\infty[/tex] the same as [tex]\aleph_0[/tex] or not? There is a sense, number-wise not cardinality-wise, in which infinity for reals is the same as infinity for integers. If the definition of [tex]\infty[/tex] is, at least partly, a thing such that [tex]\infty>n[/tex] for every integer [tex]n[/tex], then we automatically get [tex]\infty>x[/tex] for every real number [tex]x[/tex].

And the cardinality [tex]\aleph_0[/tex] is certainly a thing such that [tex]\aleph_0<n[/tex] for every finite cardinality [tex]n[/tex], right? Of course, this is also true for C.

But really, never mind most of that. I'm just getting more confused, I think.

Look at question #2 in the OP. Can we meaningfully speak of the cardinality of the set of all area elements in the limit of the Reimann sum? As we take the limit, the cardinality (of the set of area elements) for every Reimann sum is an integer. So can we speak of the cardinality of the limit? And if so, is that cardinality [tex]\aleph_0[/tex]?
  • #5
"[itex]\infty[/itex] itself is NOT a number and is NOT "at the end of the number line". Saying "x goes to infinity" means that x get arbitrarily large, not that it "goes to" anything called infinity.

No, infinity is not the same as [tex]\aleph_0[/tex]. "Infinity" is, as I said before, a "symbol" used, more or less sloppily, to indicate something getting large without bound. [tex]\aleph_0[/tex] is the cardinality of the set of all natural numbers.

As for your question #2, we only have "area elements" (I take it you mean the rectangles used in defining the Reimann sum) for Reimann sums with a finite number of intervals. Once you take the limit, there is no longer a Reimann sum nor any "area elements".
  • #6
grmnsplx said:
Well, to begin with [tex]\aleph_{0}[/tex] is not equal to [tex] \infty [/tex] at all.
[tex]\aleph_{*}[/tex] is the cardinality of a set, not the number of elements in the set.
which is of course exactly that: the number of elements in the set.
grmnsplx said:
[tex]\aleph_{0}[/tex] describes a specific type of infinite set. that is to say that Some sets have an infinite number of elements in them, but a different kind of infinity. Namely, [tex]\aleph_{0}[/tex] means countably infinite.

When we say that a set S is countably infinite, we mean that there is a 1-to-1 mapping between the natural numbers an the elements in S.
1-1 and onto.

grmnsplx said:
So the set of even numbers is of cardinality [tex]\aleph_{0}[/tex] because we can map 1->2, 2->4, 3-6, ..., n->2n. Similarly the set of odd numbers is also countably infinite because we can map 1->1, 2->3, 3->5, ..., n->2n-1.
We can also count "larger" sets as well. The integers are easily counted by mapping the even natural numbers to the positive integers and the odd natural numbers to the negative integers.

I would say that [tex]\aleph_{0}+4=\aleph_0[/tex] makes no sense. At least not to me. I can only guess that you mean the [tex]Card(A \cup B) \leq Card(A) + Card(B) [/tex] with equality when [tex]Card(A) = \aleph_{0}[/tex] and [tex]Card(B) = n[/tex] where n is in N.

[tex]\aleph_{0} + \pi = \aleph_0[/tex] makes even less sense. The cardinality of a set is (the notion of) the number of elements in a set. How can a set have [tex] \pi [/tex] elements?

Make sense?

of course infinite cardinal plus finite cardinal makes sense. so
[tex]\aleph_{0}+4=\aleph_0[/tex] is true because cardinals addition is the max of the added cardinals. though i don't know about finite cardinals that aren't from the naturals.
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  • #7
pellman said:
1. What does [tex]\infty[/tex] at the "end" of the real number line have to do with [tex]\aleph_0[/tex], the cardinality of the integers,
They have very little to do with each other. Essentially, the only thing they have in common is that [itex]+\infty[/itex] and [itex]\aleph_0[/itex] happen to be the least upper bound of the set of natural numbers in their respective ordered structures. (The extended real numbers and the cardinal numbers, respectively)

2... If we think of [tex]\int f(x)dx[/tex] as summation of infinitesimal areas [tex]f(x)dx[/tex],
Depending on your epistemological views, either:
(1) This is simply a mental fiction used to guide intuition
(2) The notion of an integral is the correct transcription of what our intuition is saying

pellman said:
If [tex]\aleph_{0}+4=\aleph_0[/tex]
This makes sense because there is a (canonical) way to interpret a natural number as a cardinal number, and we can interpret "+" to be the addition operation on the class of cardinal numbers.

then wouldn't [tex]\aleph_{0}+\pi=\aleph_0[/tex] as well?
This, however, is nonsense. There is not a (canonical) way to interpret a real number as a cardinal number, so "+" cannot denote addition of cardinals. None of the usual meanings of those symbols permit that arrangement of symbols to be grammatically correct.
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  • #8
HallsofIvy said:
"[itex]\infty[/itex] itself is NOT a number and is NOT "at the end of the number line". Saying "x goes to infinity" means that x get arbitrarily large, not that it "goes to" anything called infinity.

But there is a thing called the extended real number line which is the reals with two elements denoted by [tex]+\infty[/tex] and [tex]-\infty[/tex], which by definition are greater than and less than all finite real numbers, respectively. See for more.

As for your question #2, we only have "area elements" (I take it you mean the rectangles used in defining the Reimann sum) for Reimann sums with a finite number of intervals. Once you take the limit, there is no longer a Reimann sum nor any "area elements".

Yes, I know. It just bugged me today how--although we generally have discrete things associated with the countably infinite and the uncountably infinite with the continuous--yet, integrals are on operation on continuous functions but are gotten by an apparently countable sum of element areas.
  • #9
ice109 said:
of course infinite cardinal plus finite cardinal makes sense. so
[tex]\aleph_{0}+4=\aleph_0[/tex] is true because cardinals addition is the max of the added cardinals. though i don't know about finite cardinals that aren't from the naturals.

whether or not it makes sense, it doesn't seem the slightest bit interesting.
it doesn't seem worth the bother to define such an operation on such a small set of elements [i.e. aleph_n's and n's]. Why not simply apply the definition I mentioned which applies much more generally.

Furthermore, we should avoid using such an operation as it can lead to confusion (i.e. aleph_0 + pi). Instead of thinking about adding cardinalities (yuck!), we should consider the cardinality of the union of sets. And I think anyone can see that there can never be a set with cardinality pi, or root two, or .5...
  • #10
grmnsplx said:
whether or not it makes sense, it doesn't seem the slightest bit interesting.
it doesn't seem worth the bother to define such an operation on such a small set of elements [i.e. aleph_n's and n's]. Why not simply apply the definition I mentioned which applies much more generally.

Furthermore, we should avoid using such an operation as it can lead to confusion (i.e. aleph_0 + pi). Instead of thinking about adding cardinalities (yuck!), we should consider the cardinality of the union of sets. And I think anyone can see that there can never be a set with cardinality pi, or root two, or .5...

your definition of cardinal addition is wrong. two cardinalities are equal iff there exists a bijection between them. your definition, just like your first mistake, implies there is only an injection.

anyway your quibling over nothing. adding cardinal numbers and considering the cardinalities of the union of sets is the same thing, they exist for exactly that reason. no one that knows what cardinal numbers are will addirrational cardinals because they don't exist.
  • #11
ice109 said:
and considering the cardinalities of the union of sets
Disjoint union.
  • #12
Hurkyl said:
Disjoint union.

yes. forgive

FAQ: Limits, infinity, and cardinality (oh, and integrals too)

1. What is a limit?

A limit is a mathematical concept that describes the behavior of a function as its input approaches a certain value. It is used to determine the value that a function approaches as its input gets closer and closer to a specific value.

2. How is infinity defined in mathematics?

In mathematics, infinity is not a specific number but rather a concept that represents something without an end. It is often used in calculus to describe values or limits that continue infinitely without reaching a specific value.

3. What is cardinality?

Cardinality is a measure of the size or number of elements in a set. In mathematics, it is used to compare the size of different sets and determine if they have the same number of elements or if one set is larger than the other.

4. How are integrals used in mathematics?

Integrals are a mathematical concept used to calculate the area under a curve or the accumulation of a quantity over a certain interval. They are an essential tool in calculus and are used to solve a variety of real-world problems.

5. Can limits, infinity, and cardinality be applied to everyday situations?

Yes, these mathematical concepts can be applied to everyday situations, such as calculating the speed at which an object is falling, determining the number of possible outcomes in a game, or finding the average rate of change in a business's profits over time.
