Line integral and path dependence question

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of line integrals and applying it to find the work done by a non-conservative force from the origin to (1,1). The first method uses direct substitution and results in a work of 0, while the second method uses line integrals and also results in a work of 0. The conversation then explores the implications of this result and the calculation of curl F to confirm that the force is indeed non-conservative.
  • #1
Old Guy
Given F = iy - jx (this is my first post; not sure how you do vector notation here but I'm showing vectors in bold - hope that works). The problem is to show that this is a non-conservative force by integrating from the origin to (1,1) (ie, the path is y=x), and then do it again from the origin to (0,1) and from there to (1,1).

I just don't get how to set up the integrals - can someone help? I understand the concept behind the line integrals, but hit a brickwall trying to apply it. Thanks.
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  • #2

The first part is quite simple - direct substitution. For the second part, what are x and dx =? when you go from (0,0) to (0,1)?
  • #3
Sorry, I don't know how to show integrals in here, but what I believe you do is that F remains the same, and you dot it with dr, which will be (dx,0) for the path from (0,0) to (0,1), and (0,dy) for the path from (0,1) to (1,1). Right so far?
  • #4
Old Guy said:
Sorry, I don't know how to show integrals in here

Refer to this

but what I believe you do is that F remains the same, and you dot it with dr, which will be (dx,0) for the path from (0,0) to (0,1), and (0,dy) for the path from (0,1) to (1,1). Right so far?
You're right about the differentials, but what about x and y along those paths?
  • #5
Thanks for the reference. And I think you've hit on what I don't get - what about x and y? F is the same regardless of path, isn't it? So what's the point (and how is it calculated)? I think that's what I"m missing.
  • #6
F = yi - xj, but what's y equal to when you're on the x-axis; in other words, when moving from (0,0) to (0,1)?
  • #7
y=0 along the x-axis
  • #8
EDIT: Sorry, I've been confusing coordinates here. :redface: When you're moving from origin to (0,1) dx = 0 and x's along the y-axis. I apologise.
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  • #9
I'm not clear on what the question is now . . .
  • #10
Okay, here's how you do it for the path from (0,0) to (0,1)

[tex]\int_{(0,0)}^{(0,1)}(y\hat{i} - x\hat{j}).(dx\hat{i} + dy\hat{i})[/tex]

But since you're moving along a path in which x is a constant, in this case, zero, the above reduces to...

[tex]\int_{y=0}^{y=1}(ydx - xdy) = 0[/tex] (x = 0 and dx = 0)

Is that clear?
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  • #11
Yes, I got that.
  • #12
And I also don't understand how this could come to 0, because the particle was moved over a finite distance by a force - SOME amount of work should have been done!
  • #13
Not necessarily. The work can be zero even in simple circumstances such as carrying a box ("horizontally"). There is a force, the box was moved through a finite distance, yet no (physical) work was done.

When you consider line integrals such as the above, which is a generalisation of the formula W = F.d, you evaluate the work at every point along the path, and then add it all up. It can be positive, negative, or zero.
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  • #14
Right, I do recall that. On this problem, however, the work seems to calculate to 0 for either path, which would imply the force is conservative, which my book says it is not (and I also calculated curl F to confirm this). What am I missing here?
  • #15
Did you calculate the integral from (0,1) to (1,1)?
  • #16
Yes; it was also 0.
  • #17
Can you show your work?
  • #18
Yes, this also came to 0.
  • #19
The path from (0,1) to (1,1) is line y = 1, dy=0
  • #20
I still need a little time to figure out the LaTex stuff, but what I did was for the first step (y,-x) dot (dx,dy). dx=0, so I get -xdy, integrate to get -xy, and evaluat from y=0 to y=1 gives -x.

For the second step, (y,-x) dot (dx,dy) has dy=0, so I get ydx, integrate to get xy, and evaluate from x=0 to x=1 gives y. Summing, I get -x+y. Is the point being made that -x+y does not =0 because the values of x and y along the path do not =0? I'm looking now at my direct integration, which resulted in an integration of (xdx + ydy) from 0 to 1, for which I got 1. Is the force non-conservative because -x+y does not =1?

FAQ: Line integral and path dependence question

1. What is a line integral?

A line integral is a mathematical concept used to calculate the total value of a function along a specific path in a vector field. It takes into account both the magnitude and direction of the function at each point along the path.

2. How is a line integral different from a regular integral?

A regular integral calculates the area under a curve on a 2-dimensional graph, while a line integral calculates the value of a function along a specific path in a 3-dimensional vector field.

3. What is the significance of path dependence in line integrals?

Path dependence in line integrals means that the value of the integral can change depending on the path chosen. This is because the function being integrated may have different values at different points along different paths in the vector field.

4. Can a line integral be negative?

Yes, a line integral can be negative. This can occur when the function being integrated has a negative value at certain points along the chosen path in the vector field.

5. How is a line integral used in real-world applications?

Line integrals have many applications in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields. They can be used to calculate work done by a force, electric or magnetic fields, and fluid flow. They are also used in curve fitting and image processing.
