Line Integral of Scalar Field Along a Curve

In summary: So you can think of U as the set of all possible points, and f as the rule that assigns a number to each point.
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Homework Statement

For some scalar field f : U ⊆ Rn → R, the line integral along a piecewise smooth curve C ⊂ U is defined as

[tex]\int_C f\, ds = \int_a^b f(\mathbf{r}(t)) |\mathbf{r}'(t)|\, dt[/tex]

where r: [a, b] → C is an arbitrary bijective parametrization of the curve C such that r(a) and r(b) give the endpoints of C and a<b .
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  • #2

sorry, for breaking the format. I will put my attempt in the next post. Just wanted to have the stuff rendered on the screen!
  • #3

so the first part is confusing me quite a bit. What does [itex]\mathbf{R}^n\rightarrow \mathbf{R}[/itex] mean?

when I hear "scalar field" I would think of it as a field of some scalar number in space. Maybe like potential? I know that potential energy is a scalar, so I guess potential (i'm thinking electric potential) would be a scalar as well. So at each point in space there could be a different potential. Is this a "scalar field"?

so anyways I think I get that the piecewise smooth curve C is a subset of U. that just means that the curve is somewhere in the potential field right?
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  • #4

basically I'm not asking for someone to explain all of line integrals to me. I have been evaluating them for awhile and have kind of a basic idea of what they are. I'm looking for what this notation is "saying". I am getting lost in all the symbols!
  • #5

##f:U\subseteq\mathbb R^n\to\mathbb R## means that ##f## maps a subset ##U## of the n-dimensional real space ##\mathbb R^n## to the set ##\mathbb R## of reals. So each vector ##\mathbf v\in U## is mapped onto a scalar ##f(\mathbf v)\in\mathbb R##.

Your "potential" example is a good one, and the "field" in this sense is the mapping from ##U## to ##\mathbb R##, and not the set ##U## itself, assigning a "potential" to each point in ##U##. And the curve ##C## lies somewhere in ##U##. It's independent of the field ##f##.
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Second part: if you integrate a function ##f:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R##, say from ##a## to ##b##, you're forming a kind of sum,
\int_a^bf(x)\,\mathrm dx = \lim_{\delta\to0}\delta\cdot\left(f(a)+f(x+\delta)+f(x+2\delta)+ \ldots +f(b)\right).
There's only one path from ##a## to ##b##, and it leads through each intermediate point ##a+n\delta##. If you want to integrate from one point in ##\mathbb R^n## to another, you have to specify which path you are going to take. That's what ##C## describes.
  • #7

ok hold on a second. I am still a little bit confused about your first post (and thanks a ton for making it!)

I'm struggling to understand what you mean when you say each vector that is an element of U is mapped onto a scalar field.
  • #8

so like going with that first analogy. The electric field is a vector field right? each point in an electric field also has a potential. so is the electric field somehow mapped onto the potential field?
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Each vector v in U has some potential, which we call f(v). The "field" here is the function f. In mathematics, a function is also called a "mapping", and each vector v is "mapped" onto the scalar f(v).

Your second example, an electric field ("field" in the physical sense) can be seen as a (mathematical) vector field, i.e. a mapping g that assigns a vector g(v) to each point v in space. This vector g(v) corresponds to the electromagnetic force that would act on a particle at position v.

These two fields, the scalar field f and the vector field g, are related, but not the same. And you can't "map" one to the other, since both are mappings themselves.
  • #10

richyw said:
so like going with that first analogy. The electric field is a vector field right? each point in an electric field also has a potential. so is the electric field somehow mapped onto the potential field?

Potential is a perfect example: for each point (x,y,z) in R^3 you get a number V(x,y,z). So V:R^3 -> R. This notation just means that for each point p = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n) in U you get a number f(p) = f(p_1,p_2,...,p_n).

FAQ: Line Integral of Scalar Field Along a Curve

1. What is a line integral of a scalar field along a curve?

A line integral of a scalar field along a curve is a mathematical concept that calculates the total value of a scalar field along a given curve or path. It takes into account the magnitude and direction of the scalar field at each point along the curve and adds them up to determine the overall value.

2. How is a line integral of a scalar field along a curve calculated?

A line integral of a scalar field along a curve is calculated by first parameterizing the curve with a function. Then, the scalar field is evaluated at each point on the curve and multiplied by the differential of the parameter with respect to the curve. These products are then added up to determine the total value of the line integral.

3. What is the significance of a line integral of a scalar field along a curve?

The line integral of a scalar field along a curve has many applications in physics and engineering. It can be used to calculate work done by a force along a curved path, as well as finding the mass of a wire or string that follows a certain path. It is also used in vector calculus to study vector fields.

4. Are there different types of line integrals of scalar fields along a curve?

Yes, there are two types of line integrals of scalar fields along a curve: the line integral of the first kind and the line integral of the second kind. The former is calculated along a curve in the same direction as the parameterization, while the latter is calculated in the opposite direction.

5. Can a line integral of a scalar field along a curve have a negative value?

Yes, a line integral of a scalar field along a curve can have a negative value. This can occur when the scalar field changes direction along the curve or when the curve loops back on itself. It is important to pay attention to the orientation of the curve and the direction of the scalar field when calculating the line integral.
