Linear Acceleration in a Circular Path

In summary, the bus travels around a circular path with acceleration a(t)=0.5t m/s/s with t in seconds. At some point it has a velocity of 8 m/s. What are the magnitudes of its velocity and acceleration when it has traveled a fourth of the circular track from the point at which it had v = 8 m/s?The bus will travel a fourth of the way around the track in 17.08 seconds.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A schoolbus travels around a circular path with acceleration a(t)=0.5t m/s/s with t in seconds.
At some point it has a velocity of 8 m/s.
What are the magnitudes of its velocity and acceleration when it has traveled a fourth of the circular track from the point at which it had v = 8 m/s?

Radius of the track is 250m

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Using the relation dv=adt,

I integrate both sides, but get confused as to where I should integrate from since the time the bus has a velocity of 8 m/s is not provided. After consideration, I choose:

v initial is 0, v final is 8 and t initial is 0, t final is just t

After integrating, I solve for t to find

t=6.32 at v=10 and v(t)=0.25t^2

then if a fourth of the circle is travelled, the distance traveled is a fourth of the circumference:


then ds=vdt=(0.03t^2)dt
We integrate again to find distance traveled as a function of t
integrate ds from 0 to 125*pi and vdt from 6.32 to t, yielding


From this equation, t=17.08 seconds or it will take 17 seconds to travel a fourth of the way around from this point. From here, we can plug into the a(t) and v(t) equations to answer the question.

I think this is right; however, the first time I solved the problem, I integrated the dv=adt expression from 10 to v on the dv side and 0 to t on the adt side to get v(t)=0.25*t^2+10
I then integrated it again and found the distance as a function of time, solving the time it took to travel from the point at 10 m/s to a point a fourth of the way around the track. What is wrong with this approach?
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  • #2
Your bounds for your first approach are strange. You are saying that

[tex]\int_{10}^{v(t)} dv = \int_{10}^{t} a dt[/tex]

but you don't know v(10).
  • #3
no, that's not correct.
first, the acceleration integral is from starting point t=0.
secondly, the velocity integral is going from 0 to 8 (or as I mistyped it, 10)
  • #4
also, it will take 17-6.32 seconds to travel that 200*pi
  • #5
I don't know if I confused you, or you're confusing me, but your second approach, the first half of your post is right.

For your other method are you saying you wanted to do (?)

[tex]\int_{v(0)}^{v(t)} dv = \int_0^t \frac{1}{2}t dt[/tex]

that is what you did. If I take you literally (what was the typo again?), you are not considering that the bounds have to be the same on both sides of the integral

[tex]\int_{v(t_1)}^{v(t_2)} dv = \int_{t_1}^{t_2} .5 t dt[/tex]

You can't integrate velocity from 0 8, and time from t(2) to t(10). I don't know if this is what were trying to do. On the other hand, you could solve for time when velocity is 8 this way.

[tex]\int_{0}^{8} dv = \int_{t(0)}^{t(8)} .5 t' dt'[/tex]

If this doesn't clear things up, could you reformulate the other method you tried?
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  • #6
I think that's what I did. The confusion is in part because of the 8-10 typo, but also because of the two methods, and the fact that I don't have the capability to make integrals easily. If you know a program that will do this, I'd appreciate it.

The bounds and integrals that I used ended up being:

0 to the final velocity, say 8...integrated dv
equal to
t=0 to t=x, x being the unknown time at which v has reached 8 for the integral of adt

this gave me the time it initial took to go from rest to the point it was at v=8,
at which point i could do the integral of

d to d+125*pi the integral of ds
equal to
x to y(y being the time it took to travel 125*pi from the point v=8) the integral of vdt

does this make sense? I'm doing my best to explain the method clearly, but it's hard wihout integral notation here.
  • #7

FAQ: Linear Acceleration in a Circular Path

1. What is linear acceleration in a circular path?

Linear acceleration in a circular path refers to the change in velocity of an object moving in a circular path. It is a vector quantity that describes the rate of change of an object's speed as it moves around a curved path.

2. How is linear acceleration calculated in a circular path?

Linear acceleration in a circular path can be calculated using the formula a = v^2/r, where a is the linear acceleration, v is the velocity, and r is the radius of the circular path. This formula is derived from the centripetal acceleration equation, a = v^2/r, which describes the acceleration towards the center of the circle.

3. What causes linear acceleration in a circular path?

Linear acceleration in a circular path is caused by a centripetal force, which is a force that acts towards the center of the circle to keep an object moving in a circular path. This force can be provided by tension, gravity, or any other force that can change the direction of an object's motion.

4. How is linear acceleration different from tangential acceleration in a circular path?

Linear acceleration and tangential acceleration are often confused, but they are different concepts. Linear acceleration is the change in velocity towards the center of the circle, while tangential acceleration is the change in velocity along the tangent of the circle. In other words, linear acceleration changes the direction of the velocity, while tangential acceleration changes the magnitude of the velocity.

5. Can linear acceleration in a circular path be negative?

Yes, linear acceleration in a circular path can be negative. This occurs when the direction of the velocity is changing towards the outside of the circle, instead of towards the center. In this case, the linear acceleration is directed opposite to the velocity, resulting in a negative value.

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